Ie - Ism-Ppt V.01

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01/04/22 Prepared by Haymanot Tsegaye

Part one Part two
 Data center environment
 Information storage
 Data
 Types of data
 Big data
 Information
 Storage

01/04/22 Prepared by Samuel Belayneh

Information storage

 Individuals or organizations process data to drive their day to day activities.

 Storage is a repository that enables users to

persistently store and retrieve this digital data

01/04/22 Prepared by Haymanot Tsegaye


 Data is raw fact from which many conclusions might be drawn.

 The raw data may be

 Airline ticket data
 Hand written letters
 Printed books
 Family photographs
 Bank ledgers and many more un processed data

 In modern ages data is stored in binary forms(0’s and 1’s)

 It is called digital data and is accessible by the user only after a computer processes it

01/04/22 Prepared by Haymanot Tsegaye


 With the advancement of computer and communication technologies data generation and sharing rat is increasing.
Some of the factors that made this happen are:
 Increase in data processing capability
 Lower cost of digital storage
 Affordable and faster communication technologies
 Proliferation of application and smart devices

01/04/22 Prepared by Haymanot Tsegaye

Types of data

 based on how it is stored data can be

 Structured or
 Un structured

 Structured data is organized in rows and column in a defend format so that application can retrieve it effectively and

 Data is unstructured if its elements cannot be stored in rows and columns which makes it difficult to query and retrieve
by applications.

01/04/22 Prepared by Haymanot Tsegaye

 Big Data 

• Big data is a new and evolving concept, which refers to data sets whose sizes
are beyond the capability of commonly used software tools to capture, store,
manage, and process within acceptable time limits.

• It includes both structured and unstructured data.

01/04/22 Prepared by Haymanot Tsegaye


 Data, whether structured or unstructured, does not fulfill any purpose for individuals or businesses unless it is
presented in a meaningful form.

 Information is the intelligence and knowledge derived from data.

01/04/22 Prepared by Haymanot Tsegaye


 Data created by individuals or businesses must be stored so that it is easily

accessible for further processing.

 In a computing environment, devices designed for storing data are termed storage devices or simply
storage. Some of the storage devices are:
 Media card in cell phones
 DVDs
 Disk drives in personal computers (HDD, SDD)
 Tapes

01/04/22 Prepared by Haymanot Tsegaye

Data Center

 Data centers house and manage large amounts of data.

 The data center infrastructure includes

 hardware components, such as :
 computers,
 storage systems,
 network devices,
 and power backups;
 and software components, such as:
 applications,
 operating systems,
 management software's


01/04/22 Prepared by Haymanot Tsegaye

Core elements of modern data centers

 The following are the core elements of data centers:

 Applications
 Database management systems(DBMS)
 Host or compute
 Network
 Storage

 Data centers should meet the following to function efficiently

 Availability
 Scalability
 Integrity
 Security
 Performance
 Capacity
 manageability

01/04/22 Prepared by Samuel Belayneh


 Virtualization is a technique of abstracting physical resources, such as compute,

storage, and network, and making them appear as logical resources.

 For example, storage virtualization enables multiple pooled storage devices to appear as a single large
storage entity


01/04/22 Prepared by Samuel Belayneh

Cloud Computing

 Cloud computing enables individuals or businesses to use IT resources as a service over

the network.

 It provides highly scalable and flexible computing that enables provisioning of resources on demand.

 Users can scale up or scale down the demand of computing resources, including storage capacity, with
minimal management effort or service provider interaction


01/04/22 Prepared by Samuel Belayneh


 application is a computer program that provides the logic for computing


 Applications deployed in a data center environment are commonly categorized as:

 business applications,
 infrastructure management applications,
 data protection applications, and
 security applications.

 Some examples of these applications are:

 e-mail, enterprise resource planning (ERP),
 decision support system (DSS),
 resource management,
 backup, authentication and antivirus applications, and so on.

01/04/22 Prepared by Samuel Belayneh

Data Base Management System

 database is a structured way to store data in logically organized tables that

are interrelated.

 It optimizes the storage and retrieval of data.


01/04/22 Prepared by Samuel Belayneh

Host (Compute)

 computers on which applications run are referred to as hosts or compute systems.

 Hosts can be physical or virtual machines.

 A compute virtualization software enables creating virtual machines on top of a physical compute

 host consists of CPU, memory, I/O devices, and a collection of software to perform computing


01/04/22 Prepared by Samuel Belayneh

Operating systems

 It helps applications and the physical components of a compute system to communicate.

 In a virtualized compute environment, the virtualization layer works between

the operating system and the hardware resources.


01/04/22 Prepared by Samuel Belayneh

Device Drivers

 A device driver is special software that permits the operating system to interact
with a specific device, such as a printer, a mouse, or a disk drive.

 A device driver enables the operating system to recognize the device and to access and control

 Device drivers are hardware-dependent and operating-system-specific


01/04/22 Prepared by Samuel Belayneh

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