B-Spline Curves: N K T T T T T
B-Spline Curves: N K T T T T T
B-Spline Curves: N K T T T T T
where Bi are the position vectors of the n 1 defining
polygon vertices and N i , k are the normalized B-spline
basis functions. For the ith normalized B-spline basis
function of order k (degree k 1 ), the basis functions
N i , k (t ) are defined by the Cox-deBoor recursion
1 if xi t xi 1
N i ,1 (t )
0 otherwise
(t xi )N i ,k 1 (t ) ( xi k t )N i 1,k 1 (t )
N i ,k (t )
xi k 1 xi xi k xi 1
The value of xi are elements of a knot vector satisfying
the relation xi xi 1
The parameter t varies from tmin to tmax along the
curve P(t)
The convention 0 / 0 0 is adopted.
• Formally a B-spline curve is defined as a polynomial
spline function of order k (degree k 1 ) since it
satisfies the following two conditions:
- The function P(t) is a polynomial of degree k 1
on each interval xi t xi 1
- P(t) and its derivatives
. of order 1, 2, , k 2 are
all continuous over the entire curve.
• Properties of B-spline curves:
n 1
- The sum of the B-spline basis functions for N (t ) 1
i, k
any parameter value t can be shown to be i 1
- Each basis function is positive or zero for all
parameter values, i.e., N i , k 0
- Except for k 1 each basis function has precisely one
maximum value.
- The maximum order of the curve is equal to the
number of defining polygon vertices.
- The curve generally follows the shape of the defining
- Any affine transformation can be applied to the curve
by applying it to the defining polygon vertices; i.e.,
the curve is transformed by transforming the defining
polygon vertices.
- The curve lies within the convex hull of its defining
• Convex hull property: For a B-spline curve of order k
(degree k 1) a point on the curve lies within the
convex hull of k neighboring points