Pathway To English Kelompok Peminatan 2 Chapter 4

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Kelompok Peminatan

Untuk SMA/MA Kelas XI

Chapter 4

Friendship Is Like the

Holly-Tree Sumber foto: Unsplash,
Poem Terminology
s Examples:
Function of poetry: A poet : a person who writes poems.
To convey emotion or ideas to the A poem: a piece of writing that
reader’s or listeners’ mind or ears. partake the nature of both speech
Assonance and repetition are used and songs that is nearly always
to achieve musical effect. rhythmical, usually metaphorical and
often exhibits such formal elements
as a meter, rhyme and stanzaic
Riddle Poem Examples:
There is one that has a head
without an eye
A riddle written in a poem form. And there’s one that has an
eye without a head
The answer of the riddle can be You may find the answer if
drawn from the clues in the verses you try
of the poem. And when all is said
Half the answer hangs upon a
The characteristics is the rhythm. thread
(Christina Rossetti)
Answer: pins and needles
Figurative Language
Richer and colorful statements to Personification
present someone’s ideas with A figure of speech that gives
greater force human forms, powers, or
feelings to animals, objects,
Figurative speech: ways of making
or ideas.
language figurative
It makes things appear like a
Examples of Figurative Speech: person.

• Personification
• Metaphor
• Simile
Figurative Speech
Metaphor Simile
A figure of speech in which a Two different things are
word or phrase is taken out of compared because they
its usual setting and placed appear to be similar in at least
with another word to suggest one characteristics.
likeness. It is effective in poetry.

• My love is red, red rose. (metaphor) The difference from simile:

• My love is like a red rose. (simile) Don’t use the word like or as.
Elements of Poems
1. Rhythm 3. Imagery
The flow of sound produced Sensations that a language
by a language creates in mind
Communicate the emotion Ex: One must have a mind
of the poet. of winter

2. Sounds 4. Forms
To create effects (rhyme) in The form of verse
poems Poems in 1900’s are free
verse (no rhyme scheme)

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