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Marketing Communication & Advertising

• Marketing Communication
• Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)
• Advertising Objectives
• Advertising Budget
• Advertising Copy
• AIDA Model of Communication
• New Age Media
Marketing Communication

What is Marketing Communication?

• Marketing communication is a fundamental and complex
part of a company's marketing efforts. 
• Marketing communication includes advertising,
direct marketing, branding, packaging, your online presence,
printed materials, PR activities, sales presentations,
sponsorships, trade show appearances and more.
• The Marketing Communication refers to the means adopted
by the companies to convey messages about the products
and the brands they sell, either directly or indirectly to the
customers with the intention to persuade them to purchase.
Importance of Marketing Communication
Marketing needs effective communication flow
between the company and the consumer.
Manufacturing the fine product and making it
available in the market are no doubt important tasks
of the business firm. But it is equally important to
communicate to the consumer that such a product is
available in the market. This can be carried out by
using various methods and channels of
communication. of A two-way communication flow
becomes necessary between the marketer and his
market/consumers. This is the essence of marketing
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC)

• The American Association of Advertising Agencies

defines IMC as “a comprehensive plan that evaluates
the strategic roles of a variety of communication
disciplines and combines these disciplines to provide
clarity, consistency and maximum communication
• At its most basic level, Integrated Marketing
Communications, or IMC means integrating all the
promotional tools, so that they work together in
harmony. Promotion is one of the Ps in the marketing
mix. Promotions has its own mix of communications
• IMC is the planning and execution of all types of
advertising-like and promotion-like messages selected
for a brand, service, or company, in order to meet a
common set of communication objectives, or more
particularly, to support a single ‘ positioning.
• Integrated Marketing Communications is a simple
concept which ensures that all forms of
communications and messages are carefully linked
• Integrated marketing communications is a holistic
planning process that focuses on integrating
messages across communications disciplines, creative
executions, media, timing and stakeholders.
Marketing/Integrated Communication Mix
• The communication mix refers to specific methods
used to promote the company or its products to
targeted customers. These include:
1. Mass communications directed at vast segments
of the market: It includes:
 Advertising
 Sales Promotion
 Public Relations
 Publicity and event sponsorship
 Digital communications
2. Interpersonal Communications: It includes:
 By salespeople of the firm: Field salespeople
and counter salespeople.
 By sales managers and higher level executives
 By salespeople of the dealers of the firm
Marketing Communications Objectives
1. To Create and Sustain Demand
• One of the primary reasons for implementing a robust marketing
communication system is to create and sustain demand for your
enterprise’s products and services.
2. To Shorten The Sales Cycle
• It shortens the sales cycle. A shorter sales cycle results in a more
robust and efficient sales pipeline and can create more potential
sales and greater revenue.
3. To Increases ROI (Return on Investment)
• Optimizing all marketing and sales processes helps to efficiently
disseminate critical information to the target market. The result is
the direct increase of company ROI since more leads and greater
interest result in a positive return and more sales.
4. To Increase Awareness: Increased brand
awareness is not only one of the most common
marketing communication objectives; it is also
typically the first for a new company.
5. To Change Attitudes: Changing company or brand
perceptions is another common communication
6. To Influence Purchase Intent:
• A key communication objective is to motivate
customers to buy through advertising etc.
7. To Drive Brand Switching:
• This is a specific objective of getting customers who
buy competing products to switch to your brand.
Steps in developing effective communications
Following are the steps that make communication
process effective.
• Identification of the Target audience
• Determination of the communication objectives
• Designing of Message
• Message Content
• Message Structure & Format
• Choosing Media
• Collecting Feedback
1. Identification of the Target Audience:
• The first step in the effective marketing communication process is to identify the target audience.
These audiences may be potential customers or other people that can influence the decisions of
these customers.
2. Determination of the Communication Objectives:
• In this step the marketing communicator should clear the objectives of the communication
3. Designing of the Message:
• In this step the marketing communication, communicator focuses upon the design of the message.
Any message that can attract the attention, develop the interest, arousal of desire and stimulate
the action is the effectively designed message.
4. Message Content:
• In this step of the marketing communication process the content of the message is decided. The
theme or an appeal is suggested that can bring the desired response from the audience or receiver.
5. Message Structure & Format:
• In this step the important issues of the message structure together with the message format is
6. Choosing Media:
• The channels of communication are decided in this step of a marketing communication process,
which may take the following two forms – personal and non-personal.
7. Collecting Feedback:
• This is the last step of the marketing communication process in which the feedback from the target
customers. This can help the marker to alter the promotion program or other marketing activities.
Components of Mass Communication
Advertising is  marketing communication that
employs an openly sponsored, non-personal
message to promote or sell a product,
service or idea by identified sponsor.
Advertising is a promotional activity which
aims to sell a product or service to a target
Advertising Objectives
Two different views on objectives of advertising:
 One view is that advertising has to necessarily
bring in more sales and therefore advertising
objective should include sales growth.
 The second opposite view is that advertising is
essentially a creative communication task and it
should have only communication goals-
intended to share the awareness and the
attitudes of the consumers.
Advertising Objectives Based On Four
Broad Themes
 To influence purchase behaviour to generate
trail purchases and store visits.
 To influence consumer’s prevailing attitude.
 To create awareness about the new products/
brands/new ideas.
 To facilitate product positioning and brand
Other Objectives of Advertising
 Introduce a product/brand :The most common reason Advertising is
used is to introduce a new product/brands in the market. This can be
done by existing brands as well as new brands.
 Awareness creation: According to the AIDA model, the most important
job of advertising is to get attention which is nothing but Awareness
creation. Advertising needs to capture the attention of people and
make them aware of the products or their features in the market.
 Acquiring customers or Brand switching: One of the major objectives
of advertising and the first objective of many advertising campaigns is
to acquire more customers. This is also known as making the customers
switch brands.
 Differentiation and value creation: A most important aspect of
Advertising is to differentiate the product or the service from those of
the competitor. A customer can only differentiate between services
based on the value the firms provides over that of competitors.
 Brand building: When a brand regularly advertises and
delivers quality products and fulfils the promises it makes,
automatically the value of the brand is built.
 Positioning the product – Product and brand recall:
One of the key factors in the actual purchase of a product is
the products recall and the brand recall at the time of
purchase. Amongst the objectives of advertising, one
objective is to correctly position the brand in the minds of
the customer.
 Increase sales & profit: Naturally, with so many steps being
taken to advertise the product, it is no doubt that one of
the objectives of advertising is to increase sales and profit.
 Create Desire: Again, referring to the AIDA model, one of
the key factors in advertising is to create a desire for the
product so that the customer wants the product
Advertising Budget
• What is Advertising Budget?
• An advertising budget is the amount a company
set aside for its promotional activities.
Advertising budget is used by a company for
marketing the products and services to the
• An advertising budget is an amount set aside by
a company planned for the promotion of its
goods and services.
Advertising Budget Methods/Types

• Percentage of Sales/Turnover: Under this method, the

advertising budget is set as a percentage of either the
past sale or expected future sales. Small businesses
usually use this method.
• Competitive Parity: This method advocates that a
company sets an advertising budget similar to the one
that is set up by its competitor to yield similar results.
• Objective and Task: This method is based on the
advertising objectives under this method. Once the
objectives are decided, the cost is estimated to complete
those objectives, and accordingly, a marketing budget is
• Objective and Task: This method is based on the advertising
objectives under this method. Once the objectives are decided,
the cost is estimated to complete those objectives, and
accordingly, a marketing budget is set.
• Market Share: In this method, the advertising budget is based on
the market share of a company. For a higher market share, less
marketing budget is set.
• All available Funds: This is a very aggressive method under which
all available profits are allocated towards advertising activities.
This method can be used by start-up businesses that need
advertisements to attract customers.
• Unit Sales: Under this method, the cost of advertisement per unit
is calculated and based on the total number of units, it is set.
• Affordability: As the name suggested, the company sets its
budget based on how much it can afford to spend.
Factors Affecting Advertising Budget

• Existing Market Share: A company having a lower market share will

require to spend more on its promotional activities. On the other hand,
companies with larger market shares can spend less on their promotional
• Competition level in the industry: If there is a high competition level in
the industry in which the company operates, then the advertising budget
would be required to be set on a higher side to get noticed by audiences.
In case monopoly or where there is the least level of competition
involved, the company will need to invest less in marketing.
• Stage of the Product Life Cycle: It is a well-known fact that in the initial
introduction stage and growth stage of a product or service, more
amounts would be required for advertising. While in the later stages of
the  Product Life Cycle, the need for advertising will decline.
• Frequency of Advertisement: Advertising budget will also depend on how
frequently a company wants to run its ads. Frequent ads will call for a
greater budget.
Steps in Advertising Budget

Following steps are followed to set up this Advertising

budget –
• Setting advertising goals based on the company’s
• Determine the activities that are required to be done.
• Preparing the components of the advertising budget;
• Getting the budget approved by management;
• Allocation of funds for activities proposed under the
advertisement plan;
• Periodically monitoring the expenses being incurred on
the advertising process;
What is Advertising Copy?
• An advertising copy is a term used to describe the main text
used in the advertisement. The advertising copy includes
written matter, pictures, labels, logo, designs, dialogue, a
catchy punch line or a company’s dictum.

• An ‘advertising copy’ is the means by which an advertiser

expresses his ideas in the form of a message to the readers. It
refers to all the reading matters of an advertisement, whether
short or long, and includes the headline, sub-headlines, text or
body, and the name or the initial of an advertiser. An
advertising copy is sometimes referred to as ‘advertising
• Credibility- An ad copy must focus on the credibility or the
reliability of the ad. The credibility of an advertisement is the
extent of honesty in the ad message..
• Attention- The keywords, punch lines or phrases that seize the
attention of the potential consumers or some component in the
ad that attracts the target audience is essential in a good
advertising copy.
• Assurance of benefit– An advertisement copy must contain some
promise of the benefits that the product offers if the consumer
purchases and uses the product.
• Brief and clear- An ad copy must be brief and clear, i.e. it must be
to the point. A clear copy is easy and quick to be read by the
readers. It is self-explanatory, definite, and precise.
• Apt and conforming- The copy must be apt and must match the
needs of the prospects.
Elements of Advertising Copy:
A. Advertising Theme
B. Advertising Layout.
A. Advertising Theme:
A theme represents a particular view-point or a
central idea with which the message is conveyed
to the consuming public. The theme involves a
rational appeal based upon human emotions,
desires or sentiments. Such well-thought-out and
specific appeals became effective in arousing
desire and in initiating action on the part of
The following are the common themes used in
• 1. The theme of beauty:
• 2. The theme of pride:
• 3. The theme of health:
• 4. The theme of comfort:
• 5. The theme of economy:
• 6. The theme of fear:
• 7. The theme of emulation
• 8. The theme of distinction:
• 9. The theme of affection:
• 10. The theme of patriotism:
B. Advertising Layout:
Layout is the logical arrangement of compo­nents of an
advertisement in the copy and deals with systematic
presentation of the message. The pattern of layout
varies according to the medium to be used.
• Layout includes following three parts:
(a) Headlines:
Headlines are used in bold letters for drawing atten­
tion of the consuming public. The size and length of
the headline must be appropriate to the general
format and page size of the publication; it must also
be in keeping with the theme of advertising and with
the entire make-up of the copy.
(b) Illustrations:
• Illustrations are given by way of pictures, symbols or
photographs for drawing attention, creating interest as
well as for arousing desire. Significant illustrations may be
worth a thousand words in securing public reception for
the product.

(c) Texts:
• Texts provide the heart of the message of advertisements,
and they are to be woven around an advertising theme.
For an individual copy, one theme is desirable; a
multiplicity of themes creates confusion and weakens the
strength of appeal. For presenting the text, different
practices are followed in the business world.
Types Of Advertising Copy

• Human interest ad copy

• Educational ad copy
• Reason why? ad copy
• Institutional ad copy
• Suggestive ad copy
• Expository ad copy
Main Steps in Advertising Copy Development

• 1. The fact finding stage: In this stage the advertiser’s

requirements have to be identified and pinpointed. What is
the central issue to be tackled? What is the issue to which the
total campaign has to be address itself? What is the specific
communication objective of the proposed campaign. The
advertisement agency gathers and analyses all pertinent data
find out the solutions to the above problems.
• 2. The idea finding stage: In this stage, tentative ideas are
developed and screened. To develop ideas different routes
are adopted. Through interviews, group discussion,
brainstorming with the selected target audience useful
information are elicited. A good idea is the basic condition for
the successful development of good advertising copy.
AIDA Model
• The AIDA model is an approach used by
advertisers to describe the different phases of
consumer engagement with an advertisement.
• American advertising and sales pioneer, Elias St.
Elmo Lewis, is largely credited for developing the
AIDA model.
• In AIDA model:
 A stands for attracting Attention,
 I for arousing Interest,
 D for creating a Desire and
 A for obtaining Action.
Stages in AIDA Model
AIDA Model refers to the stages a consumer passes before
he buys a product. The stages are:
1. Attention – to get the attention of the consumer or to
create an awareness about the product.
2. Interest – to arouse interest in the product and hold it.
3. Desire – to create desire for the product.
4. Action – to motivate a consumer to buy the product.

This model is further elaborated to cover a number of

more steps: awareness, knowledge, liking, preference,
conviction and purchase. It is called hierarchy of effects.
• Attention – Advertisement attract attention to
them mainly on account of their layout. The
typography and colours used in the copy do
attract them. The size too does matter. A larger-
sized ad commands attention. White-space is
used strategically to get attention.
• Interest- Ad seen does not necessarily mean ad
read. People may look at the ad, but many not
read it. Illustrations have to work harder. Along
with the copy, they must stimulate reading. It is
very challenging for a copywriter to arouse
interest for the maximum number of people.
• Desire – An ad must create a desire for the
product/service being advertised. Several rational
and emotional appeals are used to motivate
people. People buy to satisfy their physiological
and psycho­logical needs. The copy must provoke.
• Action – This is the logical culmination of the
effect of communication — buying the product.
People buy on the basis of corporate image,
frequency of the message and the appeals used.
The action, which leads consumers toward taking
action by purchasing the product or service.
New Age Media

Media is nothing but channel for carrying the

intended advertising message to the target audience.
New age media is a collective term which is used
where marketing meets internet technology and
other forms of new media.
It include the use of the Internet, Mobile, Social
Media and Related Platforms.
Rice defined new media as communication
technologies that enable or facilitate user-to-user
interactivity and interactivity between user and
Few Examples Of New Media Include

• The internet
• Mobile
• Websites.
• Blogs.
• Email.
• Social media networks.
• Music and television streaming services.
• Virtual and augmented reality.
Characteristics of new media
The six key characteristics which
distinguish New Media from old media are.
 Digital,
 Interactive,
 Hyper textual
 Networked
 Virtual and simulated
• Internet Marketing: It refers to advertising and marketing efforts that use the Web and
email to drive direct sales via e-commerce, in addition to sales leads from Web sites or

• Social Media Marketing: Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining traffic or
attention through social media sites. Social media itself is a catch-all term for sites that
may provide radically different social actions. Facebook, Whatsapp, Youtube, etc are some
examples of social media.

• Mobile Marketing: The small screen becoming the big medium. Mobile marketing is
promotional activity designed for delivery to cell phones, smart phones and other
handheld devices, usually as a component of a multi- channel campaign.

• Blogs: The blogs has become such a popular medium that companies are now studying
blogs to get access to a closer picture of consumer responses. Agencies like Evalueserve
and Empower Research scrutinise blogs for their clients.

• Web TV: On-demand TV content through Web TV is another new medium. Web TV gives
the facility to download their favourite TV programmes and enjoy them at leisure.

• Viral Marketing/Viral Advertising: It is a simple way of securing fast reach of a multitude

of audience.

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