Fisiologi Sekresi Asam Lambung
Fisiologi Sekresi Asam Lambung
Fisiologi Sekresi Asam Lambung
Stimulate the
secretion of
• Secreting hydrogen ionic state in exchange for potassium ion, then it will secrete this potassium iron again
together with chloride ion will secrete the potassium iron again together with chloride ion
• ECL secretes histamine which bind onto H2 receptors
• G-cells will secrete gastrin into the bloodstream will bind onto gastrin receptor on ECL stimulate
histamine realease stimulate HCl secretion by parietal cell
nerves AA
Mucus H+ K+ K+ Cl-
cell P
Parietal ce
PGI2 ll G cell D cell
gastrin receptors in
• Acetylcholine will bind onto muscarinic receptors on both parietal cells and ECL promote HCl secretion
• The cells and mechanism that inhibit HCl secretion somatostatin (secreted by the D cells) by inhibiting G cells from releasing
gastrin, by inhibiting the parietal cell from secreting HCl, by inhibiting ECL to secrete histamine
• Inflammatory mediators such as PGE2 and PGI2 derived from arachidonic acid inhibits HCl secretion
• Arachidonic acid through the enzyme Cox can synthesize PGE2 and PGI2 which binds to prostaglandin receptors inhibits HCl
secretion by the parietal cells
• PGE2 and PGI2 also binds to mucus cells to secrete mucus and biocarbonate important subtances that have a negative effect
on HCl neutralize the acid to prevents the acid from damaging the stomach itself