Sales Research: Dr. Chitranshi Verma
Sales Research: Dr. Chitranshi Verma
Sales Research: Dr. Chitranshi Verma
Advantages of
For example, products like cough syrup would require
Sales Research marketing and ad campaigns just before and during
winter while airline services require constant marketing
5) Helps in Insight
As the sales department is involved daily in selling
activities, they will have a lot more insight in the demand
side of the product. They will be clear in both – technical
aspect as well as sales aspect.
Importance of customer insights which will help with the planning of the
Sales Research 5) Detailed analysis :
A detailed Sales Analysis is broken down product wise,
customer wise, year and month wise and geography wise
is a source of huge information for the company.
1) Periodic wise Analysis :
Types of Sales This can be a month on month or year on year or year till
date compared to previous year till date as the need may
Research be. This gives insight into the impact of time on sales.
2) Product wise Analysis :
Sales of products during different times in different areas can
be used. This is majorly used by companies having various
product lines . It helps a company to identify its strong or
weak products . Such analysis can be undertaken on the basis
of break up of products such as product variation by size,
flavour, colour etc.
Types of Sales
Research 3) Channel of distribution wise Analysis :
This will give the trend of where the sales are maximum and
answering why, will give more insights and help the company
decide whether or not to continue with the current channel of
4) Forecast vs Achievement analysis :
This gives the details of sales which were used to forecast
the numbers and inventory was arranged accordingly –
and what is the actual achievement of Sales – and whether
the inventory needs to refilled or schemes need to be
rolled out for the liquidation of stocks.
Types of Sales
Research 5) Territory wise Analysis:
This gives the detail of sales in terms of quantity, price per
unit sold, no. of customers region or territory wise. It
helps in identifying and comparing the sales
performance in various regions.
6) Customer wise Analysis:
This analysis enables the company to identify customers
who account for larger proportion of sales and this data
can be compared with the proportion of time spent on the
customers like no. of sales calls etc.
Types of Sales
Research 7) Combination of above :
For more detailed analysis, the company may perform a
combined analysis of above.
For example: multinationals like Proctor and Gamble may
analyze the Sales of Tide detergent in Asia Pacific region
for the year 2018 and compare it with Sales of the year
2017. This involves Product as well as periodic sales.