The document discusses sources of irreversibilities that cause actual vapor power cycles to deviate from idealized Rankine cycles. Two main sources are fluid friction, which causes pressure drops, and heat loss from steam to surroundings as it flows through components. This requires higher boiler pressures and pump work inputs to compensate, lowering efficiency compared to ideal cycles. Irreversibilities within turbines and pumps also decrease work output and increase work input respectively.
The document discusses sources of irreversibilities that cause actual vapor power cycles to deviate from idealized Rankine cycles. Two main sources are fluid friction, which causes pressure drops, and heat loss from steam to surroundings as it flows through components. This requires higher boiler pressures and pump work inputs to compensate, lowering efficiency compared to ideal cycles. Irreversibilities within turbines and pumps also decrease work output and increase work input respectively.
The document discusses sources of irreversibilities that cause actual vapor power cycles to deviate from idealized Rankine cycles. Two main sources are fluid friction, which causes pressure drops, and heat loss from steam to surroundings as it flows through components. This requires higher boiler pressures and pump work inputs to compensate, lowering efficiency compared to ideal cycles. Irreversibilities within turbines and pumps also decrease work output and increase work input respectively.
The document discusses sources of irreversibilities that cause actual vapor power cycles to deviate from idealized Rankine cycles. Two main sources are fluid friction, which causes pressure drops, and heat loss from steam to surroundings as it flows through components. This requires higher boiler pressures and pump work inputs to compensate, lowering efficiency compared to ideal cycles. Irreversibilities within turbines and pumps also decrease work output and increase work input respectively.
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Due to irreversibilities in various components. Two common sources of irreversibilities are fluid friction and heat loss to the surroundings. Fluid friction causes pressure drops in the boiler, the condenser, and the piping between various components. Also, the pressure at the turbine inlet is somewhat lower than that at the boiler exit due to the pressure drop in the connecting pipes. Pressure drop in the condenser is usually small. To compensate for these pressure drops, the water must be pumped to a sufficiently higher pressure than the ideal cycle calls for. This requires a larger pump and larger work input to the pump. Deviation of actual vapor power cycle The effect of pump and turbine from the ideal Rankine cycle. irreversibilities on the ideal Rankine cycle. The other major source of irreversibility is the heat loss from the steam to the surroundings as the steam flows through various components.
•To maintain the same level of net work output, more
heat needs to be transferred to the steam in the boiler to compensate for these undesired heat losses. As a result, cycle efficiency decreases. •Of particular importance are the irreversibilities occurring within the pump and the turbine. • A pump requires a greater work input, and a turbine produces a smaller work output as a result of irreversibilities. Under ideal conditions, the flow through these devices is isentropic.
The deviation of actual pumps and turbines from the
isentropic ones can be accounted for by utilizing isentropic efficiencies, defined as HOW CAN WE INCREASE THE EFFICIENCY OF THE RANKINE CYCLE? The basic idea behind all the modifications to increase the thermal efficiency of a power cycle is the same:
Increase the average
temperature at which heat is transferred to the working fluid in the boiler, or decrease the average temperature at which heat is rejected from the working fluid in the condenser. Lowering the Condenser Pressure (Lowers Tlow,avg) Steam exists as a saturated mixture in the condenser at the saturation temperature corresponding to the pressure inside the condenser.
Therefore, lowering the
operating pressure of the condenser automatically lowers the temperature of the steam, and thus the temperature at which heat is rejected. Lowering the Condenser Pressure • To take advantage of the increased efficiencies at low pressures, the condensers of steam power plants usually operate well below the atmospheric pressure. This does not present a major problem since the vapor power cycles operate in a closed loop. • However, there is a lower limit on the condenser pressure that can be used. It cannot be lower than the saturation pressure corresponding to the temperature of the cooling medium. • Consider, for example, a condenser that is to be cooled by a nearby river at 15°C. Allowing a temperature difference of 10°C for effective heat transfer, the steam temperature in the condenser must be above 25°C; thus the condenser pressure must be above 3.2 kPa, which is the saturation pressure at 25°C. Disadvantages •It creates the possibility of air leakage into the condenser. •More importantly, it increases the moisture content of the steam at the final stages of the turbine.
• Fortunately, this problem can be overcome by
increasing steam temperature. Superheating the Steam to High Temperatures (Increases Thigh,avg) • The colored area on this diagram represents the increase in the net work. • The total area under the process curve 3-3 represents the increase in the heat input. • Thus both the net work and heat input increase as a result of superheating the steam to a higher temperature. • The overall effect is an increase in thermal efficiency, however, since the average temperature at which heat is added increases •Superheating steam also decreases the moisture content of the steam at the turbine exit. •Metallurgical considerations. Presently the highest steam temperature allowed at the turbine inlet is about 620°C (1150°F).
•High temperature resistant
material. e.g Ceramics. Nickel-base alloys are extremely resistant even at high temperatures. •Efficiencies of over 50% possible in steam power plants in the future. Increasing the Boiler Pressure (Increases Thigh,avg) Another way of increasing the average temperature during the heat-addition process is to increase the operating pressure of the boiler, which automatically raises the temperature at which boiling takes place.
This, in turn, raises the average
temperature at which heat is transferred to the steam and thus raises the thermal efficiency of the cycle. The moisture content of steam at the turbine exit increases. This undesirable side effect can be corrected, however, by reheating the steam A Supercritical Rankine Cycle. •Operating pressures of boilers have gradually increased over the years from about 2.7 MPa in 1922 to over 30 MPa today. •Today many modern steam power plants operate at supercritical pressures (P>22.06 MPa) and have thermal efficiencies of about 40 percent for fossil-fuel plants and 34 percent for the nuclear plants. There are over 150 supercritical-pressure steam power plants in operation in the United States. The lower efficiencies of nuclear power plants are due to the lower maximum temperatures used in those plants for safety reasons. THE IDEAL REHEAT RANKINE CYCLE
How can we take advantage of the increased
efficiencies at higher boiler pressures without facing the problem of excessive moisture at the final stages of the turbine? Two possibilities come to mind:
1. Superheat the steam to very high temperatures
before it enters the turbine. This would be the desirable solution since the average temperature at which heat is added would also increase, thus increasing the cycle efficiency.
This is not a viable solution, however, since it
requires raising the steam temperature to metallurgically unsafe levels. 2. Expand the steam in the turbine in two stages, and reheat it in between. In other words, modify the simple ideal Rankine cycle with a reheat process.
Reheating is a practical solution to
the excessive moisture problem in turbines, and it is commonly used in modern steam power plants.
The ideal reheat Rankine cycle
differs from the simple ideal Rankine cycle in that the expansion process takes place in two stages. High Pressure Turbine In the first stage, steam is expanded isentropically to an intermediate pressure and sent back to the boiler where it is reheated at constant pressure, usually to the inlet temperature of the first turbine stage. Low Pressure Turbine Steam then expands isentropically in the second stage to the condenser pressure. Thus the total heat input and the total turbine work output for a reheat cycle become The incorporation of the single reheat in a modern power plant improves the cycle efficiency by 4 to 5 percent by increasing the average temperature at which heat is transferred to the steam. The reheat cycle was introduced in the mid- 1920s, but it was abandoned in the 1930s because of the operational difficulties. The steady increase in boiler pressures over the years made it necessary to reintroduce single reheat in the late 1940s and double reheat in the early 1950s. If the turbine inlet pressure is not high enough, double reheat would result in superheated exhaust. This is undesirable as it would cause the average temperature for heat rejection to increase and thus the cycle efficiency to decrease. Therefore, double reheat is used only on supercritical- pressure (P 22.06 MPa) power plants. Remember that the sole purpose of the reheat cycle is to reduce the moisture content of the steam at the final stages of the expansion process. If we had materials that could withstand sufficiently high temperatures, there would be no need for the reheat cycle. Introducing Vapor Power Plants Fossil-fueled vapor power plant. Description Vaporization is accomplished in fossil-fueled plants by heat transfer to water passing through the boiler tubes from hot gases produced in the combustion of the fuel, as shown in Figure. This is also seen in plants fueled by biomass, municipal waste (trash), and mixtures of coal and biomass. Pressurized-water reactor nuclear vapor power plant. In nuclear plants, energy required for vaporizing the cycle working fluid originates in a controlled nuclear reaction occurring in a reactor-containment structure. The pressurized-water reactor shown in Figure has two water loops: One loop circulates water through the reactor core and a boiler within the containment structure; this water is kept under pressure so it heats but does not boil. A separate loop carries steam from the boiler to the turbine. Boiling-water reactors have a single loop that boils water flowing through the core and carries steam directly to the turbine. Concentrating solar thermal vapor power plant. Description Solar power plants have receivers for collecting and concentrating solar radiation. A suitable substance, molten salt or oil, flows through the receiver, where it is heated, directed to an interconnecting heat exchanger that replaces the boiler of the fossil- and nuclear-fueled plants, and finally returned to the receiver. The heated molten salt or oil provides energy required to vaporize water flowing in the other stream of the heat exchanger. This steam is provided to the turbine. Geothermal vapor power plant. Description The geothermal power plant shown in Figure also uses an interconnecting heat exchanger. In this case hot water and steam from deep below earth’s surface flows on one side of the heat exchanger. A secondary working fluid having a lower boiling point than the water, such as iso-butane or another organic substance, vaporizes on the other side of the heat exchanger. The secondary working fluid vapor is provided to the turbine. Example 8.1 from J.M. Smith Example 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4 from Yunus A. cengel (Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach 5th Edition)