SMG Strategy Marketing

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Strategic Marketing

2 Year full time PGDM

Modules 1 & 2

Area – Marketing
Credits - 4
Sessions 10, 11 & 12
• To consolidate the learnings in forming
Marketing Strategies in Product/Service
Innovation, Development & Management,
Maintaining Portfolio, Brand Building as
well as sustaining Brand equity.
• To be able to effectively counter
Competition by adopting tactical
Marketing Strategies in achieving
sustained growth.
To analyze, understand and apply suitable Marketing Strategies
in the dynamic and interdependent circumstances and factors
affecting Customers, Competition and the Company.
To be able to innovatively adapt to newer business
environments caused by changes in Technology and disruptive
business circumstances.
• At the end of the course, the students would be able to
•   Developing Tactical Marketing Blueprints
• Brand Building, growth and sustaining Brand equity
• Effectively counter Competition
• Adapt to dynamic business environment adhering to Ethical
• Develop suitable counter measures for disruptive
technology and changing business circumstances
• Implementation of Marketing Strategies, Control and
Books / References
• Market Based
Management – Roger
• Strategic Marketing –
Douglas West, John
Ford and Essam
• Marketing - Planning
& Strategy – 6th Edition
Subhash C Jain
An Overview of the Sessions
Session Topic Sugg. readings * Sugg. readings
Number Chapters ( RB) Chapters ( SJ)

1. Introduction and overview of marketing strategy   2

2. Customer focus and profits 1,2  
3. Environment and the company   6,3
4. Strategic objectives and marketing plans 13 8
5. Portfolio analysis and Strategic Market planning 10 7,10
6. Strategic options 11,12 9
7. Market potential, demand and share 3 13
8. Customer experience and value creation 4 5
9. Market segmentation strategies 5 5
10. Understanding competition   4
11. Competitive position and advantage 6  
12. Product positioning strategies 7 14
13. Pricing strategies 8 15
14. Distribution strategies   16
15. Promotion and Communication strategies 9 17
16. Strategy implementation and challenges 14 11
The Bad and the Good about learning

• It is highly recommended to read books / • Learning has to be fun

chapters suggested for each topics
• We will discuss a lot of real-time
( preferably before the classes)
Cases and examples
• Referring to other publications are
equally encouraged to widen the scope • Everyone’s participation is highly
of your knowledge acquisition encouraged…
• The presentations in the class is only to • Even if you are the ‘SHY” type, please
guide the discussion topics respond.. After all we are in the same
• DO NOT DEPEND only on the class isn’t it ??
presentations as this may not be • Those you yawn, want to sleep, not in
adequately elaborate, though it may the mood, are encouraged to freshen
cover the required portions / topics up ( splash water on their face ) or
• Please prepare yourself, to browse have a cuppa … Or even hit the hostel
through the books topic-wise, before bed.
attending the class ( as per schedule • Else, Let’s Enjoy
given to you )
Session 01
An Introduction and Overview of
Strategic Marketing

Reading Reference :
Marketing Planning and Strategy
Subhash Jain
Chapter - 2
How about testing your basics ? ?
• Which of the following statements about • As Kodak addresses the digital revolution
marketing is true? taking over the photographic industry, it wants
• A) It is of little importance when products are customers to see it as a leader in digital
standardized. photography. Thus, it is moving away from the
• B) It can help create jobs in the economy by production of film roll cameras. This would be
increasing demand for goods and services. an example of which of the Marketing
• Strategy?
C) It helps to build a loyal customer base but
has no impact on a firm's intangible assets. • A) abandoning current product lines
• D) It is more important for bigger organizations • B) changing the corporate vision
than smaller ones. • C) repositioning the company's brand identity
• E) It is seldom used by nonprofit organizations. • D) redoing the corporate logo
• Answer: B • E) realigning core competencies
• P&G sells cosmetics, laundry detergent, and • Answer: C
products like Pringles to the ________ market • IKEA has achieved global recognition by
by establishing strong brand images, offering consumers leading-edge Scandinavian
developing superior products, ensuring their furniture at affordable prices. IKEA is
availability, and backing them with engaging delivering value to consumers who are
communications and reliable performance. ________ constrained.
• A) business • A) money
• B) governmental • B) time
• C) global • C) brand
• D) nonprofit • D) value
• E) consumer • E) self-concept
• Answer: E • Answer: A
Some more ??
• Advertising aims to create liking,
• The practice of using call centers, where
preference, conviction, and purchase of a
product or service. employees receive calls from customers
and provide service by taking orders and
• A) Corporate
answering queries, is called ________.
• B) Reminder • A) customer response marketing
• C) Persuasive • B) guerilla marketing
• D) Reinforcement • C) reactive marketing
• E) Informational • D) internal marketing
• Answer: C • E) inbound telemarketing
• ________ advertising aims to stimulate • Answer: E
repeat purchase of products and services.
• ________ requires that everyone in the
• A) Reinforcement
organization accept the concepts and
• B) Comparative goals of marketing and engage in
• C) Persuasive choosing, providing, and communicating
• D) Informational customer value.
• E) Reminder • A) Internal marketing
• Answer: E • B) Corporate communications
• C) Integrated marketing communications
• D) Supply chain management
• E) Employee engagement
• Answer: A
Shaping Marketing Strategy
Porter’s 5 Competitive Forces that
Shape Marketing Strategy
An Introduction – The approaches
• Over the years, organizations have had philosophical
approaches to Marketing Decision Making Strategic
• Marketing Concept Approach Planning
– Develop product offering to meet the needs of Customers Process
- Widening product range, enhance product application /
• Systems Approach
– To view the product not as an individual entity, but as an Strategy Specifics
aspect of the customer’s total need satisfaction system
– Add sub-products / sub-brands/ price brackets
• Environmental Approach Choice of an approach
– Where the Marketer as the focal point of numerous in Marketing Decision
environmental factors in which the firm operates and that Making
which affects the success of its Marketing Program • Marketing Concept
• Culture / society around surrounding target market • Systems
• Competitive conditions, direct / indirect competition • Environmental
• Economic Conditions, Technological conditions & Legal conditions • Others
– Plus present trends which are likely to affect the future
competitive scenario
An Introduction – The approaches
• Product Offering /Enhancement Automobile
– Additional features Heated Leather Seats
Bose Sound system
– Energy savings / Eco friendly Upgraded Engine
– Better value proposition

• Systems Approach
– Example: Bundling of phone
subscription packages alongwith
telephone instruments

• Environmental Approach
– Eco consciousness (the future trend)
Concept of Strategy
• An Organization needs Strategy when
– Resources are finite – Not unlimited
– When there is uncertainty about Competitors
strength and Behavior
– When decisions must be coordinated between
far-flung places and over time
– When there is uncertainty about is
• Therefore, Strategy is
– A pattern of major objective purposes and
– Essential Plans & Policies for achieving these
– In such a way to define its existing position
– And what kind of company it wants to be
Concept of Strategic Planning
• The concept of Strategy and Strategic
Planning is quite different
• A strategy statement includes description
– the new competitive equilibrium to be created
– The cause-effect relationship that it will bring
– And the logic to support the action
• Whereas, Strategic Planning
– Articulates the means of implementing the
– Specifies the Sequence and timing of the steps
that will alter the competitive relationships
• Marketing Strategy, therefore,
enables an organization to
understand the environment and
achieve its objectives in using its
resources to meet the needs of its
• Strategies are basically about
allocation of people and resources
• It is all about optimizing the cost and
use of the resources to achieve a
certain business objective
Let us discuss for a while
• (1) NOKIA
• (5) LG
• (6) HONDA
Strategy of Super star Rajini
Thala Ajit
The Three “C”s

• The Customer
• The Competition
• The Corporate
Marketer’s Role in the Organization
Organizational Level Role of Marketing Formal Name

Provide Customer &

Corporate Competitive Corporate Marketing
Perspective for
Corporate Strategic

Business Unit Assist in developing

Strategic Perspective Strategic Business
of the Business Unit Unit
and direct its future Marketing

Product / Market Formulate and

Implement Marketing
Marketing Programs Management
Future of Strategic Marketing
Strategic Marketing is no longer a matter of
1. Disruptive Innovations
2. The battle for Market share is intensifying
with declining growth and returns
3. De-regulation and opening up of new
economies is mandating many
companies towards strategic marketing –
Airline, Transport, Banking, Telecom
4. Many packaged goods companies are
acquiring companies in hitherto non-
marketing oriented industries. Example :
Coke entered movie industries to sell it
like soft drinks by acquiring Columbia
Pictures in 1982
Future of Strategic Marketing
Strategic Marketing is no longer a
matter of Choice
1. Shifts in the Distribution Channel
2. International Competition
3. Fragmentation of Markets
4. Shorter Product life cycles
forcing quicker mind to market
5. Growth is not within a market –
but penetration to newer
6. Demographic Shifts – Globally
and within India
So far so good isn’t it ??
• Hope you are clearly confused ???

• Don’t worry… We have more in store for you

• See ya all next session … he he

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