Fisiologi Sekresi Asam Lambung

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• Memproduksi 2.

5 L asam lambung per hari

• Lumen lambung sangat asam dengan pH 1-2
• Oesophageal sphincter: barrier between acidic
stomach and the esophagus  to prevent the
acid from going back towards the esophagus
• Pyloric Sphincter: barrier between the acidic
stomach and the duodenum  we would not
want acid from the stomach go into the
duodenum or the esophagus
Where does the HCl comes from?
• The stomach have Crypts where there
are different stomach cells
• enterochromaffin cell secretes histamine
 promotes HCl secretion by the
parietal cells
• G cell (endocrine cell) secretes gastrin 
promote HCl by the parietal cell
• Another endocrine cells, L and D cell
• D cell secretes somatostatin  inhibits
HCl secretion by inhibiting G cells from
releasing gastrin, by inhibiting the
parietal cell from secreting HCl, by
inhibiting ECL to secrete histamine
• Mucus cell produce mucus  helps protect the
stomach from bacterial infection as the acidic
environtment of the stomach
• Chief cells secrete pepsinogen  necessary for
protein digestion
• Parietal cells

How HCl is secreted and how it’s regulated?

Mucus H+ K+ K+ Cl-
cell P
Parietal ce
ll G cell D cell

H2 receptors gastrin receptors

Stimulate the
secretion of

gastrin receptors rin


• Secreting hydrogen ionic state in exchange for potassium ion, then it will secrete this potassium iron again
together with chloride ion  will secrete the potassium iron again together with chloride ion
• ECL secretes histamine which bind onto H2 receptors
• G-cells will secrete gastrin into the bloodstream  will bind onto gastrin receptor on ECL  stimulate
histamine realease  stimulate HCl secretion by parietal cell
nerves AA
Mucus H+ K+ K+ Cl-
cell P
Parietal ce
PGI2 ll G cell D cell

H2 receptors gastrin receptors

muscarinic receptors Stimulate the

secretion of
Ach HCl
ECL tosta

gastrin receptors in

• Acetylcholine will bind onto muscarinic receptors on both parietal cells and ECL  promote HCl secretion
• The cells and mechanism that inhibit HCl secretion  somatostatin (secreted by the D cells) by inhibiting G cells from releasing
gastrin, by inhibiting the parietal cell from secreting HCl, by inhibiting ECL to secrete histamine
• Inflammatory mediators such as PGE2 and PGI2 derived from arachidonic acid  inhibits HCl secretion
• Arachidonic acid through the enzyme Cox can synthesize PGE2 and PGI2 which binds to prostaglandin receptors  inhibits HCl
secretion by the parietal cells
• PGE2 and PGI2 also binds to mucus cells to secrete mucus and biocarbonate  important subtances that have a negative effect
on HCl  neutralize the acid to prevents the acid from damaging the stomach itself

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