Joints: by DR M Kamran Ameer
Joints: by DR M Kamran Ameer
Joints: by DR M Kamran Ameer
The Classification of Joints | General
• Broadly speaking, a joint or articulation is a
connection between two or more bones.
• Long bones articulate by their ends,
• Flat bones articulate by margins
• Short or irregular bones surfaces are articular.
The Classification of Joints | General
Classification of Joints (functional):
• Two basic types: synarthroses and diarthroses.
Synarthroses Diarthroses
solid joints without any cavity synovial joints
Subdivided into: which possess joint cavity
filled with synovial fluid
(i) Fibrous joints and permit free
where no movement is permissible movements.
Syndesmoses: It is a type of fibrous joint where the surfaces of bones are united by
interosseous ligaments, and the bones concerned lie some distance apart.
Such ligaments persist throughout life and slight amount of movement is
possible. Examples-lnferior tibio-fibular joint, interosseous membranes of
the fore – arm and leg, ligamenta flava.
Gomphosis (Peg Here the roots of the teeth fit in the sockets of the jaw, and are united by
and Socket Joint) fibrous tissue
• Most of the joints of the skull belong to this
• Sutural joints appear between those bones which
ossify in membranes.
• The superficial fibres of periosteum of both
bones, however, cross the middle zone of the
sutual membrane and unite the bones.
• Ossification in sutural membrane goes on till the
late twenties, when the membrane is replaced by
bones resulting in synostosis.
Types of sutures
(1) Serrate suture
• The edges of the bones present saw-tooth appearance.
• Example—Sagittal suture of the skull.
(2) Denticulate suture
• The margins present teeth, with the tips being broader than the roots.
• Example- Lamdoid suture.
(3) Squamous suture
• Here the edges of bones are united by overlapping.
• Example-Between parietal bone and squamous part of temporal bone.
(4) Plane suture
• The borders are plane and united by sutural ligaments.
• Example-Articulations between palatine processes of two maxillae.
(5) Wedge and Groove suture (Schindylesis):
• The edge of one bone fits in the groove of the other bone.
• Example between the rostrum of sphenoid and the upper margin of vomer
Cartilaginous Joints
• Synchondroses (Primary Cartilaginous Joint):
• Symphyses (Secondary Cartilaginous Joint):
Synchondroses (Primary Cartilaginous Joint)
(i) Junction between epiphysis and diaphysis of a growing
long bone
(ii) Articulation between basi-occiput and basi-sphenoid;
(iii) The first chondro-sternal joint
Symphyses (Secondary Cartilaginous Joint)