Hortatory Explanation Text
Hortatory Explanation Text
Hortatory Explanation Text
Group Member
Therapy of water can keep the beauty too. Skins is the out part of the body that has contact with dirty
air, sun light and pollutions. To keep the skin elasticity, water is needed in the enough amounts. Water can
dampen of skin until not easy to dry and make crimp.
To keep the balancing of size body, water is needed. In fact, water can increase the metabolism and
pressing of eat desire. Consume a lot of water can filtrate much calories.
So, let’s consume water everyday at least eight glasses to keep our healthy and beauty. But, the water
must be clean and hygiene. Find, buy and consume the best mineral water!
1. What is the text tell about? 3. How many glass of water that should we
a. Benefits of water consume everyday?
b. Kinds of water a. 5 glass
c. The content of water b. 6 glass
d. Source of water c. 7 glass
e. Definition of water d. 8 glass
e. 9 glass
2. Which one of this kind of water that can we consume?
a. Swamp water
b. Sea water
c. Ocean water
d. Urine Answer key
e. River water 1. A
2. E
3. D
1.What are the benefits of consume enough water everyday?
2.How water can keep us healthy and beauty?
1. Can make us healthy and beauty
2. Water can keep us healthy because it can purify of poisons in our body.
The therapy of water can save water availability in the body. Water can
keep us beauty because water can dampen of skin until not easy to dry and
make crimp. Water can increase the metabolism and pressing of eat desire.
Consume a lot of water can filtrate much calories.