Data and Computer Communications: Tenth Edition by William Stallings
Data and Computer Communications: Tenth Edition by William Stallings
Data and Computer Communications: Tenth Edition by William Stallings
Tenth Edition
by William Stallings
Data Transmission
“I have been trying to prove the following theorem: for any operators
T,R the length of an arbitrary message f1 multiplied by its essential
spectrum and divided by the distortion of the system is less than a
certain constant times the time of transmission of F multiplied by its
essential spectrum width or—roughly speaking—it is impossible to
reduce bandwidth times transmission time for a given distortion.
This seems to be true although I do not have a general proof as
Half duplex
Both stations transmit, but only one at a time
Full duplex
Both stations may transmit simultaneously
The medium is carrying signals in both
directions at the same time
(a) Analog
(b) Digital
Amplitude (volts)
period = T = 1/f
(a ) S in e w a v e
Amplitude (volts)
period = T = 1/f
(b ) S q u a r e w a v e
F ig u r e 3 .2 E x a m p le s o f P e r io d ic S ig n a ls
Sine Wave
Is the fundamental periodic signal
Can be represented by three parameters
Peak amplitude (A)
• Maximum value or strength of the signal over time
• Typically measured in volts
Frequency (f)
• Rate at which the signal repeats
• Hertz (Hz) or cycles per second
• Period (T) is the amount of time for one repetition
• T = 1/f
Phase ()
• Relative position in time within a single period of signal
Wavelength ()
Frequency Domain Concepts
Signals are made up of many frequencies
Components are sine waves
Fourier analysis can show that any signal
is made up of components at various
frequencies, in which each component is a
Can plot frequency domain functions
Spectrum and Bandwidth
Data Rate and Bandwidth
Upper modulating
frequency for AM radio
Telephone channel
Power Ratio in Decibels
Speech Approximate
dynamic range
Approximate –30 dB of music
dynamic range
of voice
Voltage at
receiving end
–5 volts
0.02 msec
Figure 3.13 Analog and Digital Signaling of Analog and Digital Data
Table 3.1
Analog and
Move to Digital
Digital technology
LSI and VLSI technology has caused a continuing drop in the cost and size of
digital circuitry
Data integrity
The use of repeaters has made it possible to transmit data longer distances over
lower quality lines while maintaining the integrity of the data
Capacity utilization
It has become economical to build transmission links of very high bandwidth,
including satellite channels and optical fiber, and a high degree of multiplexing is
needed to utilize such capacity effectively
Security and privacy
Encryption techniques can be readily applied to digital data and to analog data
that have been digitized
Economies of scale and convenience can be achieved by integrating voice, video,
and digital data
Asynchronous and
Synchronous Transmission
Asynchronous Synchronous
Strategy is to avoid the timing A block of bits is transmitted in a
problem by not sending long, steady stream without start and
uninterrupted streams of bits stop codes
Data are transmitted one Block may be many bits in length
character at a time, where each To prevent timing drift between
character is 5 to 8 bits in length transmitter and receiver, their
Timing or synchronization must clocks must somehow be
only be maintained within each synchronized
• Provide a separate clock line
character between transmitter and receiver
The receiver has the • Embed the clocking information in
opportunity to resynchronize at the data signal
the beginning of each new Frame
character • Data plus preamble, postamble, and
control information
Transmission Impairments
received may differ from signal
transmitted causing:
Analog - degradation of signal quality
Digital - bit errors
Most significant impairments are
Attenuation and attenuation distortion
Delay distortion
Signal strength falls off with distance over any transmission medium
1 Without
to attenuatoin at 1000 Hz
2 With
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Frequency (Herz)
(a) Attenuation
Relative envelope delay (microseconds)
1 Without
3000 equalization
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Frequency (Herz)
(b) Delay distortion
Figure 3.14 Attenuation and Delay Distortion Curves for a Voice Channel
Delay Distortion
Occurs in transmission cables such as twisted pair,
coaxial cable, and optical fiber
Does not occur when signals are transmitted through the
air by means of antennas
Occurs because propagation velocity of a signal
through a guided medium varies with frequency
Various frequency components arrive at different
times resulting in phase shifts between the
Particularly critical for digital data since parts of one
bit spill over into others causing intersymbol
Categories of Noise
Categories of Noise
A signal from one line is
picked up by another
Can occur by electrical
coupling between nearby
twisted pairs or when
microwave antennas pick
Impulse Noise: up unwanted signals
Caused by external
electromagnetic interferences
Noncontinuous, consisting of
irregular pulses or spikes
Short duration and high
Minor annoyance for analog
signals but a major source of
error in digital data
Channel Capacity
Nyquist Bandwidth
In the case of a channel that is noise free:
The limitation of data rate is simply the bandwidth of the signal
If the rate of signal transmission is 2B then a signal with frequencies
no greater than B is sufficient to carry the signal rate
Given a bandwidth of B, the highest signal rate that can be carried is
For binary signals, the data rate that can be supported by B Hz
is 2B bps
With multilevel signaling, the Nyquist formula becomes: C =
2B log2M
Data rate can be increased by increasing the number of
different signal elements
This increases burden on receiver
Noise and other impairments limit the practical value of M
Shannon Capacity Formula
Considering the relation of data rate, noise and
error rate:
Faster data rate shortens each bit so bursts of noise
corrupts more bits
Given noise level, higher rates mean higher errors
Shannon developed formula relating these to
signal to noise ratio (in decibels)
SNRdb=10 log10 (signal/noise)
Capacity C = B log2(1+SNR)
Theoretical maximum capacity
Get much lower rates in practice
–30 –20 –10 0 10 20 30
Spectral efficiency (bps/Hz)
0.001 0.10 0.1 1 10 100 1000