How To Prepare For The Versant English Test: Talent Acquisition Bogotá 2021

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Please read each item in this presentation very
carefully in order to have a successful score in
your Versant test

Follow this instructions:

1. Present this test using earphones and in a

silent place
2. Make sure you can fully concentrate
Test Structure

Part A: Reading Part B: Repeat Part C: Questions

You must read the sentences Similar to Part A, but here You will be asked to answer
in the order the voice asks the voice will read you a some very basic logic
you to. They may ask you to sentence and you will have questions.
read all of them or only to repeat it back exactly as Example: “Would you get
some. They may ask you to the voice speaks it. water from a river or a
read sentence 1 and then 7 - There are 24 sentences, rock?”, the answer is FROM A
(random order!) since #15 they are longer RIVER, make sure the
USE PEN AND PAPER TO structure of your answer is
TAKE NOTES the correct one
Test Structure

Part D: Sentence Part E: Story Part F: Open

Builds Retelling Questions
You will be asked to listen to You will be asked to listen to You will be asked two open-
three or more parts of a 3 stories and then retell them ended questions to which
sentence, out of order, and with as many details as you you need to give a simple
then repeat them back in the can recall. open-ended answer.
correct and logic order. You will have 40 seconds to Each question will be asked
- It would be 10 sentences re tell each story. twice and you will have 30-40
- Prepare pencil and paper if - Take notes! seconds to respond.
you need to write for help Use as much vocabulary as
possible and use all the time
Test Structure given!
Part A: Read and repeat

Here are some examples:

1. Injuries are becoming frequent among soccer players.

2. Many have to have major surgery at one time or another.
3. Knee injuries are among the worst.
4. Not only are they painful, but rehabilitation can be long and difficult.
5. David’s desk was always covered with papers when he left the office.
6. When he arrived in the morning, the mess would still be waiting for him.
7. David felt that for every project he finished, two more waited on his desk.
Part B: Hear and repeat

Here are some examples:

1. Going to a ball game is a favorite pastime.

2. Holidays are a great time to visit relatives.
3. He couldn’t wait to try ballroom dancing.
4. For more information call the number below.
5. You’re not really going to call them, are you?
6. I thought that the train would be here by now.
7. Not all trees lose their leaves.
8. It’s very enjoyable to go for a slow walk along the water.
Part C: Questions

Here are some examples:

1. If your business is lucrative, are you making or losing money? (Making money)
2. Are oranges and bananas fruits or vegetables? (Fruits)
3. Which is taller? A tree or a bush? (A tree)
4. What season comes before Spring? (Winter)
5. Which is more like stone? Cement or rubber? (Cement)
6. Who is more likely to be older? John or his grandmother? (Grandmother)
7. How many sides does a triangle have? (Three)
8. Either Larry or Susan had to go, but Susan couldn’t. So, who went? (Larry)
9. Do you drink water from a bottle or from a newspaper? (From a bottle)
Part D: Sentence Builds

Here are some examples:

1. She didn’t notice… the book… who took (She didn’t notice who took the book.)
2. They didn’t… the movie… enjoy (They didn’t enjoy the movie.)
3. Your books… leave… at home (Leave your books at home.)

4. To wait here… we didn’t want… very long (We didn’t want to wait here very long.)
5. Was expecting… every visitor… a nice gift (Every visitor was expecting a nice gift.)
6. That he was… I think… happier then (I think he was happier then.)
Part E: Story Retelling
Here are some examples:

1. Rick and his friends needed to buy suits for a party so they all went shopping. Rick
found a suit that he loved. His friends all liked that same suit too. So they all decided to
buy the same suit but wear ties in different colors.

2. Ben went on a vacation to the beach. Ben’s father went straight to the water and
started swimming. Ben’s mother enjoyed relaxing in the sun. Ben built a castle in the sand.
Ben’s father came out of the water and didn’t see the sand castle so he stepped on it. Ben
was sad but his dad helped him build another castle.

3. During the summer a little family of birds lived in a big tree by the school. Every
winter they flew to warmer weather, stopping wherever they could find a safe and warm
place for the night. But at the end of the winter they always returned to their tree by the
Part F: Open Questions
• People have friends for many different reasons. What qualities should a
person have for you to choose that person as a friend?
• If your family received a large amount of money, how should this money be
used? Please explain.
• Given a choice, would you like to live in a large city or a small town? Please
explain why.
• Some people think that week-ends should be spent resting and relaxing,
while other people prefer to use the extra time to complete work. How do you
like to spend week-end time? Please explain.
• Many new things, like computers and mobile telephones, have made
everyday life easier. What new technology seems most important to you? Why is
it important to you?
• Do you think that it is easier for you to learn new subjects by yourself, or do
you think it is better to have a teacher help you with a new subject? Please
Part F: Open Questions – Page 2

• Describe an enjoyable activity that a family can do together. Choose an

activity that is good for both children and adults.
• In some countries, all adults in the family work outside the home, and
children are often cared for by people who are not in their family. Do you think
that this situation makes children more independent? Please give reasons for
your answer.
• If you were asked to represent your country at an international conference,
what topic would you like to discuss with other people from other nations?
Please explain why.
• Imagine that a friend or family member is visiting you. Would you take this
person to a restaurant or would you make a meal at home? Explain your choice.

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