Chinese Literature

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Chinese literature

 Who was Confucius?

 Confucius was an influential Chinese

philosopher, teacher and political figure known
for his popular aphorisms and for hid models of
social interaction.
 He also known as Kong Qui or K’ung Fu-tzu.
 His teachings, preserved in the Analects,
focused on creating ethical models of family
and public interaction and setting educational
 His philosophical ideas is the importance of a virtuous life, filial piety
and ancestor worship.
 He also emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of
social relationships ,justice and sincerity.
 Confucius’s principles have commonality with Chinese tradition and
 Confucius is widely considered as one of the most important and
influential individuals in shaping human history.
 His teaching and philosophy greatly impacted people around the world
and remains influential today.
A Wife Mourns For Her

Husband’’ by Confucius
The dolichos grows and covers the thorn,
O’er the waste is the dragon –plant creeping;
The man of my heart is away and I mourn—
What home have I, lonely and weeping?

Covering the jujubes the dolichos grows,

The graves many dragon –plants cover;
But where is the man on whose breast I’d repose?
No home have I, having no lover!

Fair to see was the pillow of horn,

And fair the bed- chamber’s adorning;
But the man of my heart is not here, and I mourn
All alone, and wait for the morning.

While the long days of summer pass over my head,

And long winter nights leave their traces,
I’m alone! Till a hundred of years shall have fled,
And then I shall meet his embraces.

Through the long winter nights I am burdened with fears,

Through the long summer days I am lonely;
But when time shall have counted its hundreds of years
I then shall be his--and his only!
Mood of the speaker:
The punctuation marks are various.

The author used lexical repetitions to emphasize a significant image;

and,I are repeated.

The poet used anaphora at the beginnings if some neighboring lines.

Moral Lesson

 The pain and happiness of marriage are

said to be the spices of married life.

Questions and Answers

Rhyme scheme : abab cdcd abab ecec cfcf

Stanza lengths (in strings):4,4,4,4,4

Closest metre: trochaic pentameter

Closest stanza type: tercets


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