Student Placement Registration System For CCI
Student Placement Registration System For CCI
Student Placement Registration System For CCI
1. Henok Tadese………………………………..1476/07
2. Abiyu Asmare………………………………..1284/07
3. Alemayehu Mengesha…………………..1301/07
4. Lensa Mengesha……………………………1508/07
Special thanks to the sineour IT students who provided insightful comments that
led to good project. Our next deepest gratitude will goes to Mr./MEDHING. For
giving us this project to acquire more knowledge on the course we are taking.
Finally we would like to thank all CCI students.
Chapter one
1. over view of existing system
•The existing college of computing and informatics student placement systems has
three major subsystems namely scheduling, Personnel Record system and computer
management systems.
•Scheduling is a plan or carrying out a process of giving student placement systems.
According to an existing manual system there are schedules for staff/instructor and
students to and from different department regularly and randomly the different
department can request for a placement and the manager schedule for them and give
a service.
•Personal record is recording workers/employee of the student placement systems.
They record the name of the workers with their position for attendance and
The system is the main occupation of college it used largest share of college activity;
it should have to give special attention to this system, because it exposed too many
difficulty. The activity started from receiving student up to providing various
services including assigns student to their respective department, providing register,
and give orientation and so on
Haramaya university college of computing and informatics student placement
system start from receiving, student and assign them to the existing department by
using their respective information such as affirmative action, grade 12 result both
metric and transcript then their choice ,by using this information assign them into
department and give extra services and information .
1.1 Back ground of existing system
Department of Computer Science was started during the year 2003 with a student
intake of 160, under Faculty of Business and Economics, Haramaya University. The
Department has produced around 450 graduates until the year 2012. The
Department has developed its infrastructure with 3 computer laboratories each
containing 40 computers. The department is also offering CISCO training program
as “CISCO Local Academy”. Presently, the department is under a new college
called College of Computing and Informatics.
The college of computing and informatics was established in April 2008 by
bringing together the three departments-
•Computer Science
•Management Information System
•Information science, that were established under the Faculty of Business and
Soon after the establishment of the college, the curricula for the departments of
Information Systems and Statistics were prepared and got approved by the
university senate. Hearing the approval of the curriculum of the Bachelor of
Science in Statistics, all the students who were already admitted to the
Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics under the then Faculty of
Education requested the university management and transfer to the Department
of Statistics that was newly established under CCI. The college extra B.SC
programs in Information Technology and Software Engineering based on the need
assessments made at national level.
At this time the college has five departments they are:
•Information Technology
•Computer Science
•Information Systems
•Software Engineering
•Information Science
1.2 Problem of existing system
The main problem we are going to initiate to do on this topic is Current placement
and registration system that are a lot of difficulties that face the users,Such the
following difficulties.
•The colleges consume manpower, time and resources because of the college use
manual system for all student department placement and registration process
•Students also consume time and resources for registration and department selection
•Inaccuracy of information (loss of data or information of students)
•The department placement and registration process are not processed on time.
•Redundant flow of student information.
•Lose of student information
1.3 objective of the system
1.3.1 General objectives
•To develop online student registration and department placement system for
Haramaya University College of computing and informatics
1.3.2 Specific objectives
•To change the existing manual system of the college in to web based system
•To develop a system that performs Haramaya University College of computing and
informatics student placement and registration systems based on the criteria of the
college of computing and informatics
•Student Choose their departments online
•To improve the efficiency of placing the departments of the students
•Information will inform timely for the students
•Minimizing data redundancy.
•Minimizing loose of data and loss of time
1.4 scope of the system.
Our scope is to develop software that:-
•Manage students (register, updating, searching and deleting student information).
•Place and registering students using computerized method.
•To make control or login system
•Disallowing unauthorized access to the system.
1.5 Methodology
To accomplish this project the system requirement will follow methods, tools,
models and development of software life cycle techniques. The phases we are
used list below:
1.5.1 Data Gathering Techniques Observations
We used observation to collect data about the existing system. Obviously observation
is the best data collection method to get more understanding about what we are going
to analysis. Interview
Interview used more on users experience on existing system. In this methodology we
interview the participant that has been involving in the existing system to get
1.Development tools
Soft ware tools
•windows xp with Microsoft –office,
•Microsoft Visio (for modeling).Microsoft Visio is powerful software application for
modeling system and user requirement.
•Edrow max is powerful software to model our design face.
Hardware Tool
Desk top computer. When we need connection for some reason if wireless is not
Laptop computer. We use laptop computer for our project implementation because
it’s more reliable than desktop incase of power interruption and it’s portable.
Flash disk. (To move data from one machine to another).We opted flash disk instead
of other storage device because it’s easy to carry around.
2. Proposed system
•The proposed system will have different functionalities. Such as registration area,
and update, searches, delete the students information when necessary. Changing the
placement system in registration system from manual which is backward and complex
for efficient and easy implementation to computerized registration system is the main
objective that initiated us to conduct this project on the student placement system for
•Functional requirement
• The main functionality of the proposed systems is the ability of placed the
student on their department.
•Manage all activity: administrator allow to manage all activity, work in the system
•Create account: administrator are create account for all departments
•Update account: administrators have an administrative privilege for updating
•Register student: administrators have an administrative privilege for registering
•Delete student: administrators have the administrative privilege for deleting
•Update Student information: administrators have the administrative privilege for
updating student information.
•Search registered student: administrators have the administrative privilege for
searching student
•Register student: departments have an administrative privilege for registering
•Delete student: departments have the administrative privilege for deleting student
•Update Student information: departments have the administrative privilege for
updating student information.
•Search registered student: departments have the administrative privilege for
searching student
•Choose their departments: the student selects their departments based on their
entrance examination result.
•Student view the link for registering in their department student register in their
current year and semester.
2.1. Use case modeling
•The use case model describes the proposed functionality of the new system. A use
case represents a discrete unit of interaction between user (human or machine) and
the system.
• A use case is a single unit of a meaningful work; each use case has a description
which describes the functionality that will be built in the proposed system.
• Use case modeling includes the actor of the system; actor is a user of the system,
this includes both human users and other computer system. An actor uses a use case
to perform some piece of work which is a value to the business.
2.2 Actor identification for our system
An actor’s represents anything or anyone that interface with our system. System has
the following actor.
2.3 use case our proposed system
Proposed system has the following use case
Login (control)
Create account
Register student
Manage student
Search student
Update student
Delete student
View register link
department selection
2.4 use case Diagram of the system
Fig Use case modeling for HU CCI student registration system and
department placement system
2.5. The use case scenario
1. Use case name: login
Actor: Administrator and department
Description: administrator and departments must be login in to the system using their
account to
To manage all their activities
Pre-condition: the users must have a valid user name and password
Post-condition: login to the system
Basic course of action
1. The users wants login to the system
2. The users open the home page.
3. The system display home page and the form for users to login.
4. The users enter user name and password.
5. Click login button
6. The system verifies if user name and password is valid.
7. The system enrolls the users after validation.
\8. The user logout after their work is over.
9. Use case end.
Alternative course of action A: the user cannot to login to the system.
A.6.the system verifies that the user’s user name and password is not valid.
A.7.the system displays the error page.
A.8.The system sends the user to step 4.
2. Use case name: Register student
Actor: Administrator and Department
Description: administrators register student to their department as they can do every activities
Pre-condition: Administrators have given the administrative privilege to register student
Post-condition: register student
Basic course of action
1. The administrator wants to register students.
2. The administrator opens the home page.
3. The system displays the page and asks the administrator o enter to the system.
4. The administrator enters the user name and password.
5. Login as administrator.
6. The system validates if user name and password is correct.
7. The system enrolls the administrator to the system.
8. Click the register button.
9. The system displays the fill form.
10. The administrator Fill the form required.
11. Click register button.
12. Get required information.
13. Click logout button after work.
14. Use case ends.
Alternative course of action A: the administrator cannot to enter to the system.
A.6. the system validates user name and password is invalid.
A.7.the system displays error page.
A.8.the system sends administrator to step 4.
A.9.the use case ends.
Alternative course of B: The administrator cannot get required information.
B.12.the system verifies the fill form is incorrect.
B.13.The system sends the administrator to step 10.
3. Use case: Search the registered student information
Actor: Administrator and departments
Description: administrator and departments have privilege to view the registered student and the students fill
the form of registration in the system.
Pre- condition: the student registered in the system
Post condition: view the students and search registered student.
Basic course of action A:
•Administrator and departments wants to search registered student.
•Administrator opens the web page to login to the system.
•The system displays the web page.
•The system asks the administrator to fill user name and password.
• The administrator fills the user name and password.
•The system validate if the user name and password is correct.
•The administrator login to the system.
•Administer click search button.
•Fill id number of the student to search.
•Click search bottom.
•The system verifies if id number inserted is correct.
• The system displays the information of searched student.
•The administrator click logout button after view the information.
•Use case end
Basic course of action A: the administrator cannot to enter to the system.
A.6. the system validates user name and password is invalid.
A.7.the system displays error page.
A.8.the system sends administrator to step 4.
A.9.the use case ends.
Alternative course of B: The administrator cannot get information of searched student.
B.11.the system verifies the fill form is incorrect.
4. Use case name: view the register link
Actor: Student
Description: the students view the registrar link in the system to fill the form to register.
Pre-condition: there must be registrar link page in the system for the students t fill their
Post-condition: the students Register to their department.
Basic course of action :
1. The students want to register to their department.
2. The students opens the web page .
3. The system displays the home page.
4. Click cci link.
5. The system displays the link about cci.
6. The students click the registrar link in the about cci.
7. The system displays the registrar form to register students.
8. The students fill the registration form.
9. Click the register button.
10. The system verifies if the registration is filled correctly
10. System display that the student is registered correctly.
11. Use case end.
Alternative course of action step A:.the student cannot be registered to their department.
A.10. the system verifies the filled registration form is incorrect.
A.11.the system display registration form again.
A.12 the use case ends.
5. Use case name: choose department
Actor: student
Description: the student selects their department from the department under cci link
in the home page.
Pre-condition: the student should be registered under cci.
Post condition: students assign to department.
Basic course of action:
1. The student wants to choose their department.
2. The students open the web site on the URL.
3. The system displays the page.
4. The students view the department selection form.
5. The students fill the required information.
6. Click select department button.
7. The system verifies if the department selection FORM 7 is filled correctly.
8. System displays the department selection is correctly.
8. Use case ends.
Alternative course of action step A: the student department selection is not correct.
A.7. the system verifies the department selection form is not correctly filled.
A.8. the system asks again student to fill the required information.
A.9. use case ends.
3. User interface prototype
Creating a user interface generally
consists of three steps: -
•Create the user interface objects
(such as buttons, labels)
•Link or assign the appropriate
actions to these user interface
objects and their events
•Test, debug then add more by
going back to step 1
The following figure describes
these three processes