Colostomy Care: Sital B Sharma MSC Nursing Part I Con, NBMC
Colostomy Care: Sital B Sharma MSC Nursing Part I Con, NBMC
Colostomy Care: Sital B Sharma MSC Nursing Part I Con, NBMC
Sital B Sharma
MSc Nursing Part I
Con, nbmc
• An ostomy is the surgery to create an opening
between an internal organ and the body
Ostomy of GI system
An opening which is made during surgery
that brings a piece of the bowel to the
outside of the abdomen,i.e on the
belly(Certified wound, ostomy,
continence nurse’s, 2012).
Types of intestinal ostomies
• Gastrostomy
• Jejunostomy
• Ileostomy
• Colostomy
• Cecostomy
• Gastrostomy and jejunostomy generally alternate
feeding route.
• Ilestomy Cecostomy,and Colostomy is for fecal
• Opening through the abdominal wall into the
• Opening through the abdominal wall into the
• Opens through the abdominal wall into the
• Assessment of bleeding
-Normal bleed- normal due to high vascularity
-Moderate to severe-Coagulation factor deficit
• Assessment of edema-mild to moderate
o Normal in initial postoperative period.
o Later –due to trauma
-Moderate to severe
o Obstruction of the stoma.
o Allergic reaction to the food
o Gastroenteritis
• Assessment of the stool - amount, color ,
odor, consistency
• The size of the stomal size and shape
• The type and size of the appliance used.
• The status of periostomal skin -5-13 cm area
surrounding the stoma.
• Complaints-burning under the skin barrier.
• Presence of abdominal distension or
• Client ’s Emotional status.
• Need for education .
• Type of colostomy and confirm the
functioning one.
• Determine the need of changing the
• Selection of appropriate time for care-
best in the morning, or, 2-4 hours after
meal when the bowel is least active and
sos. Must avoid feeding time.
Colostomy care
• Taking care of the colostomy includes:
Changing appliance
Care of the stoma.
• Implementation
• Preparation of the patient- physically and
• Preparation of the articles required to provide care
• Preparation of self.
Preparation of the patient
• Introduce self to the patient.
• Verify the patients identity.
• Explain about the procedure and reason for
doing it.
• Provide privacy for smooth performance of
the procedure.
• Keep the patient in a comfortable position
usually semi fowler’s.
• Prepare the articles.
Colostomy bag/appliance
Appliance or the bag can one piece or two piece. Bag with
flanges.Can be drainable or closed.
A drainable one usually has clip, the end of the pouch is
folded and applied clip on it.
It must be able to control the odor.
These appliances can provide leak proof seal for about 3-7
days.Pouch should be changed on a regular basis
• Mackintosh and a towel- to protect the bed linen.
• Kidney tray and paper bag to receive the waste.
• Bed pan to receive the feces.
• 2 pair of clean gloves- to maintain universal precaution.
• Basin with warm water to clean the area around stoma.(mild
• Tissue or gauze pad and pieces- to clean stoma and receive
feces during colostomy, dry the skin.
• Stoma measuring guide-to measure stoma size.
• Scissors to make the hole in the mouthe of the appliance
according to the stomal size.
• May keep wash cloth to clean the area exterior to the stoma
after bag application.
• Plastic apron if available.
Preparation of self
• Perform hand wash/hygiene.
• Wear 2 pairs of gloves one after other.
• Plastic apron can be worn if available