Presentation Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
Presentation Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
Presentation Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
@ Group :-B
@ Niraj Dadhich
@ Chandan Kumar Mishra
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@ TPM evolved from TQM, which evolved as a
direct result of Dr. W. Edwards Deming's
influence on Japanese industry.
·. Achieve Zero Defects, Zero Breakdown and
Zero accidents in all functional areas of the
2. nvolve people in all levels of organization.
3. orm different teams to reduce defects and
TPM has :
@ Yffices oriented for excellent support for manufacturing
@ mproving offices man ʹhour efficiency
*Safety, health and environment:
@ To achieve zero accidents, zero health hazards at work
@ To maintain zero pollution plant and environment
*Development management
@ Developing machines for ͞high equipment effectiveness͟
@ Quick process for developing new product
*Education and training
@ Skills development for uniformity of work practices on machines
@ Skills for zero defects, zero breakdowns and zero accidents
@ Multi-skilled employees in all departments
*Quality maintenance
@ Developing perfect machines for perfect quality
@ Eliminating n-process defects and customer complaints
*Planned maintenance
@ Logical analysis ͞real causes for real counter measures͟
@ ocus on prevention
@ mprovement in reliability, Maintainability and cost
*ocused improvement
@ mprovement in everyone͛s activity
@ mprovement is to eliminate Production losses and reduce
*Autonomous maintenance
@ Maintaining basic conditions on shop floor and in machines
@ All over participation through TPM circles
·. ncrease in productivity and YEE (Yverall
Equipment Efficiency)
2. eduction in customer complaints.
3. eduction in the manufacturing cost by 30%.
4. Satisfying the customers needs by ·00 %
(Delivering the right quantity at the right time, in
the required quality.)
5. educed accidents.
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