Introduction To Google Forms
Introduction To Google Forms
Introduction To Google Forms
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Adding themes to your forms
Add items to your
• You can add different types of questions to
your forms by clicking Form in your
spreadsheet and Add item at the top of the
editing page. Here are some of the
question types you can choose: checkboxes,
grid, drop down lists with options, multiple
choice, paragraph text, which allow for long
answers, and scale, to ask your
invitees to grade something in a scale from
1-5, for instance.
Add a Section Header
• Add section headers if
Ther you'd like to divide your
Questions form in sections to make
Text lie
it easier to read and
Paragraph text
Multiple choice
complete. Simply select
Checkboxes Section header f r o m the
Choose from a Add item drop-down
Scale -
list - · te menu.
Other • Each section header can have
<:: ectionheader)
a tit Ie, which app ears in a
larger font, a n d a section
Adding pages
Add item drop-down menu,
Other select Page break.
Section header
Editing Form Questions
Here are some of the things you can do
with your questions:
. mr • Edit: To edit an existing question, just
I( l / ] I click the Edit button to the right of
. the
. [Z]
I question you want to edit.
CI oCIo m • Delete: To delete a question, click the
. rII - question you want
Delete button to right
to the delete.
of the
vI. 11 -
- .
• Duplicate: To duplicate a question, click
the Duplicate button to the right of the
eal mt I question you want to duplicate.
Embedding a form
• Slide show created by Claire Amos
[email protected]
• The tutorial that accompanies this slideshow
can be viewed at: