Foot and Ankle Injuries Kylee Phillips - 0
Foot and Ankle Injuries Kylee Phillips - 0
Foot and Ankle Injuries Kylee Phillips - 0
Normal Ankle Range of
Eversion Inversion
20° 30°
Bones of Lateral Ankle
Posterior Talofibular
talofibular Ligament
Anterior Drawer
• Tests integrity of anterior talofibular ligament
Talar Tilt Test
• Tests integrity of anterior talofibular ligament and
calcaneofibular ligament
Ottawa Rules: When to Image
• Ottawa Ankle Rules: 98% sensitivity
for fracture, decrease radiographs
• Validated in ED and PCP Office
• Do not apply rules if:
o Age < 18 yo
o Pregnancy
o Multiple painful
o Compromised
Case 1
• 35 year old woman sustained
an ankle inversion injury while
playing soccer. Able to bear
weight after the injury and
currently. Pain is localized to
the lateral ankle.
o No bony tenderness
o Significant swelling of lateral ankle
o Good end point on anterior drawer and
talar tilt test
o TTP over ATFL
o Neurovascularly intact
Ankle Sprain of ATFL
Staging initially established for different treatment plans, but
now regardless of staging all complete the same treatment plan-
-functional rehabilitation.
Management of Ankle Sprain
• Neuromuscular ankle training
o Increased strength
o Improved proprioception—balance exercises
Squeeze Test
• Compression of the mid tibia and fibula with
reproduction of pain in the ankle
o Indicates High Ankle Sprain—pain from
syndesmotic injury
Syndesmotic Injury
Physical Exam:
• Pain with External Rotation Test
o Separates tibia from fibula
• Tenderness between tibia and fibula
• Positive Squeeze test
• Limited dorsiflexion
• Pain with weight bearing and rising up on their toes
• X-Ray –Possible widening of the space between tibia
and fibula
Treatment of High Ankle
• Boot as needed—if severe pain
• Functional Rehab
o Strengthening, early ROM
o Similar to ankle sprain
• Takes twice as long to recover as compared
to ankle sprain
• Widening with fracture may require Ortho
referral for surgical repair
Do Not Miss…
• Maisonneuve Fracture:
o Proximal Fibula Fracture
that occurs with:
• Avulsion fracture of
medial malleolus
• Rupture of deltoid
o Palpate proximal fibula
on all ankle injuries
Case 3
• 65 year old woman who
sustained an inversion injury of
her ankle while stepping off a
curb yesterday. Localizes pain to
foot and lateral ankle. Unable to
bear weight at the time of the
injury, but can now.
o Significant swelling of lateral ankle
o TTP over the base of the 5th
o Neurovascularly Intact
5th Metatarsal Fracture
Strayer et al. Fractures of the proximal fifth metatarsal. Am Fam Physician. 1999 May 1;59(9):2516-2522.
5th Metatarsal Fractures
Avulsion Fracture:
-No fracture line present in the space between 4th
and 5th metatarsal= DIFFERENT from Jones fracture
-Weight bearing as tolerated
-Hard soled shoe
-Rarely, surgical repair
• If large, displaced intra-articular fragments
5 th Metatarsal Fractures
• Jones Fracture:
• The Don’t Miss Fracture
o See in sprinters, jumpers
o Watershed Region/Poor blood flow
= Poor healing, risk of nonunion
o Treatment:
• Referral to Orthopedics or Podiatry
• Splint in ER and make Non-weight bearing
• Non-weight bearing with cast for 4-6 weeks
followed by 4-6 weeks in walking boot
• ~ 75% heal with non-operative treatment
• If athlete, often orthopedic pinning required
• 30-50% will re-fracture
Jones Fracture X-Ray
Case 4
• 27 year old male lacrosse player presents
after an ankle injury. Occurred yesterday
when his foot was caught in a divot in the
field and he fell forward. Seen in an
Urgent Care yesterday with normal ankle
X-Ray. Discharged with walking boot and
o Significant swelling and ecchymosis of
the midfoot
o Neurovascularly intact
o Tenderness over tarsometatarsal joints
o Pain with weight-bearing and unable to
stand on tiptoes
K Burroughs, C Reimer , K Fields. Lisfranc injury of the foot. Am Fam Physician 1998;58:121
Lisfranc Injury
• Lisfranc Ligament:
Base of 2nd Medial
Metatarsal Cuneiform
Lisfranc Injury
• Fleck Sign: Avulsion off base of 2nd
metatarsal. Represents rupture of Lisfranc
Lisfranc Treatment
• Clinical Diagnosis:
Midfoot pain (Tarsometarsal pain) + Injury + Pain
with Weight Bearing = Lisfranc
• Treatment:
o Prompt Orthopedic referral and follow up
o Boot or splint and make non-weight bearing
o Treatment usually almost always surgical
Plantar Aponeurosis
• Leg length discrepancy
• Tightness of Achilles tendon and intrinsic
foot muscles
• Obesity (BMI > 30)
• Sedentary lifestyle
• Prolonged standing/walking at work
• Excessive running
• Poor arch support shoes
Heel Spur?
Calcaneal spurs
are a SIGN of
the problem,
not the source
of the pain!
Timestra, Jeffrey. Update on Acute Ankle Sprains. Am Fam Physician. 2012 Jun 15;85(12):1170-
Calcaneal Enthesophyte
Plantar Fascia
Plantar Fasciitis
- History and Physical
• Foot Strengthening
o Pick up pencils or marbles with toes
• Calf/Achilles stretching
• Icing
• Massage
• Arch supports
• Weight loss
• Avoidance of unsupportive shoes, barefoot walking
Case 6
• 37 year old male presents with slow onset of pain
in his posterior heel. He is an avid runner and is
currently training for a half marathon. Recently
transitioned from running shoes to minimalist
shoes because he wants to strengthen the
muscles in his feet.
o No swelling or ecchymosis
o TTP over Achilles tendon
o No bony TTP
o Pain increased with dorsiflexion
o Neurovascularly intact
Achilles Tendinopathy
• Overuse injury of the Achilles tendon
• Thickening and inflammation of the
peritendinous tissue
• Risk Factors:
o Increased activity (distance, speed, terrain)
o Reduced recovery time
o Change in footwear
• Not as much type of footwear
o Flat feet
o Calf tightness
Achilles Tendinopathy
• Ice
• Stretching
• Orthotics M Childress, A Beutler. Management of Chronic Tendon Injuries. Am Fam
Physician. 2013 Apr 1;87(7):486-490.
o Heel lift
• Achilles Exercises
o Initially with an extended knee
o Quick rise, slow drop
o Repeat with flexed knee
• Physical Therapy
Posterior Heel Pain
• Achilles Rupture:
o Sudden pain in heel
o Primarily men 30-40 years old—weekend athletics
o Cause is forceful dorsiflexion
o Positive Thompson test
• Diagnosis: Ultrasound
• Treatment: Orthopedic Referral.
Make NWB and splint. Debate
between Plantarflexion Casting or
Thompson Thompson
Negative Positive
Case 7
• 18 year old male presents with left great toe pain
that occurred while playing football this morning.
Was pushing off on turf when toe jammed and
developed sudden pain. Pain increases with
o Neurovascularly intact
o Swelling at 1st toe MTP
o TTP at plantar aspect of 1st toe MTP
o Weakness of great toe compared
to contralateral great toe
o Increased pain with hyperextension
of the 1st MTP
Turf Toe
• Sprain of the first metatarsophalangeal joint
o Caused by forced hyperflexion of the MTP
o See in football linemen
• Diagnosis: Clinical
• Imaging: XR usually normal—use to rule out fracture
• Treatment: Rest, Ice, NSAIDs, taping, stiff shoe/orthotic,
Foot and Ankle follow-up
Case 8
• 40 year old female with month of burning
pain of foot. Pain radiates into toes at times.
Feels like there is a “rock in my shoe,” but
there isn’t one. Pain is worse with running
and narrow shoes.
o Plantar TTP between 3rd and 4th metatarsal head
o Neurovascularly intact
Morton’s Neuroma
• Impingement/Compressive Neuropathy of Interdigital
Nerves as they divide at metatarsal head
• Chronic Irritation (compression, tension) of nerves as
they transverse metatarsal ligament
• More common in women (9:1)
• Pain radiating into toes
• Parasthesias in 40%
• Plantar TTP at metatarsal joint
• Most common between
between 3rd and 4th metatarsal head
Morton’s Neuroma
• Positive Mulder’s Sign: Squeezing the
forefoot from lateral to medial while
palpating web space and feel click
• Knee Immobilizer?
Knee Immobilizer
• Indications For Use:
o Instability of Knee
• Multiple ligaments
• If this diagnosis is made, should be consulting Ortho
o Fracture
o Patella Dislocation
o Extensor Mechanism Injuries= Ortho Consult
• Patellar Tendon
• Quadriceps Tendon
o Bucket Handle Meniscus Tears
• Unable to fully extend
o Extreme Pain
• Consider if you are missing something
• Should arrange follow-up prior to discharge
o +/- ACL Tear
• BRIEF rest period—then early ROM and pre-op PT
Knee Immobilizer
• NOT Indications For Use:
o Osteoarthritis with Effusion
o Unsure of knee injury
• Should be pretty confident why it is being
o “Internal Derangement of Knee”
o Knee Sprain
• LCL or MCL
Knee Immobilizer
• Reasonable to provide Knee Immobilizer for acute
knee rest and to decrease inflammation after injury
Peroneus brevis:
● Lateral fibula base of the 5th metatarsal
● Eversion
Peroneal Tendon Injury
• TTP of peroneal tendons as they pass posterior to the lateral
• Pain with resisted eversion
• Pain with passive inversion
• Tendon snapping with resisted eversion and dorsiflexion
• Ultrasound
• Ice, rest, and NSAIDS
• Walking boot for 2-4 weeks to allow for rest
• Tendon dislocation/subluxation may require Ortho operative
Case 6
• 40 year old female with month of burning
pain of foot. Pain radiates into toes at times.
Feels like there is a “rock in my shoe,” but
there isn’t one. Pain is worse with running
and narrow shoes.
o Plantar TTP between 3rd and 4th metatarsal head
o Neurovascularly intact
Morton’s Neuroma
• Impingement/Compressive Neuropathy of Interdigital
Nerves as they divide at metatarsal head
• Chronic Irritation (compression, tension) of nerves as
they transverse metatarsal ligament
• More common in women (9:1)
• Pain radiating into toes
• Parasthesias in 40%
• Plantar TTP at metatarsal joint
• Most common between
between 3rd and 4th metatarsal head
Morton’s Neuroma
• Positive Mulder’s Sign: Squeezing the
forefoot from lateral to medial while
palpating web space and feel click
• Start with Radiographs—Lateral and Heel X-ray
• If X-Rays are normal and clinical suspicion remains
high, consider CT or MRI
N Dobson, E Dobson, P Shromoff. Imaging Imaging Strategies for Diagnosing Calcaneal and Cuboid Stress Fractures. Clinics in Podiatric
Medicine and Surgery, 2008-04-01, Volume 25 (2), 183-201.
Management of Calcaneal
Stress Fracture
• Reduction in activity to pain free activity
o If pain with walking, may need to be non-weight-
bearing until pain free with walking
o Slow progression back into activity, again reducing
impact if pain returns
o Addition of heel cushions or orthotics if needed
o Assessment of calcium and vitamin D status
Calcaneal Bursa
Retrocalcaneal bursa
T Tu, J Bytomski. Diagnosis of Heel Pain. Am Fam
Case 11
• 35 year old woman sustained an inversion injury of
her ankle while playing basketball. Came down on
another players foot after jumping for a rebound
o Diagnosed with ankle sprain
o Persistent pain in the anterior ankle after 6 weeks
o Intermittent ankle swelling
o Feels ankle catching and locking
Talar Osteochondral
• Ankle sprains with associated compressive forces
(landing from a jump)
• Often with inversion injury, but many after no trauma
• Most commonly in the superomedial dome
• Symptoms/Exam:
o Swelling, pain, catching and locking
o TTP over Talus and not over ligament
• Imaging:
o X-Ray: May see on Mortis View
o CT
• Treatment:
o Non-Op: Short Leg Cast and NWB x 6 weeks
o Operative: Arthroscopy D Judd, D Kim. Foot Fractures Frequently Misdiagnosed as Ankle Sprains.
Am Fam Physician. 2002 Sep 1;66(5):785-795.
Talar Osteochondral
Defect Management
Grade I cartilage injury Conservative
cartilage injury
Grade II (Joint motion w/out
with underlying
loading –bike)
Detached, but
Grade Potentially
not displaced
III Surgical
Grade Displaced
IV fragment
• 17yo ballet dancer presenting with
increasing pain in her forefoot with dancing.
No pain with walking. Pain improved some
with a week of rest, but returned when she
started dancing again.
o Focal tenderness over the 2nd metatarsal
Metatarsal Stress
• Risk Factors
o High arches
o Repetitive impact activity (running, marching,
Tenderness over
normal appearing
physis = apophysitis
Plantar Fascia Injection
• Painful procedure
• High Complications
• Problem returns if cause not addressed
• Plantar fascia rupture
• Fat pad atrophy A Tallia, D Cardone. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Injection of the
Ankle and Foot. Am Fam Physician. 2003 Oct 1;68(7):1356-1363.
• Skin hypopigmentation