Chapter - 1 Object-Oriented & Objectrelational Databases

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Advanced Database System(CoSc2042)

Chapter one

Object-oriented & object-relational databases


Definition of Terms

Database  is an organized collection of related data held in

a computer or a data bank, which is designed to
be accessible in various ways.

 The technology of storing and retrieving users’ data

DBMS with utmost efficiency along with appropriate
security measures.
 A software package/ system to facilitate the creation
and maintenance of a computerized database.

 The DBMS software together with the
data itself.
Types of DBMS Models

Hierarchical Database Model.
• In a Hierarchical database model, the
data is organized in a tree-like
• Data is Stored Hierarchically (top
down or bottom up) format.
• Data is represented using a parent-
child relationship that are one to one
or one to many.
• In Hierarchical DBMS parent may
have many children, but children have
only one parent.

Network Database Model
• The network database model allows each child to have multiple parents.
• More complex relationships such as the orders/parts many-to-many
• The entities are organized in a graph which can be accessed through
several paths.

Relational Database Model
• Most widely used DBMS model
• Easiest
• Based on normalizing data in the rows and columns of the tables.
• Data is stored in fixed structures and manipulated using SQL.

Relational model (70’s):
 Clean and simple.

 Great for administrative and transactional data.

 Not as good for other kinds of complex data (e.g.,

multimedia, networks, CAD).
 Relations are the key concept, everything else is around
 Primitive data types, e.g., strings, integer, date, etc.

 Great normalization, query optimization, and theory

What is missing??
 Handling of complex objects
 Handling of complex data types
 Code is not coupled with data
 No inherence, encapsulation, etc.

Object-Oriented Database Model
• In Object-oriented Model data stored in the form of objects.
• The structure which is called classes which display data within it.
• It defines a database as a collection of objects which stores both data
members values and operations.

Object-Oriented models (80’s):

 Complicated, but some influential ideas from Object

 Complex data types.

Programming languages
Idea: Build DBMS have
based on evolved from Procedural to Object
OO model.
Oriented. So why not DBMSs ???

• Properties
• Name
• Height
• Weight……..
• Behaviors
• Eat
• Pray
• Walk …..
Application areas

: Computer aided software engineering

: Computer aided design

: Computer aided manufacture

OO vs. EER Data Modeling
Object Oriented EER
Class Entity type
Object Entity instance
Association Relationship
Inheritance of attributes Inheritance of attributes
Inheritance of behavior No representation of

Object-oriented modeling is frequently accomplished using the

Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Logical & physical layers

OO concepts (mandatory concepts)
 The Golden Rules/1 DBMS concepts (mandatory concepts)
 Complex objects The Golden Rules/2
 Persistence
 Object identity
 Secondary storage management
 Encapsulation  Concurrency
 Recovery
 Types and/or Classes
 Ad Hoc Query Facility
 Class or Type Hierarchies

 Overriding, overloading

 Computational completeness

 Extensibility- user-defined types can be used in the same way as

15 system-defined types
The Goodies(Optional concepts that may be implemented)
 Multiple inheritance

 Type checking and type inferencing

 Distribution

 Design transactions

 Versions

Two approaches of Object oriented DB
 Object-Oriented Model (OODBMS)
 Pure OO concepts

 Example: Orian, Iris

 Object-Relational Model (ORDBMS)

 Extended relational model with OO concepts

 Example: Oracle, 8i, SQL Server 2000

Object Data Management Group(ODMG )
 ODMG— to define standards for OODBMSs.

 Its standard is 3.0 which is popular.

 provide a standard where previously there was none

 support portability between products

 standardize model, querying and programming issues

 Language of specifying the structure of object database

 ODL: Object Definition Language
 OQL: Object Query Language

 ODL is somehow similar to DDL (Data Definition Language) in

Feature of OODBMS
 An object typically has two components:

 state (value) and

 behavior (operations).

 Objects can transient or persistent.

 To make the object persistent we need OODBMS.

 OO database provides a unique system-generated object

identifier (OID) for each object (similar to the concept of
primary key)

ODMG Objects and Literals
 The basic building blocks of the object model are:
 Objects
 Literals
Objects are described by four characteristics
1. Identifier : unique system wide identifier.
2. Name : is used to refer the objects. It is optional
3. Life time
 Transient - unstable and can be updated and deleted
 Persistent – permanent object like (oodb)
 Naming – giving name
 Reachable- Collecting similar objects under one name.
4. Structure: specifies how the object is constructed by using type constructors
 It also Specifies whether the object is atomic or collection type
Objects type
 In ODBs, a complex type may be constructed from other

types by nesting of type constructors.

 The three most basic constructors are

 Atom,

 Struct (or tuple), and

 Collection.

Atomic constructors

 Includes the basic built-in data types of the object

model, which are similar to the basic types in many
programming languages: integers, strings, floating
point numbers, enumerated types, Booleans.
 They are called single-valued or atomic types, since
each value of the type is considered an atomic
(indivisible) single value.

struct (or tuple) constructor
 Create standard structured types, such as the tuples (record
types) in the basic relational model.
 Referred to as a compound or composite type

 Example

 struct Name<FirstName: string, MiddleInitial: char,

LastName: string>,
struct CollegeDegree<Major: string, Degree: string, Year:

Collection (or multivalued)
 Collection is used to create complex nested type structures in
the object model.
 Collection type constructors includes;

 Set(T),

 List(T),

 Bag(T),

 Array(T), and

 Dictionary(K,T) type constructors.

Collection Objects(types)
 Set<T>: unordered collections that do not allow duplicates.
 used to create objects such that the value of the object is set
whose elements are of type T.
 Operations : Intersection, union, & set difference.
 Bag<T>: allows duplicate elements in the collection and also inherits the
collection interface.

 Has three operations

 Create_union(b)
 Create_intersection(b) and
 Create_difference(b) that all return a new object of type Bag<T>

 List<T>: create collections where the order of the elements is
 The value of object is an ordered list whose elements are of type
 We can refer to the first, last, and ith element in the list.
 Operations
 O.insert_element_first(E)— inserts the element E before the first
element in the list O.
O.insert_element_last(E) &
 O.insert_element_after(E, I)—inserts the element E after the ith
element in the list O and Raise the exception InvalidIndex if no ith
element exists in O.
E = O.remove_first_element(),
 E = O.remove_last_element(), and
27 E = O.remove_element_at(I) remove the indicated element from the
 E = O.retrieve_first_element(),

 E = O.retrieve_last_element(), and

 E = O.retrieve_element_at(I) are used to retrieve an element

without removing it from the list
 To manipulate lists two operations are defined.

 P = O.concat(I) creates a new list P that is the concatenation

of lists O and I (the elements in list O followed by those in list
I), and
 28O.append(I) appends the elements of list I to the end of list O
 Array<T>: set of sorted list referenced by index.

 Operations
 O.replace_element_at(I, E) replaces the array element at position
I with element E;
 E = O.remove_element_at(I) retrieves the ith element and
replaces it with a NULL value; and
 E = O.retrieve_element_at(I) simply retrieves the ith element of
the array.
 Any of these operations can raise the exception InvalidIndex if I is
greater than the array’s size.
 O.resize(N) changes the number of array elements to N.
 Dictionary<K,V>: allows the creation of a collection of
association pairs <K,V>, where all K (key) and V(values) are
 Operations

If O is a collection object of type dictionary<K,V>, then

 O.bind(K,V) binds value V to the key K

 O.unbind(K) removes the association with key K from O, and

 V = O.lookup(K) returns the value V associated with key K in O.

 The latter two operations can raise the exception KeyNotFound.

 O.contains_key(K) returns true if key K exists in O, and returns false

Object types
 An object is made of two things:
 State: is defined by the values of an object carries for a set of
properties, which may be either an attribute of the object or a
relationship between the object and one or more other objects.
 Attributes (name, address, birthDate of a person)
 Behaviour: is defined by a set of operations that can be
performed on or by the object.
 operations (age of a person is computed from birthDate and
current date)

Object types

• Department, Performance, Marriage,

Concept or

• User interface, Controller, Scheduler

Artifact of the
Object Factory
 The object that helps to generate many objects through

 Date object – can generate many calendar dates
 Ethiopian calendar
 European calendar
 Arabic calendar
 Indian calendar

 An attribute is defined on a single object type.

 Takes as its value a literal or an object identifier.

Example: a Branch class has attributes for the branch number,

street, city, and postcode.


 Relationships are defined between types.

 Only binary relationships with cardinality 1:1, 1:*, and *:*.

 A relationship have a name &, is not a ‘first class’ object;

 Traversal paths are defined for each direction of traversal.

Example: a Branch Has a set of Staff and a member of Staff WorksAt a




 A function or service that is provided by all instances of a class
 Types of operations:
 Constructor: creates a new instance of a class

 Query: accesses the state of an object but does not alter its
 Update: alters the state of an object

 Scope: operation applying to the class instead of an instance

Operations implement the object’s behavior

Powerful Type System
 Primitive types
• Integer, string, date, Boolean, float, etc.
 Structure type
• Attribute can be a record with a schema
• Struct {integer x, string y}
 Collection type
• Attribute can be a Set, Bag, List, Array of other types
 Reference type
• Attribute can be a Pointer to another object
Example Of UML Classes
 Identity: every object has a unique identity
 Object identity must be unique and non-volatile(immutable)
 In time: can not change and can not be re-assigned to another
object, when the original object is deleted
 In space: must be unique within and across database
Types, classes, interfaces, and inheritance
 In the ODMG Object Model there are two ways to specify object
 Interfaces, and
 classes.

 Interface --- defines only the abstract behavior of an object type,

using operation signatures.
 Allows behavior to be inherited by other interfaces and classes
using the ‘:’ symbol.
 properties (attributes and relationships) cannot be inherited.

42Interface is Noninstantiable
 Class defines both the abstract state and behavior of an object
 Class is instantiable (thus, interface is an abstract concept and
class is an implementation concept).
 Use the extends keyword to specify single inheritance between
classes. Multiple inheritance is not allowed.
 Classes encapsulate data + methods + relationships

 In OODBMSs objects are persistent (unlike OO programming

 The interface part of an operation is sometimes called the signature, and the
Extents and keys
 Extent and keys are Specified during class definition:

 Extent is the set of all instances of a given type within a particular

 Deleting an object removes the object from the extent of the type.

 Key uniquely identifies the instances of a type (similar to the concept

of a candidate key).
 A type must have an extent to have a key.

 A key is different from an object name; key is composed of

properties specified in an object type’s interface whereas an object
name is defined within the database type.
Abstraction, Encapsulation, and Information Hiding
 Abstraction is the process of identifying the essential aspects of
an object by ignoring an irrelevant properties.
 Encapsulation -- also known as data hiding, is the mechanism
whereby the implementation details of a class are kept hidden
from the user.

 Hiding of ADT internals (implementation) is called

 Information hiding-- separate the external aspects of an object
from its internal details, which are hidden from the outside world.
 Focus more on data security
 To encourage encapsulation, an operation is defined in
two parts.
 Signature or interface of the operation specifies the operation
name and arguments (or parameters).
 Method or body specifies the implementation of the operation,
 General purpose programming language.

 Operations can be invoked by passing a message.

 A class can be defined in terms of another one.
name: {firstName: string,
middleName: string,
 Allows the definition of new types based on other lastName: string}
address: string
predefined types, leading to a type (or class) birthDate: date

age(): Integer
hierarchy. changeAddress(newAdd: string)

 Example

 Person is super-class and Student is sub- Student

class. regNum: string {PK}

major: string

 Student class inherits attributes and register(C: Course): boolean

operations of Person.
Types of inheritance(Multiple and Selective Inheritance)

 Multiple inheritance: a class inherits features from more than

one superclass .
 Example: Engineer_Manager that is a subtype of both Engineer and

 This leads to the creation of a type lattice rather than a type hierarchy.

 Selective inheritance: occurs when a subtype inherits only some

of the functions of a super type.
 The mechanism of selective inheritance is not typically
provided in ODBs,
 It is used more frequently in artificial intelligence applications.
 Polymorphism - the ability to appear in many forms.
 Ability to process objects differently depending on their data
type or class.
 It is the ability to redefine methods for derived classes.

 Overloading –
 allows the name of a method to be reused within a class

 Overriding –

 allows the name of a property to be redefined in a subclass.

 Dynamic binding - allows the determination of an object’s type

Overloading Overriding
 Extensibility allows the creation of new data types, i.e. user-
defined types, and operations from built-in atomic data types and
user defined data types using the type constructor.
 A type constructor is a mechanism for building new domains.

 A complex object is built using type constructors such as sets,

tuples, lists and nested combinations.
 A combination of an user-defined type and its associated
methods is called an abstract data type (ADT).

 The process of maintaining the evolution of objects is known as
version management.
 An object version represents an identifiable state of an object;
a version history represents the evolution of an object.
 Versioning should allow changes to the properties of objects to
be managed in such a way that object references always point
to the correct version of an object.

Overview of ODL & OQL
 The Object Definition Language (ODL) is a language for
defining the specifications of object types for ODMG-compliant

 The ODL defines the attributes and relationships and signature of

the operations, but it does not address the implementation of

Overview of ODL & OQL
 The Object Query Language (OQL) provides declarative
access to the object database using an SQL-like syntax.

 It does not provide explicit update operators, but leaves this to

the operations defined on object types.

 An OQL query is a function that delivers an object whose type

may be inferred from the operator contributing to the query

 OQL can be used for both associative and navigational access.

Querying object-relational database
 Most relational operators work on the object-relational tables

 E.g., selection, projection, aggregation, set operations

 Several major software companies including IBM, Informix,

Microsoft, Oracle, and Sybase have all released object-relational
versions of their products.
 SQL-99 (SQL3): Extended SQL to operate on object-relational

Defining Generalization
OQL following the given classes;

Suppose we want to find the title and credit hours for MBA 664.

Find the age of John Marsh

returns a collection (bag) of
student objects for which the gpa
Con… is greater than or equal to 3.0.

• Finding student objects having gpa 3;

• select s from students s where s.gpa = 3.0;
• Finding Distinct Values
• select distinct s.age from students s where s.gpa =3.0;
• Querying Multiple Classes
• select distinct y.crse_code from courseofferings x,
x.belongs_to y where x.term = “Fall 2005”;
Suppose that we want to find the number of students enrolled in section 1 of the MBA664
course. The enrollment operation is available in CourseOffering, but the course code is
available in Course.
• select x.enrollment from courseofferings x, x.belongs_to y where
y.crse_code = “MBA 664” and x.section = 1;

This query traverses two paths, one using the takes relationship and the other using
the belongs_to relationship, to find the codes and titles of all courses taken by Mary
• select c.crse_code, c.crse_title from students s, s.takes x, x.belongs_to
c where = “Mary Jones”;

We can also select a structure consisting of multiple components. For example,

the following query returns a structure with age and gpa as its attributes.
Calculating Summary Values
• count(students) ;
We could have also written this query as
• select count (*) from students s;
• select avg_salary_female: avg (e.salary) from employees e
where e.gender = female;
 To find the maximum salary paid to an employee, we use the
max function:
• max (select salary from employees); OR
• Select max(e.salary) from employees e;
 To find the total of all employee salaries, we use the sum
• sum (select salary from employees);
Calculating Group Summary Values
select min (e.salary) from employees e group by e.gender;

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