Square Wave Generator
Square Wave Generator
Square Wave Generator
The astable mode is what most people think of when it comes to the
555 timer. Many times when you see a project with flashing LEDs, it’s
a 555 timer at work. But it has a lot of other interesting applications too.
For example, it can also generate frequencies to produce sound when
the output is connected to a speaker. It can even be used as a simple
analog to digital converter (ADC).
In astable mode, the 555 timer acts as an oscillator that generates a
square wave. The frequency of the wave can be adjusted by changing
the values of two resistors and a capacitor connected to the chip.
Application of square wave generator
S e l e c ti o n
17-Nov 3
C kt te st
20-Nov 4
L i sti n g
24-Nov 4
PC B d e si g n
28-Nov 4
Pu r c h a se
2-Dec 1
Ma n u f a c tu r e
3-Dec 5
A sse m b l y
7-Dec 2
T e sti n g
10-Dec 1
Picture of the Project