Journal Entry #1: - Do You Consider Yourself To Be A Healthy Person?

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Journal Entry #1

• Do you consider yourself to be a healthy person? Provide at least

2 pieces of evidence.
Current Learning Target
• Be able to explain the foundations for building wellness.
Our Health is a combination of

Mental/ Social well-

Physical Emotional being

These parts of your health work together to build good overall wellness.
Examine the diagram of the health triangle, name specific activities that
could improve one or more of the three sides of your health triangle.
Health Involves the health of your body.

1. Get 60 minutes of exercise

a day.
2. Eat healthy foods
3. Get plenty of sleep
4. Avoid harmful substances
5. Wear proper safety
6. Not sharing water bottles,
Chapstick, or eating
Mental/ Involves the health of your mind.
1. Thinking positively
2. Expressing your feelings in healthy
3. Managing time wisely
4. Positive self talk
5. Quiet time
6. Having courage to ask for help.
7. Being resilient
8. Avoid comparison thinking
Social Involves the health of all your
Health relationships.

1. Working through problems with others peacefully.

2. Being a good listener.

3. Friends can count on you when they have a problem or need


4. Spending time with family.

5. Treating others with dignity.

6. Getting along with others.

Other Influences??

• How can family, friends, and media

have an affect on our health triangle
both positively and negatively?
Thinking Critically!
“Alexandra is feeling upset because she didn't do well in her
piano recital.”

1. Does this mean that she does not have good total health?
2. What can she do to keep her mental/emotional health in balance.
Pit Stop
• Each day after school Marcus has band practice or Boy Scout meetings. He loves
to constantly snack on chips and soda. During a fitness survey he found out he
was about 15 pounds over weight and his endurance was lacking, but he thinks
he looks good and doesn’t mind the “extra weight” or his lack of endurance.

• What parts of Marcus’ Health Triangle are most balanced? Which

part could use a little attention?

• Be ready to defend your answers with evidence.

• Jordan spends most of her time getting together with
friends. They play video games and spend a lot of time
skateboarding. Jordan gets good grades but constantly waits
until the last minute to do her work. What do you think her
health triangle would look like?

• Draw a triangle on your whiteboard with the longer sides being most
balanced and the shorter side being the least balanced?
Complete Health
• Wellness -  having balanced health over a period of time.

• How does your health change from day to day?

– One day you may feel tired vs. Another day full of energy
– Sick/ill vs. healthy
– Sad vs. excited

• Being healthy means balancing the three sides of your health

triangle over weeks or months.

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