Establishing Organic Nursery
Establishing Organic Nursery
Establishing Organic Nursery
Establish nursery
Plant seedlings
Perform plant care and management
Perform harvest and post-harvest
Performance Criteria
1. Establish 1. Seeds are selected in accordance with
nursery the PNS.
2. Seedbeds are prepared in accordance
with planting requirements based on
Vegetable Production manual (VPM).
3. Care and maintenance of seedlings
are done in accordance with enterprise
4. Potting media are prepared in
accordance with enterprise procedure.
What is a Nursery?
The nursery is where young plants are raised and
taken care of until they reach the right size for
outplanting. It also provides enough supply when
the need arises which is more economical than
procuring them from commercial sources. The
production of planting materials requires a nursery
to protect them from natural destructive elements
such as typhoons, floods, or droughts. It also
protects the seedlings from roaming animals and
insect pests to ensure their safety and quality.
Selecting the Site
Clean and free from contaminants
Establish buffer zone if necessary
Put up shade
Avaialability of clean and unchlorinated water
Availability of concoctions
Provision of clean garden tools
Secured area from stray animals
Strictly maintain proper record keeping
Selecting the Site
Area should be large enough to accommodate
the required seedlings and facilities
Area could be flat or slightly inclined to allow
sufficient drainage
Area must be accessible or close to the road
Area must have good soil condition, i.e. dry
sandy loam or loam, topsoil of about 30 cm,
with 5.5 to 6.5 pH and high quantity of organic
Site Preparation
After a suitable nursery site
is selected, remove stones,
rocks, stumps and roots, and
all undesirable vegetation. If
it is sloping, construct bench
terraces following the
contour. Use soil covered
with grasses or dry stones
(riprap) as terrace walls.
Hollow blocks may be used
in exceptional cases.
Nursery Construction
Seedbeds/germination beds are one (1) meter
wide with about 0.6 meter pathway between
Nursery Construction
Germination shed is an enclosed structure for
protection and with windows for adequate ventilation,
and waist-high benches for germination trays.
Nursery Construction
Potting shed is an open-sided structure for
mixing, storing of potting materials, and filling
of plastic bags and other containers.
Seed Selection
The use of genetically engineered seeds,
transgenic plants or plant materials is not
Seeds and plant materials shall be from
certified organic producer, if available.
When certified organic seed and plant
materials are not available, chemically
untreated conventional materials may be used.
Seedbed Preparation
Clear the area
Prepare the beds using indigenous materials
Prepare the growth media
Sterilize beds
Introduce beneficial microorganisms
Provide clean and unchlorinated water
Stricly record the activities
Potting Media Preparation
Collect growth media components (ordinary
garden soil, coco coir dust or carbonized rice
hull, vermicompost)
Mix using the ratio of 1:1:1
Introduce beneficial microorganisms
Potting Media Preparation
Put the mix media in the seedling tray, seedling
box, “arorong” and other growth media
Sow the seeds.
Provide necessary moisture.
Care and Maintenance
of Seedlings