Power System Stability: Presented By: Guided by

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 The tendency of a power system to develop restoring forces
equal to or greater than the disturbing forces to maintain the
state of equilibrium is known as stability. If the forces
tending to hold machines in synchronism with one another
are sufficient to overcome the disturbing forces, the system
is said to remain stable (to stay in synchronism).

 The stability problem is concerned with the behavior of the

synchronous machines after a disturbance.

 Stability problems are generally divided into two major

categories — steady-state stability and transient stability
 Steady-state stability… refers to the ability of the power system to
regain synchronism after small and slow disturbances, such as gradual
power changes. An extension of the steady-state stability is known as
the dynamic stability
 The dynamic stability …is concerned with small disturbances
lasting for a long time with the inclusion of automatic control devices.
 Transient stability… studies deal with the effects of large, sudden
disturbances such as the occurrence of a fault, the sudden outage of a
line or the sudden application or removal of loads. Transient stability
studies are needed to ensure that the system can withstand the
transient condition following a major disturbance.

FIG: vector diagram of 2-pole cylindrical

rotor generator
 Under normal operating conditions, the relative position of the rotor
axis and the resultant magnetic field axis is fixed. The angle between
the two is known as the power angle or torque angle.
 During any disturbance, the rotor decelerates or accelerates with
respect to the synchronously rotating air gap mmf, creating relative
motion. The equation describing the relative motion is known as the
swing equation, which is a non-linear second order differential
equation that describes the swing of the rotor of synchronous
 If the disturbance doesn’t involve any net change in power, the rotor
returns to its original position. If the disturbance is created by a
change in generation, load or in network condition, the rotor comes to
a new power angle relative to the synchronously revolving speed.
 This method can be used for the quick prediction of stability. This
method is based on the graphical interpretation of the energy stored in
the rotating mass as an aid to determine if the machine maintains its
stability after a disturbance.
 This method is only applicable to a one machine system connected to
an infinite bus or a two machine system.
 Consider a synchronous machine connected to an infinite bus. The
swing equation with damping neglected as given by:
The result is that the rotor swings to point b and the angle delta
max at which

This is known as EQUAL AREA CRITERION. The rotor angle

would then oscillate back and forth between delta 0 and delta
max at its natural frequency. The damping present in the
machine will cause these oscillations to subside and the new
steady state operation would be established at point b.

The transient stability analysis requires the solution of a system of coupled non-
linear differential equations. In general, no analytical solution of these equations
exists. However, techniques are available to obtain approximate solution of such
differential equations by numerical methods and one must therefore resort to
numerical computation techniques commonly known as digital simulation. Some
of the commonly used numerical techniques for the solution of the swing
equation are:

•Step by Step method

•Euler modified method
•Runge-Kutta method
Step-by-Step Method I

It consists of two process. These are to be carried out alternately.

1. Assume accelerating power Pa to be constant and compute the angular
position and if necessary, the angular velocity (speed) at the end of time interval
from the knowledge of the position and speeds at the beginning of the interval.
2. Then from the angular position and speed, the accelerating power of
machine is to be calculated. This Pa will be kept constant for the next time
interval and the procedure is to be repeated till the required final time is reached.
Q). Illustration: Consider a 60Hz machine for which H=2.7 MJ/MVA and it is initially
operating in steady state with input and output of 1p.u and an angular displacement of 45
electrical degree with respect to an infinite bus bar. Upon occurrence of a fault, assume that the
input remains constant and the output is given by Pe= δ/90 °. Calculate and plot swing curve by
step by step method I. Using the time interval Δt=0.05 s. up to t=1s.
 Power System Analysis - Hadi Saadat
 power system analysis by nagrath and kothari

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