Clinical Aspect of Exercise Physiology
Clinical Aspect of Exercise Physiology
Clinical Aspect of Exercise Physiology
Exercise Physiology
Definition, Description, Focus
• Services are also offered in community,
• Clinical Exercise Physiology-Involves the corporate, commercial, university fitness and
application of exercise science to prevent and wellness centers, nursing homes, and senior
delay the onset of chronic disease in healthy citizen centers.
participants or provide therapeutic or functional
benefits to patients with underlying pathologies.
• Blood Pressure
• Blood Glucose
• Serum cholesterol
• Resting ECG (before diagnostic test)
• Abnormalities in any of these measurements
indicate underlying health problems such as
disease, hypertension, or diabetes, which may
warrant further medical evaluation before
proceeding with the actual test. (Often
in diagnostic testing)
Heart Rate
• Arterial blood pressure is a function of the • During relaxation phase of the heart-diastole-pres
arterial blood flow each minute (cardiac output) sure decreases.
and the resistance offered by the vasculature to • This decrease in pressure is called Diastolic
that flow. blood pressure which gives and indirect
• When the heart contracts and pushes blood, the indication of total peripheral resistance or the
vessels do not allow all the blood to instantly ease with which blood flows through the arteries
flow to all areas of the body as fast as it is to the capillaries.
being ejected from the heart? This creates • BP-is the product of cardiac output and
pressure which can be recorded. peripheral resistance.
• The highest pressure recorded during a heart beat
occurs during the contraction aka the systole of
the left ventricle and is called the systolic
blood pressure. provides estimate of work by
heart and the pressure exerted on the walls.
Blood Pressure Continue