Europe and The First World War (1871 - 1918)
Europe and The First World War (1871 - 1918)
Europe and The First World War (1871 - 1918)
1 Objectives:
To examine and analyze the European diplomacy and
the changing balance of power after 1871; imperial
expansion in Africa and Asia, and its impact on
European diplomacy; the Congress of Berlin and
European Alliance system
What would now become of the traditional balance of power in
place since the defeat of Napoleon? The whole point has been
that no one nation should gain excessive power and strength on
the continent. With the unification of Germany in Central Europe
( an essential economic and strategic region) was the balance of
power doomed?
Europe in 1870-1914
The impact of the unification of Germany, 1871
* economic and political rivalry
• The 1870-1914 period is considered to be one of the most momentous periods in the
history of the modern world:
- time of industrial growth and urbanisation
- an age of imperialism
- an era dominated by nationalism
- each state produced more and more sophisticated weapons and each believed
itself superiour
→ the idea that the war could not be prevented!
The Great Powers of Europe
⊳ Germany
⊳ France
⊳ Great Britain
⊳ Austria-Hungary
⊳ Russia
⊳ Italy?
⊳ The Ottoman Empire?
How did the Great Powers differ from each other in their politics, economy
and foreign policy aims?
⊳ Make a mind map dealing with the Great Powers
Use these words:
- Parliamentary monarcy - Pan-Slavism
- Kaiser and chancellor - Military power
- Authoriatarian state - Trade
- Dual monarchy - colonial expansion
- Democratic republic - slow economic growth
- Industrialisation - slow population growth
- Population growth - nationalities conflicts
- Duma - Balkan interests
- Autocracy - sea power
- Foreign loans - battle fleet
The Eastern Question; Turkey
⊳ Turkey= The Ottoman Empire
* map p. 13; ” European Turkey”
* The Sultan Rule faced problems; nationalism, European
interests ( Serbia, Austria-Hungary, Russia..)
* Balkan states wanted to gain independence
* The Turkish economy was subjected to European
commercial groups ( which exploited the Turkish economy)
→ Uprisings/ in 1909 a revolution in Turkey
Bismarck and Europe
⊳ Bismarck´s aims/ foreign policy
* to guarantee peace!
* Germany was a very strong country; no challenge from
Austria-hungary/ Russia or from France
* B. wanted to reassure the leaders of Europe that he was a man
of peace→ personal contacts between the leaders →
DREIKAISERBUND/ three Emperors League in 1873
* the aim was to guarantee peace and stability
⊳ ” the desire of the Emperors to stand together against
republicanism and socialism”
⊳ To reduce the risks of war ( Austro-Russian interests in
⊳ Consultations when needed, not a military alliance
⊳ ” Is war in Sight”, Berlin Post-article in 1875- a diplomatic
warning for all other countries..
Bismarck and The Crisis of 1875-8, Turkey
⊳ The Balkan area started to challenge the Turkish tule; Bosnia-Herzegovina, in
1875→Christian peasants started an uprising, spread to Bulgaria.. The Turks massacred
over 10 000 Bulgarians
*Austrian interests, Russian interests ( Pan-Slavism), the British interests →→
Bismarck wanted to follow a low approach, but was forced to change his approach to a
more active role to ENSURE GERMANY´S SECURITY
• Russo ( Serbia) -Turkish war 1877-78, Russia won and dictated a severe peace treaty of
San Stefano → The European Turkey would be reduced a lot and the Russian interests
would be guaranteed
REVISED ( Austria-H and Britain were ready to start a war on Russia)→ The Treaty of
Berlin of 1878,
The Berlin Treaty of 1878
⊳ Bulgaria was divided into four; Northern part was granted full
independence ( under Russian supervision), one for Turkey
(Macedonia) and Province named Rumelia was to get autonomy
under Turkish Rule
⊳ Bessarabia and Batum to Russia ( map, p.13)
⊳ Bosnia-H. to Austria
⊳ Cyprus to Britain ( also the right to send war ships to the Black
The Significance of the Berlin Treaty
⊳ The Russian domination on the Balkans was prevented
⊳ The Turkish behaviour on the Balkan people became under control
⊳ The Balkan countries were not given independence; the Treaty crushed
down the idea of nationalism ( for a moment!)
⊳ Germany´s and Bismarck´s influence on the European affairs
increased→ B. prestige as a statesman at its height.
The Alliance System / Bismarck
⊳ The impact of the Berlin Treaty of 1878
- The Turkish question was solved for a moment..
- Russian hostility
- Austria-Hungary became the priority for Bismarck→ The Dual
Alliance, 1879 between Germany and Austria-Hungary ( a secret pact)
* against Russian military attack
* an attack by any other country would require neutrality
Dreikaiserbund II, 1881