Generation of High AC Voltage
Generation of High AC Voltage
Generation of High AC Voltage
• Resonant transformer is one of the best choice for high voltage generation which
operates on resonance phenomenon (XL = Xc).
• In resonance condition, the current through test object is very large and that is
limited only by the resistance of the circuit.
• The waveform of the voltage across the test object will be purely sinusoidal.
• L1 represents the inductance of the voltage regulator and the transformer primary.
L exciting inductance of the transformer, L2 the inductance of the transformer
secondary and C the
capacitance of the load.
• It is possible that for certain loading, resonance may occur in the circuit suddenly
and the current will then only be limited by the resistance of the circuit and the
voltage across the test specimen may go up as high as 20 to 40 times the desired
(1) Application: Resonant transformer is able to produce high voltage and high current
and for extremely high voltage requirement, the cascading of resonant transformer
is also possible.
(2) Output waveform: It gives an output of pure sine wave
(3) Power requirement: The power requirement is less ( only 5 to 10 % of total kVA
required )
(4) Design: Simple and compact test arrangement.
(5) Safety: If the test object is failed during testing, then there is no danger of high
power arcing and heavy current surges occurrence because , due to failure of test
object, the resonance disappears and voltage across test
object collapse.