House's Path Goal Theory
House's Path Goal Theory
House's Path Goal Theory
Leadership Achievement-oriented:
Styles o The leader sets challenging goals and encourages employees to reach
their peak performance. The leader believes that employees are
responsible enough to accomplish challenging goals. This is the same as
goal-setting theory.
o The leader adopting the participative style is facing followers who are
similar to those in the supportive style, however, here the work is
much less structured, repetitive and predictable. With this approach,
the leader consults their colleagues on decisions and takes their
-According to the theory, these leadership opinions and ideas into account, strengthening the path-goal
styles are not mutually excusive, and connection in three ways;
leaders can select more than one kind of a
style suited for a particular situation.
The theory states that each of these styles will be
effective in some situations but not in others. It
further states that the relationship between a
leader’s style and effectiveness is dependent on the
following variables:
Employee characteristics: These include factors
The theory has been subjected to empirical
such as employees’ needs, locus of control, testing in several studies and has received
experience, perceived ability, satisfaction, considerable research support.
willingness to leave the organization, and
This theory consistently reminds the
leaders that their main role as a leader is
Characteristics of work environment: These to assist the subordinates in defining their
include factors such as task structure and team
dynamics that are outside the control of the
goals and then to assist them in
employee. accomplishing those goals in the most
efficient and effective manner.
o When team cohesiveness is low, a supportive
leadership style must be used whereas in a This theory gives a guide map to the
situation where performance-oriented team leaders about how to increase subordinates'
norms exist, a directive style or possibly an satisfaction and performance level.
achievement-oriented style works better. Leaders
should apply directive style to counteract team
norms that oppose the team’s formal objectives.