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Cute Pastel Grid Interface Marketing Plan by Slidesgo
Cute Pastel Grid Interface Marketing Plan by Slidesgo
● Speaking skills
Telling what is meant by talking here is the ability to pronounce articulation sounds or
words to express and express thoughts, ideas and feelings, speaking can be measured from the
development of vocabulary and fluency of students’ in speaking.
● Story telling
The story tells something that tells about an action or an event that is conveyed orally with the
aim of sharing experiences with others.
● Enhancing
To improve students' speaking and make them more courageous to talk with their friends.
Speaking is one of the most effective communication tools. Since children are babies, they
often realize that by using body language their needs can be met. But it does not understand
what is meant by the child. Therefore, both babies and young children always try to make other
people understand what they mean. This encourages people to learn to speak and proves that
speaking is the most effective means of communication compared to other forms of
communication used by children before they can speak well.
3. Speaking Assessment
The 2013 curriculum recommends the practice of authentic assessment in world settings
(Fook & Sidhu, 2010, as cited in Wangid, Mus earlier, Senen & Herianingtyas, 2017).
Authentic assessment is an approach that requires teachers to judge from assessing attitudes,
knowledge, and assessing student skills based on the learning process and student learning
outcomes. Due to the learning process, assessment and other things that are considered more
complex than before from the curriculum, some teachers still have some problems in their
2.1.2 Storytelling
By reading story books, teachers can convey messages to children and children can understand stories and
understand wrong and right actions.
Picture props that can be used to convey fairy tales to children include serial pictures in the form of loose paper
and books as well as pictures on a flannel board.
is usually a family doll or stuffed animal. This technique requires more mature preparation in playing dolls. The
skill of playing with dolls is a determining factor for the success of storytelling in addition to voice skills.
d. Storytelling without props
Telling stories without props is also called direct storytelling. This storytelling without props
relies heavily on voice quality, facial expressions, and hand and body movements, which can be
done in a sitting or standing position in a relaxed atmosphere, independent of time and place.
5. Stories Stimulate Children's Verbal skills
The child's verbal ability is more effectively stimulated when the teacher conducts a kind of
test on the child to retell the story. From here, the child learns to speak, rephrasing the ideas he
has heard in his own style. Children arrange words into sentences and convey to the best of their
ability. Children have the experience of saying words and telling stories in their own language.
After getting the experience of telling stories, children will think that speaking can be an
effective way to show their existence. People praise when children speak well and fluently, the
teacher provides reinforcement when children can speak well. This encouragement makes
children feel comfortable and happy. read children to learn to speak better. Stimulating children's
speaking skills is something important. The ability to speak greatly affects the social and
personal adjustment of children (Musfiroh 2005: 101).
6. Storytelling in the 1994 curriculum
In the 1994 curriculum, storytelling was raised in the form of learning items. At GBPKB
Kindergarten these activities appear in the following language development programs:
● Tell stories about events around you in a simple way
● Answering questions about short stories that have been told by the teacher
● Retell the contents of a simple story that has been told by the teacher
● Follow and tell the contents of the picture series
● Continuing the story / simple rhyme that the teacher has started
● Telling the picture that has been provided
● Talk about a game that you made yourself
7. Stories in the competency-based curriculum
Stories in the competency-based curriculum also receive serious attention in the sample syllabus
provided by the Ministry of National Education. Stories are used as material for developing
basic communication competencies. The assessment is aimed at storytelling fluency and
vocabulary mastery.
● Students become passive, because they listen more and receive messages,
● The absorption and grasping power of students is different and still weak, so they like to
understand the main purpose of the story
● quickly grow boredom if the presentation is less attractive.
Improving speaking skills in young children is different from adults, when children require
fun teaching methods. To be able to improve speaking skills to students, the instructions given
must be precise so that they are easy to understand. The method when students receive the
material is very important, the learning process such as dialogue between students and teachers
requires an appropriate method in order to obtain the best results. Teachers must be able to
construct learning models that are in line with curriculum and train students' thinking in order to
obtain the best results. Many factors can improve students' speaking skills; one of them using
storytelling techniques.
Mts Al-khairaat
Lembah tompotika
Enhancing students
speaking skill
Treatment using
story telling
2.4 Hypothesis
Based on the objective of research, the researcher will formulate
the hypothesis as follow:
Telling story is one way that is used to improve speaking skills
in class IX students’ of MTS Al-Khairaat lembah tompotika.
3.1 Research Design
The study will use a pre-experimental design to collect data. The data comes from the pre-
test and post-test. The purpose of this study was to determine whether story telling can
improve students' speaking skills at MTS AL-Khairat Lembah Tompotika by comparing
student scores before and after treatment using one class for pre-test and post-test for using
test results. in the following table.
Tabel 3.1: Research design
¿Qué nos diferencia?
Venus Marte
Mercurio es el planeta Venus tiene un nombre Aunque sea rojo,
más cercano al Sol y el precioso y es el Marte es en realidad
más pequeño del segundo planeta más uno de los planetas
sistema solar cercano al Sol más fríos
“Esta es una cita. Son palabras llenas de sabiduría
que alguien importante dijo y que pueden inspirar
al lector”
—Alguien famoso
Nuestros principios
82 000 $
Viajar Cantar
Leer —Sarah Escribir
Idiomas Pintar
Trayecto del CLIENTE
Conocimient Consideració
n Decisión
Mercurio es el planeta Venus tiene unas A pesar de ser rojo,
más cercano al Sol temperaturas altas Marte es muy frío
Embudo de ventas
a 01
Venus tiene unas Saturno es un
temperaturas gigante gaseoso y
altísimas 02 tiene anillos
DEcisión Compra
A pesar de ser rojo, 04 Neptuno está
Marte es muy frío lejísimos del
planeta Tierra
Venus es el Júpiter es el
segundo planeta planeta más
Venus más cercano al grande del
JÚpiter sistema solar
Amenaza Debilidad
● La competencia A ● Falta de experiencia
● Cambios de consumo ● Presupuesto limitado
Sobre nuestro plan de marketing
15 16 17 18 19 20
22 23 24 25 26 27 saturno
29 30 31
Una imagen siempre refuerza el
9h 55m 23s
El periodo de rotación de Júpiter
333 000,000
Las Tierras que caben en la masa del Sol
386 000 km
La distancia entre la Tierra y la Luna
Encuéntranos aquí
Ceres se encuentra en
el cinturón de
asteroides principal
Saturno está
compuesto por
hidrógeno y por helio
Nuestro equipo
Molly Gabriel
Graham Smith
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