Toward Broadband Economy
Toward Broadband Economy
Toward Broadband Economy
Yoseph Garo
VP . Interconnect and Regulatory
Wireless Operator Views On Broadband
Wireless Operator Views on
Broadband Economy
•Broadband Infrastructure Development is the essential Platform to
support Broadband Economy
Consumer Surplus as impact of
•High speed broadband networks bring about lower search and information
cost and
greater access to information, which makes price comparisons easier,
competition and creates a downward pressure on prices.
•They also enable the increased customisation of goods and services and
the ensuing improved and/or better adapted quality. This process not only
affects online commerce but also can affect offline shopping when people
search for information and compare prices online before going to a shop
to make the actual purchase.
Quality Of Life
Broadband is changing the way families learn, communicate, play and prepare for their future. Critically
important information about health care, scholarships, colleges, jobs, and community life such as driver's
licenses or registering to vote is increasingly on the Internet, and sometimes only on the Internet. In many
rural communities, because jobs have migrated to urban areas, high school graduates often \ feel they
have only two choices - go away, or go nowhere. Broadband is the connection to new markets, new jobs, and
to distant family and friends.
•Student can complete a university degree •Small business can reach new market
online demand skills as they need them
•All people , no matter where they live , can be •Rural Broadband may help the
no more than a keystroke or a mouse click Citizens to learn by online and job
away from the jobs and opportunities that opportunities that stimulate local
broadband both creates and support economy
•Doctros in urban area can diagnose patients •For the Economy , Broadband can
in rural areas or consult with experts from create Economic Growth ; Expand
around the world . region Global
•Empleyess from around the world can competitiveness , create high wage
collaborate on projects in real time or gain jobs ; raising standard of
“ on demand skills as they need them living ; allow SMEs to reach Global
•Citizens can register their cars , buy license Market .
and pay parking tikets online , saving time •For Environtment , Broadband could
and money save on transportation polution and
•People can play a greater role in deomocracy other saving in environment
as blogger . Online activist or movie creator perspectives to provide better
•Consumers can benefit from competition in environment
more const efficient way , lowering cost but •For Government , Broadband can
increasing choice increase accountability ,
•Chlidren in the most isolated inner city transparancyand Coordination for
neighborhood or rural region can acesss the all Government Programs from
same universe of knowledge , transforming planning until monitoring across
teachers teachand student learn the country . It also provide strong
•Parent can keep on top of their children ’ s tools for measuring and evaluating
homework and be in contact with their and reporting as well as Reducing
teacher Coruptionand others Policy Making
•A Shop owner with good idea ad an internet Tools
connection can become a corner store in
Enabled user created content ( UCC )
SMEs Alteration
•SMEs are very important in the economy as they tend to represent a very large
share of
•Broadband can help to empower small and medium-sized firms, enabling them to
compete with
larger firms in an increasing number of markets and purchase services they
previously could not
•At the same time, broadband and ICT-enabled trade in services also offer SMEs
increased market access abroad and opportunities to become part of the value
chain of production of other, larger, firms.
•The Internet as a new creative outlet has altered the economics of information
production and led to the increasing democratisationof media production and
changes in the nature of communication and social relationships.
•It changes in the way users produce, distribute, access and re-use information,
knowledge and entertainment potentially give rise to increased user autonomy,
increased participation and increased diversity.
•These may result in lower entry barriers, distribution costs and user costs
and greater diversity of works as digital shelf space is almost limitless
Drivers for Broadband Economy
Technologies Markets
Applications Services
Telco Industry Trends (1)
Telco Industry Trends (2)
Telco Industry Challenges ( 1 )
Telco Industry Challenges (2)
Internet Industry
weN gnicaF
Unregulated Players
Rapid development & implementation cycles ; Software and not
hardware based
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Mobile Fixed
Potential of Mobile Broadband
Regulatory Issues to be Consider
Licensing Competition
Broadband Economy
InterconnectHorizontal Integration
Universal Access
Government Policies
Addressing Innovative Regulations