Unit # 5 Three Poets Student Book Page No.47 Friday, October 2, 2020

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Unit # 5

Three Poets
Student book
Page no.47
Friday, October 2, 2020
Sr no. Date Topic
2/10 Unit 5 : Vocabulary

Friday, October 2, 2020 VCW

Week 8 Topic: Three Poets
Day 5 Vocabulary
Unit:5 1. ladybug 6. bee

2. cricket 7. butterfly

3. grasshopper 8. thicket

4. beetle 9. kangaroo

5. katydid 10. raisin

Sr no. Date Topic
2/10 Unit 5 : Vocabulary

Friday, October 2, 2020 VCW

Week 8 Topic: Three Poets
Day 5 Vocabulary:-
1. dinosaur 7. layers
2. skull 8. paleontologist
3. ravine 9. ash
4. examine 10. sedimentary rock
5. discover 11 pastime
6. excavate
Sr no. Date Topic
9. 22/9 Word meanings

Tuesday, September 22, 2020 VCW

Week 7 Topic: Stumbling upon the past
Day 2 word meaning

dinosaur a big wild animal that lived a very long time ago

skull the bones in the head of an animal or a person

ravine a small, deep, narrow valley

examine to look carefully at something

discover to find something for the first time

excavate to dig in the ground to look for old objects or

layers something flat that lies on another thing

paleontologist a person who studies very old, dead animals or

ash gray powder that is left when something is burnt

sedimentary a type of rock found at the bottom of lakes or other

rock bodies of water
pastime something that you like doing in your free time
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
English student book
Page no. 36
B: True/ False:-
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False
6. False
7. True
C1: Paleontologists study very old, dead plants and animals.
C2: They excavate to find out more about the bone.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
English student book
Page no. 37
D: Predict what will happen. Write:- C: words in context:-
1. I predict Jamal will go to sleep
1. D
2. I predict she will give it to a museum.
2. A
Page no. 38 and 39
3. B
Read the text
4. C
Page no 40
3. C
4. B
5. A
Sr no. Date Topic
10. 23/9 Q/Ans.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020 VCW

Week 7 Topic: Stumbling upon the past
Day 3

Q3: What do paleontologists look for above and below

sedimentary rock?
Ans: They look for volcanic ash to find the age of layers of ash.

Q2: Why was Javier in the field when Fernando and Pepe ran
up to him?
Ans: He was exploring in a field near the ravine.
Thursday, September 24, 2020
English work book
Page no. 29
A: Unscramble the words:-
1. Skull
2. Examine B: Read And number:-
3. Discover
a. 3
4. Ravine
b. 2
5. Dinosaur
6. Layer c. 6
7. pastime d. 5
8. Ash e. 4
9. Excavate f. 1
11.Sedimentary rock
Thursday, September 24, 2020 D: complete the sentences:-
English work book 1. Paleontologist
Page no. 30 2. Excavate
C: Circle the best answer 3. Dinosaur
4. Discover
1. Paleontologist, skull 5. Examine
2. Layers, sedimentary rock E: True and false:-
3. Pastime, dinosaur 6. True
4. Ravine, ash 7. False
8. False
5. Examine, dinosaur 9. True
6. Discovered, excavated 10. True
11. False
12. False
13. True
Thursday, September 24, 2020
English work book
Page no. 31
A: Karoo is famous for plants and animal fossils.
Page no. 32
1. Paleontologist will excavate and then examine the skull.
2. She will discover new bones.
3. She will become a paleontologist.
C: Answer the questions:-
4. It is famous for animal and plant fossils.
5. She found a skull of dinosaur.
D: Words in context:-
1. determine
2. Tripped
3. Favorite
4. dream
Thursday, September 25, 2020
English student book
Page no. 41
Friday, September 25, 2020
English work book
Page no. 33
C: Correct the sentences:-
1. Showing
2. Doing
3. Taking
4. Studying
5. Getting
D: Complete the sentences:-
6. Reading
7. Finding
8. Digging
9. Talking
Friday, September 25, 2020
English work book
Page no. 34
E: Unscramble the sentences:-
1. Sarah likes visiting the science museum.
Eng: Grammar book
2. Karen enjoyed hiking with her father.
3. The paleontologist finished taking pictures of the skull. Page no. 18, 19
F: Answer the question:-
4. I prefer eating egg sandwich. Science: Assessment
5. I enjoy cycling in my pastime. of Unit 6 on Tuesday
6. I finished my breakfast.
Friday, September 28, 2020
English grammar book
Page no. 20
D: circle the correct words
1. Learning
2. Reading
3. To be
4. Digging
5. To visit
6. Reading
E: complete the sentences:-
7. Studying
8. To find
9. To travel
10.To go
Friday, September 28, 2020
English grammar book
Page no. 20
F: Listen and complete:-
1. To travel
2. To visit/ to explore
3. To explore
4. To find
5. Trying
Page no. 21: Complete the text
6. To have
7. Working
8. To build
9. To look
10. To have
11. Living
12. To live
13. To find
14. To find
15. To solve
Friday, September 28, 2020
English grammar book
Page no. 22
A: Complete the sentences:-
1. To be
2. To travel
3. To work
4. To visit
5. To send
B: Complete the sentences:-
6. Watching
7. Reading
8. Looking
9. Going
10. coming
Friday, September 28, 2020
English grammar book
Page no. 22
F: Listen and complete:-
1. To travel
2. To visit/ to explore
3. To explore
4. To find
5. Trying
H: Complete the text
6. To have
7. Working
8. To build
9. To look
10. To have
11. Living
12. To live
13. To find
14. To find
15. To solve
Friday, September 28, 2020
English grammar book
Page no. 22
1. Correct
2. Wrong
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
5. Wrong
6. Correct
D: Complete the text:-
7. To do
8. Shopping
9. Eating
10. To go
11. Visiting
12. To drive
13. To see
Tuesday, September 29, 2020 VCW
Week 8 Topic: My favorite animal from past
Day 2

1. Rhinoceros
2. Ibex
3. Tasmanian tiger
4. Dinosaur
5. Dodo
6. Wooly mammoth
Tuesday, September 22, 2020 VCW
Week 7 Topic: Stumbling upon the past
Day 2 Vocabulary:-
Opening paragraph

Name of animal
Five facts about
your animal

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