BI & Improving Its Efficiency
BI & Improving Its Efficiency
BI & Improving Its Efficiency
2 Facts about BI
5 BI in manufacturing industry
9 Conclusion
What is Business Intelligence?
• In a generic sense Business
Intelligence can be defined as
“Leveraging the organization’s
internal and external
information assets for making
better business decisions”
• IT Vendors Make “Business
Intelligence components” of
their toolsets
• Some Vendors have entire tools
that are called a “Business
Intelligence Suite”
Let’s Dispel Some Myths
• You don’t need to use a major vendor toolset and
can still engage in BI activities
• Shiny Graphs and Charts are nice but B.I. is
much deeper than that
B.I.’s aims at..
• The goals for Business intelligence projects are to provide
information used to
▫ Support internal enterprise users in the assessment, enhancement
and optimization of organizational performance & operation.
▫ Deliver critical business information to end-users about value chain
constituencies such as customers and supply-chain partners
By 2012, business units will control at least 40% of the total budget for BI
• Esoteric
▫ Employees with necessary business and technical skills
are rare
▫ Employees refuse to understand implementation of BI
and resist to make use of it in decision making
Improving Efficiency
For success of BI following factors are critical,
• Understand Your Data
▫ Strong Foundation
▫ Must be accurate
▫ What Systems, What Data
▫ Who Owns the data
• The benefits of SaaS can address these challenges & thus help
business user by following ways:
▫ Cost effective – “Pay as you go”
▫ Quick deployment – Fast time to value
▫ Limited IT resource needs for implementation and management
• Now a days the Business users are driving most SaaS purchasing
▫ Initiated by line of business managers
▫ Approved as joint decision between line of business and IT
Improving BI project’s implementation
• The timely completion and successful implementation of BI projects
provides a competitive advantage to the adopting organizations.
Thank You …