Infection Control (Q & A)
Infection Control (Q & A)
Infection Control (Q & A)
• Outer To Inner
2. Infection occurred following treatment
modality or procedure is known as ??
a) Iatrogenic Infection All hospital acquired infection are known as
nosocomial infection.
b) Nosocomial Infection
Concurrent Infection:
c) Concurrent Infection Two or more forms of an infection existing
d) Fomite Infection Fomite: A non-living object/substance capable of
carrying infectious organisms, and hence transferring
from one individual to another
• Latrogenic Infection
3. While cleaning the eye, it has to be
cleaned from ??
a) Inner canthus to outer canthus
b) Outer canthus to inner canthus
c) Middle of the eye to outer canthus
d) Middle of the eye to inner canthus
• All of these
6. Most important aspect of hand washing is ??
a) Time
b) Type of soap
c) Surface tension
d) Friction
• Friction
7. Which of the following colored containers must be
used for discarding human anatomical waste in
hospital ??
a) Yellow
b) Red
c) Blue
d) Black
• Yellow
8. Thick yellow drainage from the wound is known as
a) Sanguineous
b) Serous-sanguineous
c) Serous
d) Purulent
• Purulent
9. The highest concentration of HIV virus is found in ??
a) Saliva
b) CSF
c) Blood
d) Semen
• Blood
10. Contact precautions are used in caring a patient
with ??
a) Dengue Dengue: Aedis Mosquito borne disease
b) Tetanus
Tetanus: direct transfer of C. tetani spores from
c) Pneumonia soil and excreta of animals and humans to
d) MRSA wounds and cuts
• Droplet
12. Which intervention is appropriate for a client with
skeletal traction ??
a) Pin Care
b) Prone Positioning
c) Intermittent weights
d) 5 lb weight limit
• Pin Care
13. Which type of precautions should the nurse implement
for the client diagnosed with septic meningitis ??
a) Standard Precaution
b) Airborne Precaution
c) Contact Precaution
d) Droplet Precaution
• Contact Precaution
14. Under certain circumstances the virus that causes
chicken pox can also cause ??
a) Athlete’s Foot
b) Herpes Zoster
c) German Measles
d) Infectious Hepatitis
• Herpes Zoster
15. Strawberry spot vagina is seen in ??
a) Candida
b) Trichomonas
c) CMV
d) Herpes Simplex
• Trichomonas
16. Hygiene is a word derived from ??
a) Latin
b) Indian
c) Greek
d) French
• Greek
17. Carrier of avirulent organism is called ??
a) Host
b) Mono Carrier
c) Pseudo Carrier
d) Agent
• Pseudo Carrier
18. Best method of disinfection of hospital waste is ??
a) Fumigation
b) Incineration
c) Sunlight
d) Burying
• Incineration
19. Fungal infection of foot is also called as ??
a) Athletes Foot
b) Gangrene
c) Cellulitis
d) Acne
• Athletes Foot
20. Malta fever is another name of ??
a) Q Fever
b) Scrub Fever
c) Brucellosis
d) Salmonellosis
• Brucellosis
21. The substance which kills infectious agent outside
the body by natural, physical or chemical methods is
known as ??
a) Detergents
b) Disinfectants
c) Antiseptics
d) Antibiotics
• Disinfectants
22. If a person has no resistance of the body, he gets
the disease due to infection, this is called ??
a) Infestation
b) Susceptibility
c) Pathogenicity
d) None of these
• Susceptibility
23. Which plasmodium causes “malignant malaria” ??
a) P. Vivax
b) P. Falciparum
c) P. Ovale
d) P. Malaria
• Plasmodium Falciparum
24. Mode of transmission of Hepatitis E ??
a) Water Borne
b) Blood Borne
c) Air Borne
d) Transplacental
• Water Borne
25. Before blood transfusion blood is screened for the
following except ??
a) Malaria
b) Hepatitis B
c) Hepatitis A
d) HIV
• Hepatitis A
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