Review in Cpar
Review in Cpar
Review in Cpar
Inihanda ni:
1. Francisco Feliciano , a. He arranged
the National Artist folksongs.
for Music, found b. He popularized the
inspiration for his kundiman
creative work in our c. He advocated the
rich Asian culture. use of local
Which of the instruments
following statements d. He used the unique
best sums up his sounds of
contribution to indigenous music
Filipino music?
2. Before the success a. Volta
of the movie “Ang
Panday”, it was b. Darna
originally serialized
in Filipino Komiks. c. Captain Barbel
Which of the
following movies d. Ang Probinsyano
did NOT follow this
3. Traditional Filipino
a. Tinalak cloth
artists, awarded by
the Gawad ng
Manlilikha ng Bayan b. Tabungaw hat
demonstrate their c. Kwintangan
impeccable eye for instrument
patterns and
chromatic integrity of d. Maranao Bronze
dye in their art works. sculpture
Which of the
following creations
displays this award-
winning talent?
4. Which of the a. Protest poetry and
following Martial law
correctly matches b. The graphic novel
the literary form and and the Spanish
the historical period
context? c. The epics and the
American colonial
d. The oral tradition
and the Japanese
5. Which of the a. Biographical context
following causal recognizes the
importance of the
statements provides b. Linguistic context
a correct context? provides an under
reading of the creative
c. Literary context reflects
the life story of the
author in his/her work
d. Sociocultural context
depicts the ways of life
in a particular time and
6. Which of the a. Self-censorship became
following statements rampant to escape
from military censors
is NOT true about
b. Militant writers
the effect of Martial operated underground
Law or went to the hills as
c. Progressive and
nationalist writers went
into hiding, were exiled
or jailed
d. Philippine art and
literature flourished
amidst censorship and
7. What art-making a. Casting
method can
produce quality b. Modelling
hanging door
chimes and c. Assemblage
chandelier out of
recycled paper? d. Cut and paste
8. How can teacher a. Through internet-
Emma best develop guided activities
the potentials of her
art students by b. Through conference
using colourful type strategy
softdrink bottles and
c. Through fixed
other recyclable
instructions by the
d. Through free
exploration and
9. Angela’s group is a. Visit museum to get
assigned to create art ideas
materials out of clay
or marble, however, b. Talk to an artist for
these materials are suggestions
not available in their
locality. What should
c. Ask your art teacher
they do to get the
best alternative
method in creating recommendations
art despite the
absence of the d. Research through
required materials? the internet for
novel ideas
10. What makes Masino a. He was a strong
Intaray of Makagawa supporter of traditional
art form in his region
Valley in Palawan a
b. He manifested strong
distinct Filipino nationalism by
artist? promoting traditional
art forms
c. He advocated the
promotion of the
traditional art forms in
his region
d. He was an epic chanter
and skilled player of
traditional musical
11. The epic chanter of a. He popularize the epics
panay, Federico of Panay
b. He aroused students’
meticulously interest in the epics of
documented the Panay
Amburukay, one of
the Sugidanon epics c. He gave recognition to
of Panay. What is his the epics for the new
contribution then to generation
the literary tradition
d. He led the preservation
of his people? of the epics of Panay
for posterity
12. The pis syabit is a worthy of a. Sell it online
piece of handiwork due to
its precise geometric
pattern and difficulty b. Buy and use a pis
weaving. Darhata Sawabi syabit with pride
did not relent her passion
to continue this art form in
spite of all the challenges, c. Learn the artistry of
as such, her effort helped weaving pis syabit
saved an endangered
Filipino ingenuity. If you
were also a member of d. Take photos of pis
Sawabi community, what syabit and upload it
would be the way for you
to contribute to the in social media
preservation of the pis
13. Which of the a. Balagtasan
following is NOT a
traditional form in b. Kundiman
the Philippines?
c. Sarswela
d. Shadowplay
14. Which theatrical a. Flash drama
performance is
mostly or wholly b. Creative drama
unplanned that is
made up at that c. Site-specific theater
very moment of
performance? d. Improvisational
15. FlipTop battle league a. Film and Literature
raps allow non-
written and written b. Literature and Music
lines which, most of
the time, are c. Music and visual
chanted with arts
Accordingly, which d. Dance and
formal artistic Literature
categories are
aligned to it?
16. Which of the a. Opinion: Bantugan
following shows the belongs to the long,
correct classification oral tradition
of information? b. Fact: Bantugan is a
form of darangen of
the Maranaos
c. Persuasion: Bantugan
must leave the
kingdom of Bumbaran
d. Augmentation:
Bantugan is a good
example of the folk
hero from Mindanao
17. Which best a. It is short and
describes the rhythmical
structure of the pre-
colonial ambahan as b. It has no meter and
a literary form? rhyme
c. It is an observation
about life
d. It is a written form
of the Mangyan
19. A student from Region a. He learned to be
II was assigned to resourceful in
report abot gathering data
contemporary arts of
Region IX-Zamboanga
b. He learned to try
Peninsula. He watched different ways of
a video, search the getting data
internet, visited a c. He learned to
museum and read the manage different
encyclopedia of types of information
Philippine Art, which d. He learned to
were relevant to his
purpose. What did he
gather as many
realize from it? resources as
20. Haja Amina Appi, a mat a. Creativity in style
weaver, elevated the
artistry of mat weaving
through her complex
b. Beauty in simplicity
geometric patterns,
design, symmetry, c. Humility in
proportion and use of grandiosity
color. Her masterpieces
proved that mats are
d. Elegance in
not just common
household materials, but plainness
also a showcase of
Filipino ingenuity. What
value is exhibited in
Appi’s artistry?
A. Yes, because I am
21. A GAMADA awardee proud of my heritage.
has the responsibility to
transfer his or her B. Yes, because this is a
knowledge to the younger
way on how art can be
generation. Would you be a
willing apprentice? fostered.
C. No, because it is not
D. No, because this
kind of knowledge is
only for the talented.
22. Which of the following
genres took its inspiration
from hip-hop and is A. Rap
considered a modern verbal
competition or joust? In this
B. Fliptop
game, two people or C. Text tula
groups best east other at D. Pick-up lines
verbal repartee, banter or
word play.
A. Metered verses
23. Which of the following
B. Figures of speech
elements is NOT evident in
rap battle? C. Rhyming sound
D. Connotative
24. Mindanao has A. Mindanao has not
preserved more epics than acquired colonial bias.
Luzon and Visayas
combined. What
B. Mindanao has a
information clearly explains unique terrain and
this? seas.
C. Mindanao has not
been totally colonized.
D. Mindanao has more
culture than the rest.
25. National Artist
Benedicto Cabrera’s use of A. I only
dark colors to depict “Sabel” B. II only
highlights his subject mood.
Which of the following best
C. I and II
describe/s this mood? D. III and IV
I. Loneliness
II. Isolation
III. Sympathy
IV. Fear
26. What medium, other A. Acrylic
than oil in canvas, can be B. Crayons
used for BenCab’s “Mother C. Watercolor
and Child”? D. Colored Pencil
27. What routine should
Lyka be familiar with to
successfully join the school
choir? a. I, II, III and IV
b. II, III, IV and I
I. Sing a song familiar to her. c. III, IV, I and II
II. Clap following the d. IV, I, II and III
patterns of the song.
III. Conduct the time
signature of the song.
IV. Dance with the melody
of the song.
A. The coming of the
28. What cultural tradition is image of Sto. Niño
celebrated in the Ibalong B. The people’s
Festival? tradition during the
harvest time.
C. The epic tale of the
three legendary heroes
of the time.
D. The street dance
competition following
the rhythm of Latin
29. What is the best sequence
for the following information to
promote the Sinulog Festival? A.I, II, IV, III
I. Let us promote this festival B. II, I, IV, III
which has been elevated to the
Aliwan Fiesta Hall of Fame.
II. It is a religious activity in C. III, I, II, IV
honor of the Sto. Niño de
III. It reflects the diverse culture
of our country.
IV. Sinulog Festival is a
combination of religious and
cultural activities held every
month of January.
30. What is the correct
sequence a students has to
follow to promote A. I, II, III, IV
Philippine folk dances?
I. Create posters to promote
appreciation of Philippine
II. Collect pictures of these C. II, I, IV, III
III. Gather historical D. IV, III, II, I
background of each dance.
IV. Research on different
Philippine folkdances.
32. If you want to
A. At the back of the
emphasize the sculptural
details of the body of an stage
actor or dancer, where is the B. At the sides of the
most logical position for the stage
stage lights? C. At the front of the
D. At the top-front of
the stage
33. Which of the following A. Recyclable materials
materials is the LEAST B. Native materials
important in creating an
authentic contemporary
from the locality
arts production? C. Multimedia
D. Materials found in
the direct
34. As part of the art activity A. He must get a film where a
of Mr. Urgelles, his students pictorial image is juxtaposed.
must select one Filipino
B. He must apply gouache to
contemporary artist and
glass and transfer a reversed
follow the technique he/she image onto canvas.
used. Richard chose
Trapunto, the painting C. He must paste newspaper
technique used by artist cut-out and photographs to a
Pacita Abad. When his flat surface to create a thick
teacher checked his layered art.
artwork, he was advised to
D. He must use a padded, sewn
repeat and follow the
canvas and often filled with
technique correctly. What sequins, beads, shells, and
must he do to make his other things.
output correct?
35. In support for your A. He places casted
answer in item 34, what bronze to reproduce the
made his art distinct? form.
B. He adds some glass-
natured design to give
more value.
C. He uses wood as arms
for his human figures and
D. He uses cubistic style,
which is heightened by the
interplay of light and color.
36. The skills in furniture A. the pieces of his
designing and furniture show wood grain
craftsmanship have given and texture.
opportunities for the B. His functional wooded
Filipino to be known in the furniture has an accent art
world market. Many pieces.
furniture designers are C. He ties vertical figures
found in Cebu, Davao and together with similar form
Pampanga. What made and design.
Kenneth Cobonpue a D. He is known for his
distinct designer? organic designs in natural
fibers and materials
37. During a class
discussion, your teacher
presents the works of one of A. Local library
your local visual artists. You B. Local newspaper
are asked to do an out-of-
class activity to thoroughly C. Local museum
describe the artwork of your D. Internet/web source
local visual artist. Which of
the following sources of
information could best help
38. Why are local museums
an important source of
cultural information? A. I and II
I. It serves as a library for
research work. B. III and IV
II. It records everyday life
within a culture.
III. It provides significant C. I, II, and III
factor in attracting tourists
to an area. D. II, III, and IV
IV. It houses cultural
artifacts, art, music, or
technology displayed.
39. Which of the following
techniques will you consider
in gathering information
A. I and II
about the use of local
materials such as bamboo, B. II and III
buri, and yantok to create
contemporary art piece? C. I, II and III
I. finding print resources
II. locating useful resources
III. using internet search D. I, II, III and IV
IV. using primary and
secondary sources
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Bb. Lalaine t. borja