Gas Cooled Reactors: Magnox, AGR and HTGR
Gas Cooled Reactors: Magnox, AGR and HTGR
Gas Cooled Reactors: Magnox, AGR and HTGR
Magnox NPP
Magnox - cooling system
Magnox Cont.
Graphite moderated , Carbon dioxide coolant
At a temperature of about 680°C increasing
disintegration of CO2+C to 2CO, prevention by CO2
doping with methane.
Natural uranium metallic fuel clad in magnesium
alloy (magnox), the magnox cladding surrounding
the fuel contained the fission products and with fins
on the outer surface to promote the heat transfer to
the coolant.
Design constrain- uranium metal melts at 1130 °C
and undergoes an α-β phase transition at 661°C
which case a volume change of about 1%.
The peak fuel temperature not more than 660°C.
The clad magnesium alloy melts at 650°C. These
limitations limit the maximum coolant temperature
to 400°C and this lower the efficiency to about 30%.
Section II
1. Charge tubes
2. Control rods
3. Graphite moderator
4. Fuel assemblies
5. Concrete pressure vessel
and radiation shielding
6. Gas circulator
7. Water
8. Water circulator
9. Heat exchanger
10. Steam
AGR – Advanced Gas Reactor
To increase the efficiency of a slightly enriched UO2 (2.5%) is used which
make the fuel withstand a much higher temperature.
The efficiency increases to 40% by increasing the coolant operating
temperature to 650 oC.
AGR fuel claddings are hollow tubes made of austenitic stainless steel.
The clad used to encapsulate the fuel pellets so that they remain leak-free
in the reactor core operating at a 40 bar pressure of CO2-coolant
AGR Core
AGR Cont.
TFuel<1300 °C
TIn ~310 °C
TOut ~675 °C
Tsteam ~553 - 650 °C
TGraphite ~500 °C to reduce C loss
The fuel elements of an AGR are comprised of 36 pins containing small pellets
containing uranium built into a graphite sleeve. Seven or eight fuel elements are fixed
together vertically by a tie bar which passes through the centre of the elements to
form a fuel stringer.
A plug unit is attached to the top of the stringer to form a complete fuel assembly.
An assembly is placed into each of the standpipes, so that the fuel elements are
positioned within the graphite core’s fuel channels and are then sealed in by the plug
The graphite core also contains channels for boron steel control rods, which can be
raised and lowered by electric motors to control the reactor power by absorbing
neutrons and stopping those splitting atoms.
Magnox and AGR vs PWR
PWR fuel assembly:
AGR fuel
assembly: UO2 pellets loaded into fuel
UO2 pellets loaded pins of zirconium each ~ 3
m long in bundles of ~200
into fuel pins of
stainless steel each
~ 1 m long in
bundles of 36.
Whole assembly in
a graphite
Magnox fuel rod:
Natural Uranium metal bar
approx 35mm diameter and
Burnable 1m long in a fuel cladding
poison made of MagNox.
Section III