Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
• To examine the Foundation of Franchising
• To discuss the process of Recruiting, Selecting
and Managing Franchisees
• To discuss the Methods of Monitoring in
1. A proven prototype location - The store must have been
tested, refined, and operated successfully and be consistently
2. A strong management team – officers and managers who
understand the particular industry , the legal and business
aspects of franchising as a method of expansion.
3. Sufficient capitalization - to sustain the franchising program
in providing ongoing support and assistance to franchisees.
4. A distinctive and protected trade identity – includes
registered trademarks as well as a uniform trade appearance,
signage, slogans, trade dress, and overall image.
5. Proprietary and proven methods of operation and
management - to write in a comprehensive operations
manual, not be too easily duplicated by competitors.
6. Comprehensive training programs for franchisees -
company's headquarters and on-site at the franchisee's
proposed location at the outset of the relationship and
ongoing basis.
7. Field support staff - skilled trainers and communicators
and must be available to visit and periodically assist
franchisees as well as monitor quality control standards.
8. A set of comprehensive legal documents - Offering
documents must be prepared in accordance with applicable
federal and state disclosure laws, and franchise agreements
should strike a delicate balance between the rights and
obligations of franchisor and franchisee.
9. A demonstrated market demand - The franchisor’s
products and services should meet certain minimum
quality standards, and be proprietary in nature.
10. A set of carefully developed uniform site selection
criteria - secured in today's competitive real estate market.
11. A genuine understanding of the competition (both
direct and indirect) that the franchisor will face in
marketing and selling franchise to prospective franchises.
12. Relationships with suppliers, lenders, real estate
developers - related key resources as part of the
operations manual and system.
13. A franchisee profile and screening system - to identify the minimum
financial qualifications, business acumen, and understanding of the
industry that will be required by a successful franchisee.
14. An effective system of reporting and record keeping - to maintain the
performance of the franchisees and ensure that royalties are reported
accurately and paid promptly.
15. Research and development capabilities - the introduction of new
products and services on an ongoing basis to consumers through the
franchised network.
16. A communication system - to facilitates a continuing and open dialogue
with the franchisees and as a result reduces the chances for conflict and
litigation within the franchise network.
17. National, regional, and local advertising - marketing, and public relations
programs designed to recruit prospective franchisees as well as consumers
to the sites operated by franchisees.
Recruiting, Selecting, and
Managing Franchisees
Shane (2005)
Recruiting Franchisees
• 2 things need to be answered and done by the