Assembly Language - 1
Assembly Language - 1
Assembly Language - 1
1. Machine Language
This is what the computer actually sees and deals with. Every
command the computer sees is given as a number or sequence of
2. Assembly Language
This is the same as machine language, except the command numbers
have been replaced by letter sequences which are easier to
memorize. Other small things are done to make it easier as well.
3. High-Level Language
They are there to make programming easier. Assembly language
requires you to work with the machine itself. High-level languages
allow you to describe the program in a more natural language. A
single command in a high-level language usually is equivalent to
several commands in an assembly language.
To study… - SELF-study
• Syntax
• Variables
• Basic data movements and arithmetic
In HEX B0 61
Instruction AL data
- Intel assembly language provides the mnemonic MOV
(an abbreviation of move) for instructions such as this
- so the machine code above can be written as follows in
assembly language, complete with an explanatory
comment if required, after the semicolon.
;Move the contents of CL into the byte at address ESI+EAX