Lec-5 Software Design

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LECTURE 4: Object Oriented Design

Dr. Mostafa Ezzat

ISSR , Computer Science Dept.
2 Topics

 Assigning Responsibilities to Objects

 Design Principles
 Expert Doer
 High Cohesion
 Low Coupling

 Business Policies
 Class Diagram
3 System Sequence
We already worked with interaction diagrams: System Sequence Diagrams

: System
User Timer
«initiating actor» «offstage actor»
select function(“unlock")

prompt for the key

enter key
verify key

signal: valid key, lock open

open the lock,
turn on the light

start ("duration“)

System Sequence Diagrams considered interactions between the actors

4 Design: Object Interactions
Sequence Diagram

System Sequence Diagram

Controller : Checker : KeyStorage : LockCtrl

«initiating actor»
: System
«offstage actor»
sk := getNext()
select function(“unlock")

prompt for the key

alt val != null setOpen(true)
enter key
verify key

signal: valid key, lock open

open the lock,
[else] val == null : setLit(true)
turn on the light

start ("duration“)

• System Sequence Diagrams considered interactions between the actors

• Object Sequence Diagrams consider interactions between the objects
Metaphor for Software Design:
5 “Connecting the Dots”

:InterfacePage :SearchRequest :Controller :PageMaker :DatabaseConn :Archiver :Notifier :InvestigRequest

Resident Database Landlord

We start with objects/concepts from the Domain

Model and modify or introduce new objects, as
needed to make the system function work.
6 Types of Object Responsibilities

 Knowing responsibility: Memorizing data or

references, such as data values, data collections, or
references to other objects, represented as a
 Doing responsibility: Performing computations,
such as data processing, control of physical devices,
etc., represented as a method
 Communicating responsibility: Communicating
with other objects, represented as message sending
(method invocation)
How To “Connect the Dots”
Starting Points: Domain Model from UC-1 (domain concepts):
Symbolizes Symbolizes
“worker”-type “thing”-type
Use Case UC-1: Unlock (flow of events): concept.
KeyChecker KeyStorage
1. User enters the key code
2. System verifies that the key is valid «boundary»
3. System signals the key validity
4. System signals: «boundary» «control»
(a) to LockDevice to disarm the lock StatusDisplay Controller LockDevice
(b) to LightSwitch to turn the light on HouseholdDeviceOperator

Scenario Walkthrough: User LightSwitch

for mapping a Use Case scenario to the Domain Model

Q: who handles this data?

Interface objects and Controller message: checkKey(k)

Q: who performs the verification? Based on what data? return value

Key Checker, based on entered key-code and stored valid keys message: ???

Q: who signals? Based on what data?

Controller and Interface objects, based on key verification; because they are «boundary»
Q: who signals? Based on what data?
Controller or Key checker ???, based on key verification
8 Design: Assigning

? ? : DatabaseConn : PageMaker : Controller : Checker : DeviceCtrl

accessList := retrieve(params : string)

interfacePage := activate( "lock" )
render(accessList : string) ?

(a) (b)
How Data Travels
Option A:
“expert” (Key Checker) passes the information (key validity) to another object (Controller)
which uses it to perform some work (activate the lock device)

key-code key-code is-valid activation-params

Controller Checker Controller LockCtrl

“expert” on key validity

Option B:
“expert” (Key Checker) directly uses the information (key validity)
to perform some work (activate the lock device)
key-code key-code activation-params
Shorter communication chain
Controller Checker LockCtrl
Extra responsibility for Checker
“expert” on key validity
10 Characteristics of Good
 Short communication chains between the objects

 Balanced workload across the objects

method_1() method_1()


 Low degree of connectivity (associations) among the

11 Design Principles

 Expert Doer Principle: that who knows should do

the task

 High Cohesion Principle: do not take on too many

computation responsibilities

 Low Coupling Principle: do not take on too many

communication responsibilities

There are many more …

12 Design: Assigning
: Controller : Checker : DevCtrl : Controller : Checker : DevCtrl

checkKey() ok := checkKey()

setOpen(true) setOpen(true)

(a) (b)

• Although the Checker is the first to acquire the information about the key validity,
we decide to assign the responsibility to notify the LockCtrl to the Controller.
• This is because the Controller would need to know this information anyway—to
inform the user about the outcome of the key validity checking.
• In this way we maintain the Checker focused on its specialty and avoid assigning
too many responsibilities to it.
13 Cohesion

Low cohesion

High cohesion
14 Responsibility-Driven
1. IdentifyDesign
the responsibilities
 domain modeling provides a starting point
 some will be missed at first and identified in subsequent iterations

2. For each responsibility, identify the alternative

 if the choice appears to be unique then move to the next

3. Consider the advantages and tradeoffs of each

alternative by applying the design principles
 select what you consider the “optimal” choice

4. Document the process by which you arrived to each

responsibility assignment
15 UC-4: View Access Log

interfacePage : : Controller : PageMaker : DatabaseConnection
Resident Database

specify get( queryRequest : string )

query accessList := retrieve(params : string)
request retrieve records


interfacePage := render(accessList : string)

alt accessList != NULL

page :=

[else] page :=

result «post page»

16 Example …
Communicating responsibilities identified for the system function “enter key”:

Responsibility Description
Send message to Key Checker to validate the key entered by the
Send message to DeviceCtrl to disarm the lock device.

Send message to DeviceCtrl to switch the light bulb on.

Send message to PhotoObserver to report whether daylight is
Send message to DeviceCtrl to sound the alarm bell.
17 Unlocking Sequence
: Controller : Checker : KeyStorage : LockCtrl : LightCtrl : Logger

sk := getNext()

alt val != null setOpen(true)

[else] val == null : setLit(true)


sk = stored key; the process either terminates by matching a stored key or

exhausting the key store.
Key is a dynamic object, unlike others which are static contains keycode, name,
other forms of ID, timestamp, door ID, … -- disposed of after checking
18 Unlock Use Case
: Controller k : Key : Checker : KeyStorage : DeviceCtrl : PhotoObsrv : Logger


loop [for all stored keys]

val := checkKey( k )
sk := getNext()

compare(k, sk)

logTransaction( k, val )

alt val == true activate( "lock" )

dl := isDaylight()

opt dl == false activate( "bulb" )

[else] numOfAttempts++

alt numOfAttempts == maxNumOfAttempts


activate( "alarm" )


prompt: "try again"

19 Unlock Seq. Diag. Variation
: Controller k : Key : Checker : KeyStorage : LockCtrl

k := create()

checkKey(k) loop
sk := getNext()


ok := isValid()

opt ok == true


To avoid an impression that the above design is the only one possible!!

Sets a boolean attribute of the Key object: ok = true/false;

Business logic (IF-THEN rule) relocated from Controller to LockCtrl
20 Unlock Seq. Diag.
Variations 2&3
: LightCtrl : PhotoSObs : LightCtrl : PhotoSObs

controlLight() checkIfDaylightAndIfNotThenSetLit()
dl := isDaylight() dl := isDaylight()

opt dl == false The caller opt dl == false

could be
Controller or
setLit(true) KeyChecker setLit(true)

Depends on which solution you consider more elegant;

It is helpful that checkIfDaylightAndIfNotThenSetLit() is named informatively (reveals the
intention), but the knowledge encoded in the name of the method is imparted onto the caller.
21 Summary of Design
: Controller

k : Key : Checker : KeyStorage : DeviceCtrl : PhotoObsrv : Logger
: DeviceCtrl : PhotoSObs
k := create()

loop [for all stored keys]

val := checkKey(k)
sk := getNext()

activate( "light" )
logTransaction(k, val) dl := isDaylight()

alt val == true activate(“lock”)

opt dl == false
dl := isDaylight()

a opt dl == false activate(“bulb”) setLit(true)

: Controller k : Key [else]

: Checker
numOfTrials++ : KeyStorage : DeviceCtrl
"try again"
k := create()
opt numOfTrials == maxNumOfTrials activate(“alarm”)

checkKey(k) : DeviceCtrl : PhotoSObs
sk := getNext()

controlLock(k) dl := isDaylight()

ok := isValid()
The caller opt dl == false
opt ok == true
could be
Controller or
setOpen(true) Checker setLit(true)
Are We Done w/ UC-1:
Unlock ?
 Didn’t check that the user is at the right door
 Missing: Managing access rights
 Didn’t distinguish critical and non-critical functions
 For example, what if logTransaction() call to Logger does
not return, e.g., no access to database (network outage)
or disk-space full ?
 Missing: Independent execution of non-critical functions
 Adding new household devices causes major
design changes
 Business rules are interleaved with authentication
and device management, but business rules are
most likely to change
 Etc.
23 Business Policies

IF key  ValidKeys THEN disarm lock and turn lights on

increment failed-attempts-counter
IF failed-attempts-counter equals maximum number allowed
THEN block further attempts and raise alarm

Should be moved into a separate object:

• Make them explicit part of the model
• Confine the future changes in business policies

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