RRU3804 Introduction and Hardware Installation

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RRU3804 Introduction




 Master the feature of RRU3804 and SRXU

 Master the hardware installation method of

RRU3804 and SRXU module

 Master the hardware installation method of

cables of RRU3804 and SRXU

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 2


 « Huawei DBS Hardware Installation »

 « RRU3804 User Guide »

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Chapter 1 The Feature of RRU3804 and SRXU

Chapter 2 RRU3804 and SRXU Hardware Installation

Chapter 3 Relative Cables Hardware Installation

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DBS3800 Main Product Family Overview

BBU3806 BBU3806C RRU3801C RRU3804 SRXU

Baseband unit Remote radio unit

 BBU3806: Indoor baseband unit.

 BBU3806c:Outdoor baseband unit .
 RRU3801C: an outdoor remote radio unit.
 RRU3804: an outdoor remote radio unit that is connected to the SRXU supports 4-way RX diversity.
 SRXU: an extended RF interface module that provides two RX channels for RF signals.

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Typical DBS3800 Deployment Scenarios
This representative scenarios system consists of:

BBU3806 module
RRU3804 module Antenna
Various cables RF jumper
Antenna and Feeder system RRU


RNC -48V DC system
power grounding
RF jumper
Power cable

-48V Power
DC power cable Grounding
Trunk cable

Fiber or CPRI high-speed

signal cable

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Appearance of RRU3804

Front view Side view

Front view
Without housing With housing

Note: With the development of product, there is a little different of housing.

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RRU 3804 Main Function
 The RRU3804 receives RF signals from the antenna system, down-converts the
RF signals to IF signals, and then transmits them to the BBU or the macro
NodeB after amplification, analog-to-digital conversion, digital down-
conversion, matched filtering, and Digital Automatic Gain Control (DAGC).

 Support 12dB, 24dB gain TMA

 RTWP statistic and report

 Interference scan function

 Standing wave detect and report

 Support ASIG (Antenna Interface Standards Group) 2.0

 Receiver reference sensitivity typical value -125.5dBm

 Intermodulation sensitivity -115dBm

 RRU3804 connected to the SRXU supports 4-way RX diversity

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Appearance and Panels of RRU3804

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Ports on the Panels of RRU3804

Items Label Description

RX_IN/OUT Interconnection port between
combined cabinets
Ports at the RET/PWR_SRXU Port for RET antenna /Power output Difference with
bottom to the SRXU RRU3801C

ANT_TX/RXA Main TX/RX diversity port

ANT_RXB Port for RX diversity
RS485/EXT_ALM Alarm port
Ports on the CPRI_E Optical ports
RTN(+) Power supply ports
PGND Grounding bolt

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LEDs on RRU3804----- I

Label Color Status Description

RUN Green ON The module has power input, yet the module is faulty
OFF The module has no power input or is reporting alarms
1s on, 2s off The module is operational
0.5s on, 0.5s off Software is being loaded to the module
ALM Red ON The module is reporting alarms (excluding VSWR-
related alarms
OFF The module is operational

TX_ACT Green ON The module is running

OFF No specific meaning

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LEDs on RRU3804----II
Label Color Status Description
VSWR Red ON VSWR-related alarms are reported
OFF No VSWP-related alarm is reported
CPRI_ Red/g ON (green) The CPRI link is normal
W reen ON (red) The optical module receives local alarms related to
0.5s ON, 0.5s The CPRI is out of lock
OFF (red)
OFF The optical module is not in position or is powered off
CPRI_E Red/g ON (green) The CPRI link is normal
reen ON (red) The optical module receives local alarms related to
0.5s ON, 0.5s The CPRI is out of lock
OFF (red)
OFF The optical module is not in position or is powered off

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RRU3804 Configuration Specification

Cell Description Number of RRU Sectors Carriers per Sector TX power/Carrier

( Sector X Carriers )

1X1, 1X2, 1X3, 1X4 1 1 1,2,3,4 60,30,20,15W

3×1 3 3 1 ≤60W

3×2 3 3 2 ≤30W
3×3 3 3 3 ≤20W
3×4 3 3 4 ≤15W

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Appearance of SRXU

Front view Side view

With housing

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Panels of the SRXU

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Ports and LED on the Panels of SRXU
Item Label Description
Ports at the PWR_SRXU Socket for power supply Difference with
bottom RRU3801C
ANT_RXC Ports for RX diversity
ANT_RXD Ports for RX diversity
RX_IN/OUT Port for interconnection between
combined cabins
RET Port for the RET antenna

Ports on the CPRI_E Optical ports

cabling cavity

LEDS The meaning of LEDs on the SRXU

please refer to LEDs on the RRU3804.

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RRU Features Comparison
RRU3801C RRU3804

Diversity method Supports 2-way RX diversity Supports 4-way RX diversity with SRXU

Power output 20W or 40W 60W (40% PA efficiency )

Only support frequency band Ⅰ:2100MHz

Frequency band BandⅠ~Ⅶ
(RX:1920~1980MHz; TX:2110~2170 MHz )
Two CPRI interfaces
Two CPRI interfaces
CPRI interface 1.25G multi-mode 10km
Support 1.25G Single-mode
1.25G Single-mode 40km

Support 220VAC and -48V DC Support -48V DC input only

input Input interface should be OT terminal

The data configuration and software downloading steps are almost same

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RRU Specification Comparison

Dimension 380mm×200mm×610m 280mm×155mm×488mm 260 mm x 60 mm x 480 mm

(W×D×H) m (including housing) (including the mounting plate
and housing)
Weight ≤20kg module≤15kg ≤6 kg
module +housing≤16kg
Power 240W 280W 30 W

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Chapter 1 The Feature of RRU3804 and SRXU

Chapter 2 RRU3804 and SRXU Hardware Installation

Chapter 3 Relative Cables Hardware Installation

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 19

Chapter 2 RRU3804 and SRXU Hardware Installation

2.1 Hardware Installation Overview

2.2 RRU3804 Installation

2.3 SRXU Installation

2.4 RRU 3804 and SRXU Cable Installation

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Hardware Installation Scenario Overview

Single module installation Two modules installation

Three modules installation

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Space Requirements of the RRU3804 /SRXU
Space Requirements of One  Space Requirements of Multiple RRU3804s
RRU3804 with and Without the SRXU with and Without the SRXUs.


minimal space

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Hardware Installation Comparison

Installation 40W RRU3801C RRU3804

Single Cabin +housing; Mounting plate +housing;
installation Distance between hole center Distance between hole center
210*378 210*270
M10*75 bolt M10*75 bolt

Centralized 3 RRU cabins; 3*(mounting plate +housing);

installation Distance between hole center Distance between hole center
210*378 210*270
M10*75 bolt M10*75 bolt

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Cable and Structure Comparison
Item 40W RRU3801C RRU3804 Remark
Single cabin and 3 RRU The distance between hole
Installation piece Mounting plate
cabins center:210*378 210*270
CPRI N/A N/A Cabling cavity, SFP
Power cable Bottom 、 aviation head cavity 、 OT Can modify on site
RF N/A N/A bottom 、 DIN

AISG N/A N/A Bottom, waterproof DB9

Combined cabin N/A N/A Bottom, water proofDB9

1 485 or 1 trunk
node 、 DB9 , d
Alarm cable 4 trunk nodes 、 DB15 All in cabling cavity
on’t support all at
same time
Grounding line N/A N/A Support two hole

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Replacing RRU3801C

RRU3804 can share installation hole for replacing RRU3801C

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Chapter 2 RRU3804 and SRXU Hardware Installation

2.1 Hardware Installation Overview

2.2 RRU3804 Installation

2.3 SRXU Installation

2.4 RRU 3804 and SRXU Cable Installation

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RRU3804 Installation
RRU 3804 hardware installation consists of:

Installing a single RRU3804

Installing two RRU3804s

Installing three RRU3804s

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RRU3804 Installation
 Installing a Single RRU3804

Scenario 1 the mounting plate of the single RRU3804 on the metal pole

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RRU3804 Installation
 Installing a Single RRU3804

Scenario 1 the mounting plate of the single RRU3804 on the metal pole

4 5

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RRU3804 Installation
 Installing a Single RRU3804

Scenario 1 the mounting plate of the single RRU3804 on the metal pole

6 7

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RRU3804 Installation
 Installing a Single RRU3804

Scenario 2 installing the mounting plate of the single RRU3804 on the wall

1 2 3

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RRU3804 Installation
 Installing a Single RRU3804
Scenario 3 installing the single RRU3804 module

1 2 3


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RRU3804 Installation
 Installing two RRU3804s
Scenario1 installing the mounting plate of the two RRU3804 on the metal pole

1 2 3

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RRU3804 Installation
 Installing two RRU3804s
Scenario 1 installing the mounting plate of the two RRU3804 on the metal pole

4 6

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RRU3804 Installation
 Installing two RRU3804s
Scenario 2 installing the mounting plate of the two RRU3804 on the wall

1 3 4

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RRU3804 Installation
 Installing two RRU3804s
Scenario 3 installing the two RRU3804 modules

1 2

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RRU3804 Installation
 Installing two RRU3804s
Scenario 3 installing the two RRU3804 modules

4 5 6

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RRU3804 Installation
 Installing two RRU3804s
Scenario 3 installing the two RRU3804 modules

7 8

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RRU3804 Installation
 Installing two RRU3804s
Scenario 1 installing the mounting plate of the three RRU3804 on the metal pole

1 4

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RRU3804 Installation
 Installing two RRU3804s
Scenario 1 installing the mounting plate of the three RRU3804 on the metal pole

5 6

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RRU3804 Installation
 Installing two RRU3804s

Scenario 2 installing the mounting plate of the three RRU3804 on the wall


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RRU3804 Installation
 Installing two RRU3804s

Scenario 2 installing the mounting plate of the three RRU3804 on the wall
4 5 6

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RRU3804 Installation
 Installing two RRU3804s
Scenario 3 installing the three RRU3804 modules

1 2

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RRU3804 Installation
 Installing two RRU3804s
Scenario 3 installing the three RRU3804 modules

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RRU3804 Installation
 Installing two RRU3804s
Scenario 3 installing the three RRU3804 modules

8 9 10

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Chapter 2 RRU3804 and SRXU Hardware Installation

2.1 Hardware Installation Overview

2.2 RRU3804 Installation

2.3 SRXU Installation

2.4 RRU 3804 and SRXU Cable Installation

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SRXU installation
SRXU hardware installation consists of:

Installing the SRXU on a single RRU3804

Installing the SRXUs on the two RRU3804s

Installing the SRXUs on the three RRU3804s

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SRXU Installation
 Installing the SRXU on a single RRU3804

1 2 3

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SRXU Installation
 Installing the SRXU on a single RRU3804

4 5

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SRXU installation
 Installing the SRXUs on the two RRU3804s
Scenario 1 Side-mounted installation

1 2

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SRXU installation
 Installing the SRXUs on the two RRU3804s
Scenario 1 Side-mounted installation

4 5

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SRXU Installation
 Installing the SRXUs on the two RRU3804s
Scenario 1 Rear-mounted installation


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SRXU installation
 Installing the SRXUs on the three RRU3804s


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SRXU Installation
 Installing the SRXUs on the three RRU3804s

3 4

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Chapter 2 RRU3804 and SRXU Hardware Installation

2.1 Hardware Installation Overview

2.2 RRU3804 Installation

2.3 SRXU Installation

2.4 RRU 3804 and SRXU Cable Installation

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Installing the PGND cable of RRU3804/SRXU
 Connecting the PGND cable (only RRU3804 is installed)

The green and yellow PGND cable is a single cable with a

cross-sectional area of 16 mm2. Both ends of the cable are
OT terminals to connect to the grounding bolt on the RRU3804
module. If you prepare the cable by yourself, it is
recommended to use a copper-based cable with a minimum
cross-sectional area of 16 mm2.


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Installing the PGND cable of RRU3804/SRXU
 Connecting the PGND cable (both RRU3804 and the SRXU are installed)

Connect a PGND cable between the RRU3804 and

the SRXU. Then connect one of the OT terminal on
the other PGND cable to the grounding bolt on the
RRU3804 module.

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Installing the Power Cable of RRU3804
 RRU3804/SRXU only support the -48V DC power cable

Step 1: Route the power cable. One end of the cable is two OT terminals, and
the other end is bare. The OT terminals need to be made on site.

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Installing the Power Cable of RRU3804
Step 2: Add two OT terminals to one end of the power cable
A. Determine l the lengths of power cable for B. Based on the determined lengths, remove the jacket
different operation according to the scales on and shielding layer from the power cable. Then remove
the cover plate of the cabling cavity as shown: the jacket of a specified length from each wire.

D. Remove about 15mm jacket from the power cable

C. Add an OT terminals to each wire

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Installing the Power Cable of RRU3804
Step 3: Remove the waterproof fillers from the cable troughs of the cabling cavity.
Route the power cable along its dedicated cable trough.

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Installing the Power Cable of RRU3804
Step 4: Open the cover over the terminals for the power cable

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Installing the Power Cable of RRU3804
Step 5 :Remove the screw on the strap labeled PGND.
Step 6 :Press the strap on the exposed shielding layer of the power cable, then tighten the
Step 7 :Connect the OT terminal on the blue -48V DC wire to the terminal labeled NEG(-).
Connect the OT terminal on the black or brown GND wire to the terminal labeled RTN(+).
Then tight the screw.
Step 8 :Close the cover.
Step 9 :Bind the -48V DC power cable to the binding slot in the lower angle piece.

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Installing the Power Cable of RRU3804
Step 10:Connect the other end of the power cable grounding.

a. Remove about 50mm jacket from the power

d. Wrap the power cable with the heat-
cable. shrinkable tube of Ф14 at the point where the
b. Twist the shielding layer of the power cable into shielding layer is removed .
one strand, and then wrap the strand with heat-
shrinkable tube of Ф5. f. Connect the PGND cable to the
shielding grounding bar of power supply

g. Add OT terminals to the blue –48 V wire

and the black GND wire, and then connect the
OT terminals to the wiring terminals on the
power supply.

C. Add a OT terminal to the other end of the PGND


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Installing the Power Cable of RRU3804
Step 11: Check whether the power cable of the SRXU needs to be installed.

Condition Action
The SRXU is installed. Go to step 12 to install the power cable of the
No SRXU is installed. Go to step 14.

Step 12: Fix the waterproof DB9 connector at one end of the SRXU power cable to
the RET/PWR_SRXU port at the bottom of the RRU3804.

Step 13: Fix the waterproof B9 connector at the other end of the SRXU power
cable to the PWR_SRXU port at the bottom of the SRXU.

Step 14: Label the power cable .

The rest cables installation refers to related contents of RRU3801C.

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Installing the Power Cable of SRXU
 The SRXU uses a shielded DC power cable.
 The cable feeds power from the RRU3804 to the SRXU.
 The cable has a waterproof DB9 connector at each end.
 One end of the DC power cable is connected to the RET/PWR_SRXU port at the bottom
of the RRU3804, and the other end is connected to the PWR_SRXU socket at the bottom

of the SRXU.

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Installing the Optical Cable of RRU3804/SRXU
 BBU3806-RRU3804/SRXU CPRI Optical Cable
The CPRI optical cable transmits CPRI signals:
• between BBU3806 and RRU3801C,
• between BBU3806 and RRU3804
• between RRU3804 and SRXU.
The CPRI optical cable is a multi-mode 2-wire
cable with DLC connectors at both ends.
BBU and RRU CPRI hardware connection is
same between RRU3801C and RRU3804

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AISG Multi-Wire Cables of RRU3804/SRXU
 The five-meter-long AISG multi-wire cable connects the RRU3804/SRXU to
the Remote Control Unit (RCU). If both RRU3804 and SRXU are installed, the
AISG multi-wire cable only connects the SRXU and the RCU. This cable is
 One end of the AISG multi-wire cable is a waterproof DB9 connector, and the
other end is a standard AISG female connector

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AISG Extension Cable of the RRU3804/SRXU

 When the distance between the RCU and the RRU3804/SRXU is longer than
5 m, the AISG multi-wire cable is not long enough to cover the distance and
the AISG extension cable is used. The AISG extension cable is 15 m long.
 One end of the AISG extension cable is a standard AISG male connector, and
the other end is a standard AISG female connector

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RF Jumper of the RRU3804/SRXU
 The RF jumper of the RRU3804/SRXU is of two types
 Antenna jumper: transmits and receives RF signals. Both
ends of the antenna jumper have DIN connectors.

 Interconnect jumper: transmits RF signals between two

The interconnect jumper is optional, depending on the site configuration.
The interconnect jumper is 2 m long, and both ends have 2W2 connectors
 The 2W2 connectors at the two ends of the interconnect jumper are linked
to the ports labeled RX_IN/OUT on two RRU3804s/SRXUs respectively
Waterproofed Joints

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Boolean/RS485 Input Cable of the RRU3804
 The cable transmits the 2-channel Boolean alarm signals and 1-channel
RS485 signals from external devices to the RRU3804. Thus, the external
signals are monitored.
 One end of the cable has a DB15 female connector, and the other end has
eight cord end terminals. If the cord end terminals of the cable do no match
the ports on the external devices, cut off the cord end terminals and make
proper terminals on site.

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Cable Connections of one RRU3804

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Cable Connections of one RRU3804 /SRXU

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Cable Connections of Multiple RRU3804s

Optical cable

Power cable

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Cable Connections of Multiple RRU3804s/SRXUs

Power cable

Power cable
Optical cable

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