GPS and GSM Based Vehicle Tracking System
GPS and GSM Based Vehicle Tracking System
GPS and GSM Based Vehicle Tracking System
A vehicle tracking system is very useful for tracking the movement of a vehicle
from any location at any time. An efficient vehicle tracking system is designed
and implemented for tracking the movement of any equipped vehicle from any
location at any time. The proposed system made good use of popular technology
that combines a smartphone with an Arduino UNO. This easy to make and
inexpensive compared to others. The designed in vehicle device works using
Global Positioning System (GPS) and Global System for Mobile Communication
(GSM) technology that is one of the most common ways for vehicle tracking. The
device is embedded inside a vehicle those positions is to be determined and
tracked in real time. An Arduino UNO is used to control the GPS receiver and
GSM module. The vehicle tracking system uses the GPS module to get geographic
coordinates at regular time interval. The GSM module is used to transmit and
update the vehicle location to a database. This paper gives minute by minute
update about vehicle location by sending SMS through GSM modem. This SMS
contain latitude and longitude of the location of vehicle. Arduino UNO gets the
coordinates from GPS modem and then it sends this information to user in text
SMS. GSM modem is used to send this information via SMS sent to the owner of
the vehicle. Location is displayed on LCD. And then Google map displays location
and name of the place on cell phone. Thus, user able to continuously monitor a
moving vehicle on demand using smartphone and determine the estimated
distance and time for the vehicle to arrive at a given destination
Block diagram
Arduino uno
Gps module
Gsm module
The current design is an embedded application. It is
continuously monitor a moving vehicle and report the status
of vehicle on demand. For doing an Arduino is interfaced
serially to a GSM modem and GPS receiver. A GSM modem is
used to send latitude and longitude of the vehicle from a
remote place. The GPS modem gives the data i.e., the latitude
and longitude indicating the position of the vehicle. The GPS
modem gives many parameters as the output, but only the
National Marine Electronics Association NMEA data coming
out is read and displayed on to the LCD. The same data is
sent to the mobile at the other end from the place of the
vehicle’s position is demanded. An EEPROM is used to store
the data received by GPS receiver. That is used for detecting
coordinates of the vehicle, GSM module is used for sending
the coordinates to user by SMS. And an optional 16x2 LCD is
also used for displaying status messages or coordinates. It
has used GPS module GY-NEO6MV2 and GSM module SIM
900A.The hardware interfaces to microcontroller are LCD
display, GSM modem and GPS receiver. In order to interface
GSM modem and GPS receiver to the controller,
particular mobile indicating the position of the vehicle in
terms of latitude and longitude when a request by user is
sent to the number at the modem. A program has been
developed that it is used to locate the exact position of the
vehicle and also true navigated track of the moving vehicle
on Google map.
Module Arduino UNO GSM Module Mobile
Tracking System
In this system, Arduino UNO is used as the main of
control system. LCD is displaying “HI” when the system is
started. After initialize message track was sent from user to
GSM module in this system, Arduino find track and LCD was
displayed tracking. And then, software serial was printed
vehicle location of user latitude and longitude. At the time,
LCD was displayed vehicle location latitude and longitude
and message send. If GPS module was not received the
signal, GSM module send the message to the owner as the
owner’s car location is latitude 00.00 and longitude 00.00.
Therefore, the users have to wait received signal from GPS
Tracking system is nowadays the most important system for the person, they want their car security in efficient
this is the main reason. So the vehicle tracking system are getting popular day by day not only in metropolitan
but also in small cities. This system is completely integrated and it becomes possible to the user to track their
car very
easily at any time and from anywhere. As the vehicle theft is increasing day by day but due to this people wasn’t
uying vehicles but they found an efficient way to keep an eye on their vehicle without being very close to them.
systems keep a good control on the thefts and help avoiding them to some extent. Basically in all these systems
the GPS
and GSM are used to track the vehicle. Using this system the user determine the position of the vehicle, and the
completed by it. The user is able to access the position of their vehicle at any instant of time. This system is
any very secure. Upgrading this setup is very easy which makes it open to future requirements without the
need of
rebuilding everything from scratch, which also makes it more efficient.GSM module used in this paper to send
receive SMS. GSM module can supported 2G, 3G and 4G but only 2G can supported in this country. Because
each country
used different frequencies bands for GSM sim 900A. So, MPT and telenor were used and ooredoo and mytel
were not used
in this thesis. And then GSM module can also interfaced with Arduino when using AT command. Adding that,
GPS module
was not get the signal from GPS Satellite easily.
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