03 Indicator Diagram

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Engine indicator is used to record PV or indicator

diagrams taken off engines, the areas of these
indicator diagrams represent the work done
per cycle.
There are two types of indicators
1) Mechanical type – This records indicator
diagrams on paper
- Can record pressures with in the cylinder at
any part of the engine cycle.
- Not considered reliable of engine speed more
than 150 rpm
Mechanical Type
It can only be used effectively on an engine
operating below 200 rpm due to the
difficulty involved in getting only a single
line on the card. In addition the inertia in
the drum can lead to delays distorting the
- Mean indicated pressure ( m.e.p.) is
obtained from an indicated power diagram
2) Pressure indicator type- This measures
maximum combustion pressures only.
- Also known as maximum pressure indicator
- Compression pressure is recorded with fuel cut
- No engine speed limitations
- Often used on medium speed engines.
-does not record indicator diagrams on paper.
Pressure Indicator Type
An engine indicator consists of small bore cylinder
containing a short stroke piston which is
subjected to same variation in pressures that
takes place inside the engine cylinder during
one cycle of operation.
This is done by connecting the indicator cylinder to
the top of the engine cylinder.
The gas pressure pushes the indicator piston up
against the resistance of a spring, a choice of
specially scaled springs of different stiffness
being available to suit the operating pressures
with in the cylinder and a reasonable height of
A spindle connects the indicator piston to a system
of small levers to produce a vertical straight line
motion at the pencil on the end of the pencil
lever, parallel ( but magnified about six times) to
the motion of the indicator piston.
The pencil is often a brass point or stylus, this is
brought to press lightly on a specially prepared
indicator paper wrapped around a cylindrical
drum and clipped to it.
The drum, which has a built in recoil spring, is
actuated in a semi rotary manner by a chord
wrapped around he groove in the bottom of it.
The chord, passing over a guide pulley is attached
by a hook at its lower end to a reduction lever
system from the engine cross head.
Instead of lever system from the crosshead, many
engines are fitted with a special cam and tappet
gear to produce the stroke of the engine piston
to small scale.
The drum therefore turns part of a revolution when
the engine piston moves down, and turns back
again when the engine piston moves up thus the
pencil or stylus on the end of the indicator lever
drwas a diagram which is a record of pressure in
cylinder during one complete cycle.
Type of indicator diagrams
Power cards is taken with the indicator diagrams in
phase with piston movements.
The area with in this diagram represents the work
done during the cycle of scale.
This may be used to calculate the power produced
or the indicated mean effective pressure (pm) for
the cylinder.
Irregularities in the shape of the diagram will show
operational faults.
Maximum or peak pressure may be measured to
scale between the atmospheric line and the
highest point on the diagram.
Compression diagram
This is taken in a similar manner to the power card
but with the fuel cut off.
The height of this diagram shows maximum
compression pressure.
Reduction in height of this diagram shows low
Draw card or out of phase diagram
Taken in a similar manner to the power card, with
fuel pump engaged but with the indicator
diagram 90º out of phase with the piston stroke.
This illustrates more clearly the pressure changes
during combustion.
Fuel timing or injector faults may be detected from
this diagram.
Again similar to power card and in phase with
engine, but this diagram is taken with light
compression spring fitted to the indicator
showing pressure changes during exhaust and
scavenge to an enlarged scale.
It can be used to detect fault in these operations.
Draw card
Power calculation
Force = Mass x acceleration
Pressure = Force/area
Work done = Force x distance
Power = work done in unit time or rate of
doing work or work done/sec
Force = kg(mass) x g = Kg(wt.)
= Newton
Unit of Pressure = kg(force or weight)/sq.meter
= Kg/sq.meter
= Newton/sq.meter or Pascal
100Kpascal = 1 bar
Work done = Force x Distance
= Newton meter
= 1 Joule
Power = Newton meter/sec
= Joule/sec
= Watt
1 bar = 1.0193 kg/sq.cm
1Kpa = 0.01 kg/sq.cm = 0.1 N/sq.cm
1Kpa = 1000 Newton/square meter
Power calculation..
Power calculation…
Power calculation….
Power calculation…..
Instrument defects
Instrument defects contd..
Instrument defects contd…
Information from indicator diagram
Information from indicator diagram..
Information from indicator diagram…
Leaking injector
• A LEAKING FUEL INJECTOR can be detected by a loss in power
in the affected cylinder together with smoke at exhaust and high
exhaust and high exhaust temperature. There may also be a
knock or pressure wave in the injection system. An indicator
diagram taken from this cylinder will show fluctuations of pressure
during the expansion process due to secondary burning of fuel
leaking from the valve. A higher expansion line at the exhaust
opening indicates afterburning.
• Loss in power will be due to incorrect combustion since the fuel
pressure wave from the fuel pump must refill the space left by fuel
leaked from the injector; this may also cause the knock. Hot gas
from the cylinder may blow back into the injector tip, forming
carbon and choking the atomizer. Carbon may also form on the
outside of the atomizer due to burning of the dribble of fuel.
• The injector should be changed and tested. To reduce the
possibility of leaking injectors, good maintenance of fuel pumps
and injectors should be carried out with routine changing of the
injectors. Fuel must be purified and filtered and must be supplied
at the correct temperature. Fuel injectors must also be
maintained at the correct temperature.
Partly choked fuel injector

• PARTLY CHOKED FUEL VALVE may be due to contamination of the fuel in

which debris may choke the small atomizer holes in the injector. Alternatively it
may be caused by a leaky injector allowing hot gas to blow back into the injector
causing carbon to form and choke the injector. Overheating of injector nozzle
may also cause buildup of carbon. There will be a loss in engine power. There
will probably be hammering in the fuel pipes between fuel pump and injector and
this may lead to rupture of fuel pipe. A choked valve can be confirmed by
indicator diagram power and draw cards and reduced exhaust temperature
• The remedy is to change the fuel injector, clean the fuel system and ensure
correct centrifuging and filtering of fuel, maintain correct fuel valve temperature.
Choked exhaust

• CHOKED EXHAUST The pressure during valve opening does not fall as
rapidly or as far as it should and prevents correct blow down and
recharge of the cylindcr with air. It causes loss in power, high exhaust
temperature, smoke and possible surge in the turbocharger, and is the
result of contamination due to incorrect combustion or excessive
cylinder lubricating oil.
Light spring diagram
Chocked silencer ( intake )

• In the power card this defect will show itself as loss of power, low
compression, and ignition pressure, high exhaust temperature. The
required quantity of air is not admitted in the cylinder hence
combustion of fuel is affected. A light spring diagram will show a low
pressure at the intake of the cylinder.
Light spring with earlier or later
exhaust v/v opening

• EXHAUST VAL VE OPENING on a slow running engine can be checked by means

of a light spring indicator diagram. This will not give an accurate timing check. but
by comparison with a normal diagram or one taken during original engine trials. it
may be seen if valve opening is early or late.
• Early opening of exhaust valve will cause a loss in power since pressure is
released too soon. It will give a high exhaust temperature with risk of overheatmg
and contamination. Late opening will reduce the scavenge efficiency by reducing
blow­down. It win also affect the supply of energy to the turbocharger.
Early ignition

• EARLY IGNITION This will cause an abnormally high peak pressure in the cylinder at
about the top of the piston stroke. A heavy shock load will be transmitted to the
running gear and bearings with a corresponding knocking sound. Although thermal
efficiency is high and exhaust temperature reduced. the shock load and consequent
vibrations may cause damage.
• Causes of early ignition may be incorrect fuel pump timing, broken or wrongly set
injector springs. incorrect fuel condition. or overheating of parts within the cylinder
Later ignition / late injection

• LATE IGNITION It can be seen that this causes a low peak pressure which occurs
well after top centre of the piston. Power is lost since the fuel is not burnt correctly to
transmit power at the most effective part of the stroke. Combustion may continue
during the expansion stroke (see Afterburning) and may be incomplete. giving loss in
energy produced. high exhaust temperature and smoke.the fuel consumption will be
higher, average temperature of piston and liner is likely to be higher.if run in this
condition for a long period troubles will manifest itself in the form of defective
lubrication, piston ring leakage, laquering in the engine, scavange fires etc.
• Late ignition may be due to excessive injector spring setting. poor atomisation. high
viscosity or poor quality fuel. fuel pump leaking or incorrectly timed. low compression.
insufficient supply of combustion air. Or under cooling of parts within the cylinder.
After burning

• AFTERBURNING This refers to slow or late combustion of fuel during the expansion
stroke of the piston and is shown by a rise in the expansion line during the latter part
of the stroke. Exhaust temperature and pressure will be high. with burning fuel and
carbon passing to exhaust. This may bum exhaust valves and foul the exhaust
system. with risk of turbocharger surging or uptake fires. High temperatures within the
cylinder cause a deterioration in lubrication and possible damage to liner surface and
piston rings. There may also be burning of the piston crown.

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