Educ 104 FNDTN of Sped Lecture 1

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Definition, Goals, and Scope of Special

and Inclusive Education

Local Flavor. Global Future

CMU Digital Academics

Learning Objectives: At the end of the topic the learner will be able to:

 LO 1 demonstrate an in-depth understanding of concepts related to inclusive and special

education that promote supportive environments to diverse learners (like inclusion,
integration, mainstream, transition, etc.) as indicated in the DepEd Inclusive Education Policy;

Local Flavor. Global Future

Local Flavor. Global Future
Local Flavor. Global Future

Local Flavor. Global Future


Local Flavor. Global Future

Because the five systems are interrelated, the influence of one system on a child’s development depends on its relationship with the others.

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Local Flavor. Global Future

Local Flavor. Global Future
Local Flavor. Global Future
Local Flavor. Global Future
Local Flavor. Global Future

Local Flavor. Global Future


Inclusive Education is the core principle of the K to 12 Basic Education Program.

Every child has the right to quality education and learning

This promotes the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete basic education.

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 Inclusive education is the most effective way to give all children a fair
chance to go to school, learn and develop the skills they need to thrive.

Inclusive education means all children in the same classrooms, in the

same schools. It means real learning opportunities for groups who
have traditionally been excluded – not only children with disabilities,
but speakers of minority languages too.

Inclusive systems value the unique contributions students of all

backgrounds bring to the classroom and allow diverse groups to grow
side by side, to the benefit of all.

Local Flavor. Global Future


Special Education, also known as Special Ed or SPED, is a set of

educational programs or services specially designed to meet the
unique needs of learners with disabilities that cannot be sufficiently
met using traditional educational programs or techniques.

Special Education services and programs may be provided

individually(one-on-one set up) or in a group with other learners with
similar educational needs.

Local Flavor. Global Future


SPED in the Philippines started in 1908 where the school for the Deaf (in
Harrison, Pasay City) was established and marked the official government
recognition of its obligation towards the education of the handicapped

Rep. Act No. 3562 (June 1963)- An Act to promote the Education of the Blind
in the Philippines which established teacher training course and Philippine
School for the Blind.

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Philippine Normal College offered courses in SPED for teaching the blind in
1964 wherein 14 elementary school teachers were selected for training.

1952- a pilot school for Special Education (at the Philippine Women
University) of the mentally handicapped children was started. All children
from this schools were trasnsfered to the Special Study Center in Cubao Q.C.
in 1957.

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Article1, Section 5 of the Child and Youth Welfare Code (PD. NO 603)

states that the ultimate goal of special education shall be the

integration or mainstreaming of learners with special needs into the

regular school system and eventually in the community.

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To meet the individual needs of the learners, and to the extent possible

prepare them for going to a more regular classroom setting.

To Achieve this, special education programs must focus on helping the

learners develop academic skills, self-help skills, social proficiency, a

positive attitude and self-confidence.

Local Flavor. Global Future

Q &A
Let us test your understanding!

1. Using your own words, What do you mean by Special Education

2. Give the vision of DepEd for special education program
3. What are the goals and objectives of Deped for SPED?
4. As a whole, what are the Goals of SPED in the Philippines
5. Describe inclusive education.


In 3 sentences write the most important thing did you learn from our
discussion. Share it with the class next meeting. (for Recitation points)
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Managing Children with Special Needs (Learning Disability, ADHD, Autism

Special Education Handbook, (2009) Rexbookstore Manila Philippines

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Any Questions

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