Section I: Managing The Internal Audit Activity
Section I: Managing The Internal Audit Activity
Section I: Managing The Internal Audit Activity
Three Topics in Section I
1. Internal Audit Operations
2. Establishing a Risk-based Internal Audit
3. Communicating and Reporting to Senior
Management and the Board
Managing the
Internal Audit Activity
Standard 2000: Managing the Internal Audit Activity
The chief audit executive must effectively manage the internal audit activity to
ensure it adds value to the organization.
The internal audit activity is effectively managed when:
• It achieves the purpose and responsibility included in the internal audit
• It conforms with the Standards.
• Its individual members conform with the Code of Ethics and the Standards.
• It considers trends and emerging issues that could impact the organization.
The internal audit activity adds value to the organization and its stakeholders
when it considers strategies, objectives, and risks; strives to offer ways to
enhance governance, risk management, and control processes; and
objectively provides relevant assurance.
Internal Audit Operations
The operational role of internal auditing is to
make sure that:
• Engagements have been properly planned
• The IAA has the resources (human and
financial) to carry out the engagements, and
• The results of the engagements are
communicated to those who can take action.
Standard 2040: Policies and Procedures
The chief audit executive must establish policies and
procedures to guide the internal audit activity.
The form and content of policies and procedures are
dependent upon the size and structure of the internal
audit activity and the complexity of its work.
Practice Advisory 2040-1: Policies and Procedures
The chief audit executive develops policies and
procedures. Formal administrative and technical audit
manuals may not be needed by all internal audit
activities. A small internal audit activity may be
managed informally. Its audit staff may be directed and
controlled through daily, close supervision and
memoranda that state policies and procedures to be
followed. In a large internal audit activity, more formal
and comprehensive policies and procedures are
essential to guide the internal audit staff in the
execution of the internal audit plan.
Formulating Policies
and Procedures
As the IAA gets bigger, the CAE will not be
able to do everything him/herself and
more will be delegated.