IGP: Open Shortest Path First v3: Dr. Dimitrios Kalogeras Grnet

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IGP: Open Shortest Path First v3

Dr. Dimitrios

 Distance Vector IGP’s

– RIP2

 Link State IGP’s


 April 1998 was the most recent revision (RFC

• OSPF uses a 2-level hierarchical model
• SPF calculation is performed independently for
each area
• Typically faster convergence than DVRPs
• Relatively low, steady state bandwidth
OSPFv3 overview

• OSPF for IPv6

• Based on OSPFv2, with enhancements
• Distributes IPv6 prefixes
• Runs directly over IPv6
• Ships-in-the-night with OSPFv2
OSPFv3 / OSPFv2 Similarities

• Basic packet types

• Hello, DBD, LSR, LSU, LSA
• Mechanisms for neighbor discovery and
adjacency formation
• Interface types
• P2P, P2MP, Broadcast, NBMA, Virtual
• LSA flooding and aging
• Nearly identical LSA types
OSPFv3 / OSPFv2 Differences

 OSPFv3 runs over a link, rather than a subnet

 Multiple instances per link
 OSPFv2 topology not IPv6-specific
– Router ID
– Link ID
 Standard authentication mechanisms
 Uses link-local addresses
 Generalized flooding scope
 Two new LSA types
LSA Type Review

LSA type
Function Code
Router-LSA 1 0x2001
Network-LSA 2 0x2002
Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA 3 0x2003
Inter-Area-Router-LSA 4 0x2004
AS-External-LSA 5 0x4005
Group-membership-LSA 6 0x2006
Type-7-LSA 7 0x2007
Link-LSA 8 0x0008
Intra-Area-Prefix-LSA 9 0x2009
Link LSA

 A link LSA per link

• Link local scope flooding on the link with which
they are associated
• Provide router link local address
• List all IPv6 prefixes attached to the link
• Assert a collection of option bit for the Router-
Inter-Area Prefix LSA

 Describes the destination outside the area but still in the AS

 Summary is created for one area, which is flooded out in all
other areas
 Originated by an ABR
 Only intra-area routes are advertised into the backbone
 Link State ID simply serves to distinguish inter-area-prefix-
LSAs originated by the same router
 Link-local addresses must never be advertised in inter-
area- prefix-LSAs
Configuring OSPFv3 in Cisco IOS®

 Similar to OSPFv2
– Prefixing existing Interface and Exec mode
commands with “ipv6”
 Interfaces configured directly
– Replaces network command
 “Native” IPv6 router mode
– Not a sub-mode of router ospf
Configuration Modes in OSPFv3

• Entering router mode

 [no] ipv6 router ospf <process ID>

• Entering interface mode

 [no] ipv6 ospf <process ID> area <area ID>

• Exec mode
 [no] show ipv6 ospf [<process ID>]
 clear ipv6 ospf [<process ID>]
Cisco IOS OSPFv3 Specific

• Configuring area range

 [no] area <area ID> range <prefix>/<prefix length>

 Showing new LSA

 show ipv6 ospf [<process ID>] database link
 show ipv6 ospf [<process ID>] database prefix
OSPFv3 Debug Commands

• Adjacency is not appearing

• [no] debug ipv6 ospf adj
• [no] debug ipv6 ospf hello
• SPF is running constantly
• [no] debug ipv6 ospf spf
• [no] debug ipv6 ospf flooding
• [no] debug ipv6 ospf events
• [no] debug ipv6 ospf lsa-generation
• [no] debug ipv6 ospf database-timer
• General purpose
• [no] debug ipv6 ospf packets
• [no] debug ipv6 ospf retransmission
• [no] debug ipv6 ospf tree
OSPFv3 configuration example

Area 0
interface Ethernet0
ipv6 address 2001:1:1:1::1/64 Router2
ipv6 ospf 1 area 0

interface Ethernet1
LAN1: 2001:1:1:1::/64
ipv6 address 2001:2:2:2::2/64
ipv6 ospf 1 area 1

ipv6 router ospf 1

area 1 range 2001:2:2::/48

LAN2: 2001:2:2:2::/64

Area 1
Cisco IOS OSPFv3 Display

Area 0

Router 2# show ipv6 route ospf Area 1

IPv6 Routing Table - 9 entries
Codes: C - Connected, L - Local, S - Static, R - RIP, B - BGP
U - Per-user Static route
I1 - ISIS L1, I2 - ISIS L2, IA - ISIS interarea
O - OSPF intra, OI - OSPF inter, OE1 - OSPF ext 1, OE2 - OSPF ext 2
O 2001:1:1:2::1/128 [110/1]
via FE80::205:5FFF:FEAF:2C38, Ethernet0
OI 2001:2:2::/48 [110/2]
via FE80::205:5FFF:FEAF:2C38, Ethernet0
Cisco IOS OSPFv3 Database
Router2# show ipv6 ospf database

OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 1)

Router Link States (Area 0)

Link ID ADV Router Age Seq# Checksum Link count

0 2009 0x8000000A 0x2DB1 1
0 501 0x80000007 0xF3E6 1

Net Link States (Area 0)

Link ID ADV Router Age Seq# Checksum

7 480 0x80000006 0x3BAD

Inter Area Prefix Link States (Area 0)

ADV Router Age Seq# Prefix 1761 0x80000005 2001:2:2:2::/64 982 0x80000005 2001:2:2:4::2/128

Link (Type-8) Link States (Area 0)

Link ID ADV Router Age Seq# Checksum Interface

11 245 0x80000006 0xF3DC Lo0
7 236 0x80000008 0x68F Fa2/0
7 501 0x80000008 0xE7BC Fa2/0

Intra Area Prefix Link States (Area 0)

Link ID ADV Router Age Seq# Checksum Ref lstype

0 480 0x80000008 0xD670 0x2001
107 236 0x80000008 0xC05F 0x2002
0 245 0x80000006 0x3FF7 0x2001
Cisco IOS OSPFv3 Detailed LSA
show ipv6 ospf 1 database inter-area prefix

LS age: 1714
LS Type: Inter Area Prefix Links
Link State ID: 0
Advertising Router:
LS Seq Number: 80000006
Checksum: 0x25A0
Length: 36
Metric: 1
Prefix Address: 2001:2:2:2::
Prefix Length: 64, Options: None

show ipv6 ospf 1 database link

LS age: 283
Options: (IPv6 Router, Transit Router, E-Bit, No Type 7-to-5, DC)
LS Type: Link-LSA (Interface: Loopback0)
Link State ID: 11 (Interface ID)
Advertising Router:
LS Seq Number: 80000007
Checksum: 0xF1DD
Length: 60
Router Priority: 1
Link Local Address: FE80::205:5FFF:FEAC:1808
Number of Prefixes: 2
Prefix Address: 2001:1:1:3::
Prefix Length: 64, Options: None
Prefix Address: 2001:1:1:3::
Prefix Length: 64, Options: None
OSPFv3 on IPv6 Tunnels over
interface Tunnel0
no ip address
ipv6 address 2001:0001::45A/64
ipv6 address FE80::10:7BC2:ACC9:10 link-local
ipv6 router ospf 1 area 0 Network
tunnel source Ethernet1
tunnel destination
tunnel mode ipv6ip
! IPv6 Tunnel
ipv6 router ospf 1

IPv4 IPv6
Backbone Tunnel

IPv6 Tunnel
interface Tunnel0 Network
no ip address IPv6
ipv6 address 2001:0001::45C/64 Network
ipv6 address FE80::10:7BC2:B280:11 link-local
ipv6 router ospf 1 area 0
tunnel source Ethernet2
tunnel destination
tunnel mode ipv6ip
ipv6 router ospf 1

 RFC 2740 “OSPF for IPv6”

 RFC 2328 “OSPF version 2”

Not that different form


 OSI in the magic fantasy world everything is

either an End System (ES) or an Intermediate
System (IS.)
 ES=Hosts
 IS=Routers

 IS/IS: A protocol to let Intermediate Systems talk

to other Intermediate Systems. IE: Router to
Router. IE: Routing
 ISO 10589 specifies OSI IS-IS routing protocol for CLNS traffic

 IS/IS carries routing information for the OSI protocols.

 Type/Length/Value discipline instead of byte code for
 It is also VERY easy to modify to carry other protocols,
like IPv4 and IPv6.
 The language is different, but the concepts are the same
as in OSPF (Well, not really, but close enough.)

 OSPF Areas=IS/IS Levels

 OSPF Neighbors=IS/IS Adjacencies
 DR = DIS
 Two Level hierarchical architecture: Levels Two
(backbone) and Level One (stub.)

Level 1

Level 1 Level 2 Level 1

Level 1
IS-IS Standards
 IETF IS-IS for IP Internets WG

 ISO 10589 specifies OSI IS-IS routing protocol for CLNS traffic
 RFC 1195 added IP support, also known as Integrated IS-IS
runs on top of the Data Link Layer
–Requires CLNP to be configured

 Draft RFC defines how to add IPv6 address family support to IS-

 Draft RFC introduces Multi-Topology concept for IS-IS

IS-IS for IPv6
 2 Tag/Length/Values for IPv6 routing
 IPv6 Reachability TLV (0xEC)
–Equivalent to IP Internal/External Reachability TLV’s

 IPv6 Interface Address TLV (0xE8)

–For Hello PDUs, must contain the Link-Local address
–For LSP, must only contain the non-Link Local address

 IPv6 NLPID (0x8E) is advertised by IPv6 enabled routers

Single SPF rules

 single SPF per level for OSI, IPv4 and IPv6

 If IS-IS is used for both IPv4 and IPv6 in an area, both

protocols must support the same topology within this area.

 All interfaces configured with IS-ISv6 MUST support IPv6

 All interfaces configured with IS-IS for both protocols MUST

support both of them

 Otherwise Multi-Topology IS-IS (separate SPF)

IS-IS Single Topology

Area C
Area B

Area A
Area D

IPv4-IPv6 enable router

IPv4-only enable router
Restrictions from Single SPF
 Not really suitable for an existing IPv4 IS-IS network with
scattered IPv6 support.

 If IS-IS for both IPv4 and IPv6 then the IPv4 and IPv6 topologies
MUST match exactly. Cannot run IS-IS IPv6 on some interfaces,
IS-IS IPv4 on others.

 Form adjacencies with similarly-configured routers.

–E.g. Problem with An IS-IS IPv6-only router on adjacency with
an IS-IS IPv4/IPv6 router. (Exception is over L2-only interface)

 Cannot join two IPv6 areas via an IPv4-only area. L2 adjacencies

will form OK but IPv6 traffic will black-hole in the IPv4 area.
IS-IS Multi Topology

Area C
Area B

Area A
Area D

The Multi-Topology software will create

IPv4-IPv6 enable router
two topologies inside Area
IPv4-only enable router IPv4 and IPv6.
IPv4-only routers will be excluded from the
IPv6 topology

 Always use Wide Metrics.

 Always set your metrics.
 Always disable Level 1 and force Level 2.
 OSI MTU must be <= 1500.
 You need one Unique OSI address per router.
 An ES-IS state means something is wrong.
 Don’t forget: It needs OSI/CLNS to work.
 Enable IPv6
 Configure the addresses and
 Ipv6 router isis`
IGP – IS/IS – Cisco Interface Config

 interface POS0/0
 description BACKBONE: OC48 to IPLSng
 mtu 9180
 ipv6 enable
 ipv6 address
 ip router isis
 ipv6 router isis
 clns mtu 1497
IGP – IS/IS Cisco Routing

 router isis
 redistribute connected metric-type external
 !
 address-family ipv6
 redistribute connected
 exit-address-family
 net 49.0000.0000.0000.0006.00
 is-type level-2-only
 metric-style wide
IGP – IS/IS Cisco Commands

 ipls-gsr#sh clns neigh

 System Id Interface SNPA State Holdtime Type

 clev-gsr PO2/0 *HDLC* Up 21 L2 IS-IS
 IPLSng PO0/0 *HDLC* Up 26 L2 IS-IS
IGP – IS/IS – Cisco Commands

 ipls-gsr#sh isis top

IS-IS paths to level-2 routers

System Id Metric Next-Hop Interface SNPA
atla-gsr 588 IPLSng-re0 PO0/0 *HDLC*
chin-gsr 262 IPLSng-re0 PO0/0 *HDLC*
clev-gsr 324 clev-gsr PO2/0 *HDLC*
dnvr-gsr 1194 IPLSng-re0 PO0/0 *HDLC*
hstn-gsr 1457 IPLSng-re0 PO0/0 *HDLC*
ipls-gsr --
kscy-gsr 550 IPLSng-re0 PO0/0 *HDLC*
losa-gsr 2850 IPLSng-re0 PO0/0 *HDLC*

 Bring up IS/IS on your EXTERNAL links.

 Your external interfaces will be advertised by

IS/IS while your internal interface will be
advertised by your BGP aggregate.

 Longest Match and Distance/Preference will

keep things working correctly.
Multi-Topology IS-IS
 Multi-Topology IS-IS against the limitations of a
single SPF process on networks where both IPv4
and IPv6 topologies cannot be aligned, while
maintaining the current IS-IS IPv6 functionalities.

– IS-IS extension by additions of new Type Length Value

(TLVs).This IS-IS extension impacts adjacency forming,
prefix advertisement and Intermediate Systems reachability.

 Maintenance of 2 topologies, one for IPv6 and one

common topology for IPv4 and ISO.
Multi-Topology IS-IS extensions
 New TLVs attributes for Multi-Topology extensions.
–Multi-topology TLV:
MT Intermediate Systems TLV
Multi-Topology Reachable IPv4 Prefixes TLV
Multi-Topology Reachable IPv6 Prefixes TLV:

–Multi-Topology ID Values
–Multi-Topology ID (MT ID) standardized and in use in Cisco IOS:
–MT ID #0 – “standard” topology for IPv4/CLNS
–MT ID #2 – IPv6 Routing Topology.
Multi-Topology IS-IS Restrictions
 NOT compatible with the single SPF model, as new TLV are used to
transmit and advertise IPv6 capabilities.
–All routers that run IS-IS for IPv6 are expected to enable multi-topology
within the network.
–A transition mode (refer to documentation) is provided for existing IS-IS IPv6
network to migrate to Multi-Topology IS-IS IPv6.

 IPv4, IPv6, or IPv4/IPv6 for either level-1 level-2 or level-1-2. But if IPv4
and IPv6 are configured on the same interface, they must be running
the same IS-IS level
 Tricky adjacency between Multi topology and non multi topology (IPv4
is fine though).
 Wide metric is required to be enabled globally on the Autonomous
System to run
Multi-Topology IS-IS example

Area C
Area B

Area A
Area D

The Multi-Topology software will create

IPv4-IPv6 enable router
two topologies inside Area
IPv4-only enable router IPv4 and IPv6.
IPv4-only routers will be excluded from the
IPv6 topology

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