Discrete Mathematics: Functions

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Discrete Mathematics

Definition of a function
 A function takes an element from a set and
maps it to a UNIQUE element in another set

f maps R to Z
Domain R Z Co-domain

4.3 4

Pre-image of 4 Image of 4.3

More functions

A pre-image The image

Domain Co-domain of 1 of “a”

Ayşe A “a” 1
Barış B “bb“ 2
Canan C “cccc” 3
Davut D “dd” 4
Emine F “e” 5

A class grade function A string length function

Even more functions


a 1 “a” 1
e 2 “bb“ 2
i 3 “cccc” 3
o 4 “dd” 4
u 5 “e” 5

Some function… Not a valid function!

Also not a valid function!
Function arithmetic
 Let f1(x) = 2x
 Let f2(x) = x2

 f1+f2 = (f1+f2)(x) = f1(x)+f2(x) = 2x+x2

 f1*f2 = (f1*f2)(x) = f1(x)*f2(x) = 2x*x2 = 2x3

One-to-one functions
 A function is one-to-one if each element in
the co-domain has a unique pre-image
 Formal definition: A function f is one-to-one
if f(x) = f(y) implies x = y.

a 1 a 1
e 2 e 2
i 3 i 3
o 4 o 4
5 5

A one-to-one function A function that is

not one-to-one
More on one-to-one
 Injective is synonymous with one-to-one
“A function is injective”
 A function is an injection if it is one-to-one

 Note that there can a 1

be un-used elements e 2
in the co-domain i 3
o 4

A one-to-one function
Onto functions
 A function is onto if each element in the co-
domain is an image of some pre-image
 Formal definition: A function f is onto if for
all y  C, there exists x  D such that f(x)=y.

a 1 a 1
e 2 e 2
i 3 i 3
o 4 o 4
u 5

An onto function A function that

is not onto
More on onto
 Surjective is synonymous with onto
“A function is surjective”
 A function is an surjection if it is onto

 Note that there can

be multiply used a 1
elements in the e 2
co-domain i 3
o 4

An onto function
Onto vs. one-to-one
 Are the following functions onto, one-to-
one, both, or neither?
a 1 a 1
a 1
b 2 b 2
b 2
c 3 c 3
c 3
4 d 4
1-to-1, not onto Both 1-to-1 and onto Not a valid function

a 1 a 1
b 2 b 2
c 3 c 3
d d 4
Onto, not 1-to-1 Neither 1-to-1 nor onto
 Consider a function that is
both one-to-one and onto: a 1
b 2
c 3
 Such a function is a one-to-one
d 4
correspondence, or a bijection
Identity functions
 A function such that the image and the pre-
image are ALWAYS equal

 f(x) = 1*x
 f(x) = x + 0

 The domain and the co-domain must be the

same set
Inverse functions

Let f(x) = 2*x

R f R


4.3 8.6

Then f-1(x) = x/2

More on inverse functions
 Can we define the inverse of the following functions?

a 1 a 1
b 2 b 2
c 3 c 3
4 d

What is f-1(2)? What is f-1(2)?

Not onto! Not 1-to-1!

 An inverse function can ONLY be done defined on a

Compositions of functions
(f ○ g)(x) = f(g(x))

g f

g(a) f(b)

a f(g(a))
b = g(a)

(f ○ g)(a)
Compositions of functions

Let f(x) = 2x+3 f○g

Let g(x) = 3x+2
g f

g(1) f(5)

(f ○ g)(1)

f(g(x)) = 2(3x+2)+3 = 6x+7

Compositions of functions

Does f(g(x)) = g(f(x))?

Let f(x) = 2x+3 Let g(x) = 3x+2

f(g(x)) = 2(3x+2)+3 = 6x+7

g(f(x)) = 3(2x+3)+2 = 6x+11 Not equal!

Function composition is not commutative!

Useful functions
 Floor: x means take the greatest integer
less than or equal to the number

 Ceiling: x means take the lowest integer

greater than or equal to the number

 round(x) =  x+0.5 
Ceiling and floor properties
Let n be an integer
(1a) x = n if and only if n ≤ x < n+1
(1b) x = n if and only if n-1 < x ≤ n
(1c) x = n if and only if x-1 < n ≤ x
(1d) x = n if and only if x ≤ n < x+1
(2) x-1 < x ≤ x ≤ x < x+1
(3a) -x = - x
(3b) -x = - x
(4a) x+n = x+n
(4b) x+n = x+n
Ceiling property proof
 Prove rule 4a: x+n = x+n
Where n is an integer
Will use rule 1a: x = n if and only if n ≤ x <
 Direct proof!
Let m = x
Thus, m ≤ x < m+1 (by rule 1a)
Add n to both sides: m+n ≤ x+n < m+n+1
By rule 4a, m+n = x+n
Since m = x, m+n also equals x+n
Thus, x+n = m+n = x+n
 Factorial is denoted by n!

 n! = n * (n-1) * (n-2) * … * 2 * 1

 Thus, 6! = 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 720

 Note that 0! is defined to equal 1

Proving Function problems
 Let f be an invertible function from Y to Z
 Let g be an invertible function from X to Y
 Show that the inverse of f○g is:
(f○g)-1 = g-1 ○ f-1

(Pf) Thus, we want to show, for all zZ and xX

((f  g)  (g-1  f-1)) (x) = x and ((f-1  g-1)  (g  f)) (z) = z

((f  g)  (g-1  f-1)) (x) = (f  g) (g-1  f-1)) (x))

= (f  g) g-1 f-1(x)))
= (f g g-1 f-1(x)))))
= (f f-1(x))
The second equality is similar

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