How Levi's Jeans Got Into Wal-Mart: By: Jackie Hillhouse
How Levi's Jeans Got Into Wal-Mart: By: Jackie Hillhouse
How Levi's Jeans Got Into Wal-Mart: By: Jackie Hillhouse
By: Jackie Hillhouse
Levi’s Jeans History
Levi’s Jeans is a privately held clothing company
known for their denim jeans
Founded in 1853 by Levi Strauss
Began producing denim overalls
Modern jeans were not produced until 1920’s
Levi’s headquarters are in San Francisco
Company employs approximately 10,500 people worldwide
Recognized as an American icon
James Dean and Marilyn Monroe
Levi’s Missed the Trend
Baggy Jeans trend in the mid- 1990’s
Doyle, Leonard. Levi's Profits plunges. 10 July 2008. The Independent. 11 Mar. 2009