W10 Kinematics of A Particle: Kns1633 Engineering Mechanics Semester 1 2011-2012 MR Abdul Azim Abdullah
W10 Kinematics of A Particle: Kns1633 Engineering Mechanics Semester 1 2011-2012 MR Abdul Azim Abdullah
W10 Kinematics of A Particle: Kns1633 Engineering Mechanics Semester 1 2011-2012 MR Abdul Azim Abdullah
Semester 1 2011-2012
Mr Abdul Azim Abdullah
Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion
Curvilinear Motion: Rectangular
Motion of a Projectile
Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion
Given the a-t Graph, construct the v-t Graph
• When the a-t graph is known, the v-t graph may be
constructed using a = dv/dt
Change in = Area under a-
velocity t graph
Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion
Particle’s initial velocity v0 is
Then add small increments of
area (∆v) determined from the
a-t graph
Successive points for the v-t
graph, v1 = v0 + ∆v
Algebraic addition since the
areas above t axis correspond to
an increase in v (+ve areas)
Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion
If segments of the a-t graph
described by a series of eqns,
integrate each eqns to yield
eqns for corresponding
segments of the v-t graph
If the a-t graph is linear (1st
degree curve), integration
will yield a v-t graph that is
parabolic (2nd degree curve),
Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion
Given the v-t Graph, construct the s-t Graph
• When the v-t graph is known, the s-t graph may be
constructed using v = ds/dt
ds 2t 120 dt
s t
10s t 60s; v 2t 120;
500 10
s t 2 120t 600
12 2 s1
a ds
Area under a-s
Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion
Initial small segment of area
under the a-s graph, [colored,
fig.(a)] = half the difference in
the squares of the speed,
•If the area and the initial value
of v0 at s=0 is known, then
•Successive points on the v-s
graph can be constructed in
this manner starting from the
initial velocity, v0
Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion
Acceleration = velocity times slope of v-s graph
Rectilinear Kinematics: Erratic Motion
Method 1
• At any point (s,v), the slope
dv/ds of the v-s graph is measured
• Since v and dv/ds are known,
the value of a can be calculated
Method 2
•If the eqns of the corresponding
segments of the v-s graph are
known, the segments describing
the a-s graph can be determine
analytically by integration using a
ds = v dv
The v-s graph describing the motion of a motorcycle is
shown in Fig 12-15a. Construct the a-s graph of the
motion and determine the time needed for the motorcycle
to reach the position s = 120 m.
a-s Graph.
Since the eqns for the segments of the v-s graph are
given, a-s graph can be determined using a ds = v dv.
0 s 60m; v 0.2 s 3
av 0.04s 0.6
60m s 120m; v 15;
av 0
The time can be obtained using v-s graph and v = ds/dt.
For the first segment of motion, s = 0 at t = 0,
ds ds
0 s 60m; v 0.2s 3; dt
v 0. 2 3
t s ds
o dt 0 0.2s 3
t 5 ln(0.2 s 3) 5 ln 3
At s = 60 m, t = 8.05 s
For second segment of motion,
ds ds
60 s 120m; v 15; dt
v 15
t s ds
8.05 dt 60 15
t 4.05
At s = 120 m, t = 12.0 s
General Curvilinear Motion
Curvilinear motion occurs when the particle moves
along a curved path
Position. The position of the particle, measured from a
fixed point O, is designated by the position vector r =
General Curvilinear Motion
Displacement. Suppose during a small time interval Δt
the particle moves a distance Δs along the curve to a
new position P’, defined by r’ = r + Δr. The
displacement Δr represents the change in the particle’s
position (Δr = r’ - r).
General Curvilinear Motion
Velocity. During the time Δt, the average velocity of the
particle is defined as
General Curvilinear Motion
Acceleration. If the particle has a velocity v at time t
and a velocity v’ = v + Δv at time t’ = t + Δt. The
average acceleration during the time interval Δt is
General Curvilinear Motion
To study this time rate of change, the two velocity
vectors are plotted such that their tails are located at
the fixed point O’ and their arrowheads touch points on
a curve.
The curve is called hodograph, describes the locus of
points for the arrowhead of the velocity vector in the
same manner as the path s describes the locus points
for the arrowhead of the position vector
General Curvilinear Motion
Instantaneous acceleration -> let Δt 0 in the average
acceleration eqn, Δv will approach the tangent to the
hodograph, hence:
dt d r2
a 2
dr dt
General Curvilinear Motion
a acts tangent to the hodograph, therefore it is not
tangent to the path of motion v
r x y z
2 2 2
where vx x v y y vz z
where a x v x x
a y v y y
a z v z z
v x x 9t 9m / s
v y y
d 2
x / 30 10.8m / s
When t = 2 s, the magnitude of velocity is
v 9 2 10.8 2 14.1m / s
v vy
Acceleration. a x v x 0
a y v y 5.4m / s 2
a 0 2 5.4 2 5.4m / s 2
a ay
Example 5
The motion of box B is defined by
the position vector r = {0.5sin(2t)i
+ 0.5cos(2t)j – 0.2tk} m, where t
is in seconds and the arguments
for sine and cosine are in radians
(π rad = 180°). Determine the
location of box when t = 0.75 s
and the magnitude of its velocity
and acceleration at this instant.
Position. Evaluating r when t = 0.75 s yields
r t 0.75s {0.5 sin(1.5rad )i 0.5 cos(1.5rad ) j 0.2(0.75)k } m
{0.499i 0.0354 j 0.150k } m
At t = 0.75 s, a = 2 m/s2
Motion of a Projectile
Free-flight motion studied in terms of rectangular
components since projectile’s acceleration always act
Consider projectile launched at (x0, y0)
Path defined in the x-y plane
Initial velocity is v0 with (v0)x and (v0)y
Air resistance neglected
Only force acting on the projectile is its weight,
resulting in constant downwards acceleration
ac = g = 9.81 m/s2
Motion of a Projectile
Motion of a Projectile
Horizontal Motion Since ax = 0, by applying constant
acceleration equations,
v v0 ac t ; v x (v0 ) x
1 2
x x0 v0t ac t ; x x0 (v0 ) x t
v 2 v02 2ac ( s s0 ); v x (v0 ) x
v v0 ac t ; v y (v0 ) y gt
1 2 1 2
y y0 v0t ac t ; y y0 (v0 ) y t gt
2 2
v 2 v02 2ac ( y y0 ); v y (v0 ) 2y 2 g ( y y0 )
Motion of a Projectile
• Problems involving the motion of a projectile have at
most three unknowns since only three independent
equations can be written:
- one in the horizontal direction
- two in the vertical direction
Coordinate System
Establish the fixed x, y, z axes and sketch the
trajectory of the particle
Specify the three unknowns and data between any
two points on the path
Acceleration of gravity always acts downwards
Express the particle initial and final velocities in
the x, y components
Positive and negative position, velocity and
acceleration components always act in accordance
with their associated coordinate directions
Motion of a Projectile
Kinematics Equations
Depends on the known data & what is to be determined
Decide on which three of the following eqns to be
applied between the two points on the path for the most
direct solution
Horizontal Motion
Velocity in the horizontal or x directions is constant (vx)
= (vo)x
x = xo + (vo)x t
Motion of a Projectile
Vertical Motion
Only two of the following three equations should be
v y (v0 ) y gt
1 2
y y0 (v0 ) y t gt
v y (v0 ) 2y 2 g ( y y0 )
1 0 v A sin 30(1.5) (9.81)(1.5) 2
v A 13.4m / s
Horizontal Motion
( sB ) x ( s A ) x (v A )t AB
R 0 13.38 cos 30 (1.5) 17.4m
h 3.28m