Plumbing Systems
Plumbing Systems
Plumbing Systems
– Plumbing systems compromise major
subsystems for conveyance of liquids and
gases in pipes within a building
– The plumbing subsystems have different
objectives and must be kept independent of
each other
• Water supply systems
• Water distribution systems
• Waste water removal and rainwater
• Heating gas
Water supply and Distribution
• Water supply and distribution components
– They consist of three major parts:
• Fixtures
• Distribution components
• Distribution accessories
• These fixtures are used in a building according to
codes , owners choice, or architect/engineer
• They constitute the device which use water such
– Water closets (eastern and western)
– Lavatories (sink with hot and cold water)
– Hose bibs
– Water fountains
– Bathtubs
– Janitor sinks
Distribution components
• These include piping connecting fixtures to
the water sources, valves, tanks and other
• Piping : Ferrous (include iron) rust Non-
ferrous (include copper) Plastic
• Other components: valves, shock
absorbers, pressure regulating equipment
Distribution accessories
• These include
– Heaters
– Pumps
– Water softeners
– Etc.
Water supply systems
• Include the following:
– Water sources : public (mains), private (wells)
– Hot and cold service water
– Domestic hot water (DHW) systems
Need to determine
• Estimation of hot water demand in a
building (Table 21.7)
• Temperature at which hot water should be
provided (Table 21.6)
Heat sources
• Natural gas
• Electricity
• Oil and coal fired boilers
• Solar energy
• Heat pump
• Heat recovery
Up-feed Distribution
• Pressure available in water mains is used
to achieve flow pressure at fixtures
• Applicable in small, low buildings of
moderate water demand
Pumped up-feed distribution
5. The “Suction Tank” is a buffer between the system and the street
mains. It holds enough reserve to allow the pumps to make up the
periodic depletion in the house tank. It refills automatically by
gravity from street mains
Pump selection
• Table 21.4
• The capacity of pressure tanks usually is
small in comparison to the daily total water
consumption, they provide short-term
responses to peak flow demands
• The pressure tank should be sized to
deliver about 10 times the pump’s capacity
in gpm.
• For a typical residence allow 10 to 15 gal
tank capacity per person served
• For larger installation,
the size of a pressure
storage tank can be
calculated by
Q 9810 Pa
1 1
Q m 15 x 50 750 gallon
Qm 750 750
P1 50 14.7 1 0.76
1 1
P2 70 14.7
3125 gal
• The capacity of the elevated tank is
usually equal to at least 2 days of average
water usage.
• Table 21.6 represents the hot water
• Table 21.7 domestic hot water
• Table 21.8 HUD-FHA (Housing and Urban
Development) (Federal Housing
Administration), minimum water heater
capacities , residential
• 21.10 domestic hot water consumption
Example 21.2
• Select a natural gas water heater for a five
bedroom house with three baths.
• From Table 21.8: 50 gal, 47 000 Btu/h, 90
gal draw per hour and 40 gph recovery
• From fig 21.22 and Table 21.9 a model
BTH 120 is selected since it exceeds all
the minimums
Example 21.3
• A women’s dormitory housing 300 students, with
a cafeteria serving 300 meals in one hour, is to
be built.
• Find the required hot water storage size for two
– Assuming a minimum recovery rate for both dorm and
cafeteria and
– Assuming a dorm recovery rate of 2.5 gph, which is
half the maximum hourly given in table 21.10 and a
cafeteria recovery rate of 10 gph which is two-third of
the maximum hourly value given in table 21.21
• Use the figures.
• Figure 21.23 a, the minimum recovery rate for women’s
dormitories is 1.1 gph
• For 300 students:
» 300 x 1.1 =330 gph recovery
• At this rate from figure 21.23 a, the minimum usable
storage capacity is 12 gal/student. Assume that 70% of
the total capacity is usable capacity. This means that
70% of the stored hot water is withdrawn , the remaining
water has been cooled (by incoming water) to an
unusable low temperature.
• Storage tank size must be increased by
» 100%/70%=1.43
• Thus 12x300x1.43=5150 gal storage
• From figure 21.23.e, the minimum
recovery rate for the cafeteria (serving full
meals Type A) is 0.45 gph. For 300 meals,
» 300 x 0.45=135 gph recovery
• At this rate the minimum usable storage
capcity is 7 gal/meal.
• Thus
» 300 x7 x 1.43=3000 gal storage
• Combining the requirements for dorm and
» Recovery=330+135=465 gph
» Storage =5150+3000=8150 g
• Faster recovery:
• At the specified dorm recovery rate of 2.5 gph,
» 300 x 2.5=750 gph
• And the minimum usable storage required is 5
• Thus
» 300 x 5 x1.43=2150 gal
• And the specified cafeteria recovery rate of 1.0 gph,
» 300 x 1.0 =300 gph
• And the minimum usable storage required is 2 gal/meal.
» 300 x 2.0 x 1.43 = 860 gal
• Combining these requirements for dorm
and cafeteria:
» Recovery = 750 +300=1050 gph
» Storage = 2150 + 860 = 3010 gal
• For this example , an increase in heater
size of 225% for faster recovery allows the
size of the tank to be reduced to only 37%
Expansion air chambers
P [ Ps ( 9.81 x H Pf Pm )] / L
• Where:
• P= average pressure loss per meter of
equivalent length of pipe, k Pa/m
• Ps=pressure in street main, k Pa
• Pf=minimum pressure requires to operate
topmost fixture, k Pa
• Pm= pressure drop through water meter, k
• H= height of highest fixture above street
main, m
• L = equivalent length of pipe , m
• The pressure due to height of water is 9.8
H, k Pa)
• If the system is down feed supply from a
gravity tank, the term 9.8 H is added
rather than subtracted and replaces Ps:
P [9.81 x H ( Pf Pm )] / L
Bar sin 2
Lavatory 1
Water closet 4
Extra lavatory 1
Shower 2
Total 26