Web Programming: HTML Introduction

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HTML Introduction
What is HTML?

 HTML is a language for describing web

 HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup
 HTML is a markup language
– A markup language is a set of markup tags
– HTML uses markup tags to describe web pages
 HTML markup tags are usually called HTML tags
 HTML tags are keywords surrounded by angle
brackets like <html>
 HTML tags normally come in pairs like <b> and
 The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag
is the end tag
 Start and end tags are also called opening tags and
closing tags.
HTML Element
 An HTML element starts with a start tag
 An HTML element ends with an end tag
 The element content is everything between the start
and end tag
 Some HTML elements have empty content
 Some HTML elements have a missing end tag
 Note: The start tag can have additional information
Nested HTML
 Most HTML elements can be nested (can contain
other HTML elements).
 Most HTML documents consist of nested HTML
 The <html> element defines the whole HTML
 The element has a start tag <html> and an end tag
 The element content is another element (the body)
Empty HTML Elements
 HTML elements without content are called empty
elements. Empty elements have no end tag.
 <br /> is an empty element without a closing tag.
 In XHTML, XML, and future versions of HTML, all
elements must be closed.
 Adding a slash to the start tag, like <br />, is the
proper way of closing empty elements, accepted by
HTML Documents - Web Pages
 HTML documents describe web pages
 HTML documents contain HTML tags and plain text
 HTML documents are also called web pages
 The purpose of a web browsers (like Internet
Explorer) is to read HTML documents and display
them as web pages.
– The browser does not display the HTML tags, but uses the
tags to interpret the content of the page
What Do You Need?

 HTML Editor
– Notepad
– FrontPage, etc
 Browser
– Mozilla Firefox
– Opera
– IE
HTM or HTML Extension?

 When you save an HTML file, you can use

either the .htm or the .html extension.
 We use .htm in our examples. It is a habit
from the past, when the software only
allowed three letters in file extensions
HTML Headings
 Headings are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags.
– <h1> defines the largest heading.
– <h6> defines the smallest heading.
 Use the HTML heading tags for headings only. Don't
use headings to make something BIG or bold.
 H1 headings should be used as main headings,
followed by H2 headings, and less important H3
headings, and so on
 Note: Browsers automatically adds an empty line
before and after headings
HTML Paragraphs
 Paragraphs are defined with the <p> tag.
 Most browsers will display HTML correctly even if
you forget the end tag.
 The example above will work in most browsers, but
don't rely on it. Forgetting the end tag can produce
unexpected results or errors.
 Note: Future version of HTML will not allow you to
skip end tags

<p>This is a paragraph</p>
<p>This is another paragraph</p>

<p>This is a paragraph
<p>This is another paragraph
Problem with Paragraph

 Ignore code with more than one space

 How to show code sintax like
if($i % 2 == 0)
echo “even”
HTML Line Breaks
 Use the <br /> tag if you want a line break (a
new line) without starting a new paragraph
 The <br /> tag is an empty tag. It has no end
tag like </br>.
 In future versions of HTML, tags with no end
tags (closing tags) are not allowed.
 Even if <br> works in all browsers, writing
<br /> instead is more future proof.
Line Breaks

My favorite sports are : <br />

Soccer <br />
Baseball <br />

<p>This is<br />a para<br />graph with line

HTML Formatting Tags

 HTML uses tags like <b> and <i> for

formatting output, like bold or italic text.
 These HTML tags are called formatting tags
 Output examples :
– This text is bold
– This text is italic
– This is subscript and superscript
Text Formatting Tags
HTML Fonts
 With <font> tag you can specify both the size
and the type of the browser output
 The <font> Tag Should NOT be Used
– The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has
removed the <font> tag from its
 In future versions of HTML, style sheets
(CSS) will be used to define the layout and
display properties of HTML elements.

<font face="Verdana">I'm Verdana</font>

<font size=“6">Using size=6</font>
<font color="yellow">My color is yellow</font>

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