IGP: Open Shortest Path First v3: Dr. Dimitrios Kalogeras Grnet
IGP: Open Shortest Path First v3: Dr. Dimitrios Kalogeras Grnet
IGP: Open Shortest Path First v3: Dr. Dimitrios Kalogeras Grnet
Dr. Dimitrios
LSA type
Function Code
Router-LSA 1 0x2001
Network-LSA 2 0x2002
Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA 3 0x2003
Inter-Area-Router-LSA 4 0x2004
AS-External-LSA 5 0x4005
Group-membership-LSA 6 0x2006
Type-7-LSA 7 0x2007
Link-LSA 8 0x0008
Intra-Area-Prefix-LSA 9 0x2009
Link LSA
Similar to OSPFv2
– Prefixing existing Interface and Exec mode
commands with “ipv6”
Interfaces configured directly
– Replaces network command
“Native” IPv6 router mode
– Not a sub-mode of router ospf
Configuration Modes in OSPFv3
• Exec mode
[no] show ipv6 ospf [<process ID>]
clear ipv6 ospf [<process ID>]
Cisco IOS OSPFv3 Specific
Area 0
interface Ethernet0
ipv6 address 2001:1:1:1::1/64 Router2
ipv6 ospf 1 area 0
interface Ethernet1
LAN1: 2001:1:1:1::/64
ipv6 address 2001:2:2:2::2/64
ipv6 ospf 1 area 1
LAN2: 2001:2:2:2::/64
Area 1
Cisco IOS OSPFv3 Display
Area 0
LS age: 1714
LS Type: Inter Area Prefix Links
Link State ID: 0
Advertising Router:
LS Seq Number: 80000006
Checksum: 0x25A0
Length: 36
Metric: 1
Prefix Address: 2001:2:2:2::
Prefix Length: 64, Options: None
LS age: 283
Options: (IPv6 Router, Transit Router, E-Bit, No Type 7-to-5, DC)
LS Type: Link-LSA (Interface: Loopback0)
Link State ID: 11 (Interface ID)
Advertising Router:
LS Seq Number: 80000007
Checksum: 0xF1DD
Length: 60
Router Priority: 1
Link Local Address: FE80::205:5FFF:FEAC:1808
Number of Prefixes: 2
Prefix Address: 2001:1:1:3::
Prefix Length: 64, Options: None
Prefix Address: 2001:1:1:3::
Prefix Length: 64, Options: None
OSPFv3 on IPv6 Tunnels over
interface Tunnel0
no ip address
ipv6 address 2001:0001::45A/64
ipv6 address FE80::10:7BC2:ACC9:10 link-local
ipv6 router ospf 1 area 0 Network
tunnel source Ethernet1
tunnel destination
tunnel mode ipv6ip
! IPv6 Tunnel
ipv6 router ospf 1
IPv4 IPv6
Backbone Tunnel
IPv6 Tunnel
interface Tunnel0 Network
no ip address IPv6
ipv6 address 2001:0001::45C/64 Network
ipv6 address FE80::10:7BC2:B280:11 link-local
ipv6 router ospf 1 area 0
tunnel source Ethernet2
tunnel destination
tunnel mode ipv6ip
ipv6 router ospf 1
Level 1
Level 1
IS-IS Standards
IETF IS-IS for IP Internets WG
ISO 10589 specifies OSI IS-IS routing protocol for CLNS traffic
RFC 1195 added IP support, also known as Integrated IS-IS
runs on top of the Data Link Layer
–Requires CLNP to be configured
Draft RFC defines how to add IPv6 address family support to IS-
Area C
Area B
Area A
Area D
If IS-IS for both IPv4 and IPv6 then the IPv4 and IPv6 topologies
MUST match exactly. Cannot run IS-IS IPv6 on some interfaces,
IS-IS IPv4 on others.
Area C
Area B
Area A
Area D
interface POS0/0
description BACKBONE: OC48 to IPLSng
mtu 9180
ipv6 enable
ipv6 address
ip router isis
ipv6 router isis
clns mtu 1497
IGP – IS/IS Cisco Routing
router isis
redistribute connected metric-type external
address-family ipv6
redistribute connected
net 49.0000.0000.0000.0006.00
is-type level-2-only
metric-style wide
IGP – IS/IS Cisco Commands
–Multi-Topology ID Values
–Multi-Topology ID (MT ID) standardized and in use in Cisco IOS:
–MT ID #0 – “standard” topology for IPv4/CLNS
–MT ID #2 – IPv6 Routing Topology.
Multi-Topology IS-IS Restrictions
NOT compatible with the single SPF model, as new TLV are used to
transmit and advertise IPv6 capabilities.
–All routers that run IS-IS for IPv6 are expected to enable multi-topology
within the network.
–A transition mode (refer to documentation) is provided for existing IS-IS IPv6
network to migrate to Multi-Topology IS-IS IPv6.
IPv4, IPv6, or IPv4/IPv6 for either level-1 level-2 or level-1-2. But if IPv4
and IPv6 are configured on the same interface, they must be running
the same IS-IS level
Tricky adjacency between Multi topology and non multi topology (IPv4
is fine though).
Wide metric is required to be enabled globally on the Autonomous
System to run
Multi-Topology IS-IS example
Area C
Area B
Area A
Area D