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Grammar- Is one the kind of skill to be studied in English. This an

important part in English and it is among the most difficult
to be learned.
1.Descriptive grammar- is an approach that describes the grammatical construction of a
language, from a point of view of linguists. It is used to investigate a corpus’ of spoken
and written material.
2. Pedagogical grammar- this is the kind of grammar we think about because it is used for
teaching a FL or raising awareness of the learners’L1.
3.Prescriptive grammar- focuses on the construction of language as certain people think
it is or isn’t correct.
4.Reference grammar- grammatical descriptions that can be used as reference for those
interesting in establishing grammatical fact.
5. Theoretical grammar-studies individual language, and determines what the required
construct is in order to do any grammatical analysis.
6.Traditional grammar- summarizes the attitudes and methods found in the period
Before the advent of linguistict science.
On the other hand, Dr. Richard Nordquist, Full Professor of English at the
Armstrong Atlantic State University in George, mentions about 10 different
Ways of the analyzing the structures and functions of the language.

1. Comparative grammar- consists of the analysis and comparison of the
grammatical structures of the related languages.
2. Generative grammar- refers to the unconscious knowledge of a speaker’s
use of language.
3. Mental grammar- is considered the generative grammar stored in the
brain and which allows a speaker to use language in an understandable way.
4. Pedagogical grammar- simplified grammar designed and used for SL instruction.

We consider that the value of the studying grammar is not exactly identifying exactly what kind of grammar it is, but that by
How a language works, we get more control on then way words are put together into sentences, and then into paragraph, helping
Us become more competent writers.

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