2010 PAARL Standards For Academic Libraries
2010 PAARL Standards For Academic Libraries
2010 PAARL Standards For Academic Libraries
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2. The annual budget should be between 5 to 10 % of the developed by the library in consultation with the
total operating budget of the institution. The operating faculty, and approved by the administration.
budget of the library must be appropriate to the mission 5.1.5. The library shall provide for a periodic review of its
of the library within the university or college, and existing collection, for purposes of maintaining the
sufficient to sustain all operations, including maintenance quality of the collection and its continued relevance
of automated systems. If it is impossible to meet all to the needs of the library’s users, and of determining
expectations or fund specific new programs this should collection strengths and weaknesses.
be made clear, and a means for setting priorities
established. 2. Collection Management
3. The library fee shall be set at a realistic level. It should 1. Collection management not only involves the
be adequate to maintain an appropriate rate of collection selection and acquisition process, but also the
development in fields pertinent to the curriculum. To organization and use of all materials in all formats
sustain the library’s growth and development, the library to the level required to support academic programs
fee shall be reviewed periodically and updated whenever in research, teaching, and public service.
necessary. All library fees collected shall be used 2. Collection management also includes leasing, renting,
exclusively for the library’s collection development. deselection, providing access to other collections,
4. In addition, adequate funds shall be allocated by the planned resource-sharing and cooperative storage,
institution for maintenance, replacement, repairs, and electronic access to databases.
renovation and for investment in new and improved means 3. Collection management recognizes the importance
of information access and delivery. of access to resources rather on ownership.
5. Where institutional funds are inadequate, other ways of 4. The collection management programs of the library
augmenting the library’s financial resources shall be should be developed jointly by the library and the
explored. These include endowments and donations, college/university, indicating the depth and breadth
and participation in exchange programs and consortia or of the collections, as set out in an appropriate
cooperative projects. taxonomy to determine collection levels.
6. Any revenue generated by the library from fees and The following levels are generally recommended:
charges such as fines, payment for lost or damaged 0 Out of scope
materials, computer search and printout, and from the 1Minimal information
sale of duplicate or unneeded items, shall be retained by 2Basic information
the library, preferably in a separate fund account to be 3Study or instructional support
exclusively managed by the college/university librarian, 4 Research
for the support of its collections and services. 5 Comprehensive
7. The library should utilize its financial resources efficiently
and effectively. It shall maintain internal accounts to The policies setting out this program should be in
monitor its income and expenses. written form, and regularly reviewed.
8. The library director/head should have authority to 5.1.5 Adequate funding should be provided to ensure the
apportion funds and initiate expenditures within the library successful implementation of the library’s collection
budget and in accordance with institutional policy. management programs.
9. The library budget should reflectthe library’sresponsibility
for acquiring, processing, servicing, and providing access 3. Holdings
to media and computer resources. 1. The collection shall consist of quality, up-to-date
10. The budget should support appropriate levels of staffing and relevant resources that support the library’s
and adequate staff compensation. mission to meet the curricular, instructional,
research, and recreational needs of its clientele.
5. Collections 2. Resources may be in a variety of formats, including
print or hard copy, online electronic text or images,
1. Selection and Acquisition and other media. The availability of CD-ROMs,
1. Collection development is the joint responsibility e-resources and online databases is encouraged to
of the faculty and the librarian. The emphasis is on provide alternative options to meet the library users’
quality rather than quantity. requirements, depending on the number of full-
2. There shall be a year-round and carefully planned text titles/volumes contained therein. Particular
program of selecting and procuring library consideration shall be given to the availability
materials. of Internet services to supplement the library’s
3. The faculty shall actively participate in the selection collection of information resources.
of print and non-print materials especially in their 3. An initial core collection of 5,000 well-selected
area of discipline, and in developing procedures books for college libraries, and 10,000 titles for
to facilitate and effectively carry out the selection university libraries, usually selected with the aid of
and acquisition activities. standard lists and other selection tools, is deemed
4. The library shall define in writing the policies for necessary to meet the educational needs of students
collection development that will guide the selection and faculty.
and acquisition of materials. Such policies shall be 4. In addition to this core collection, a minimum
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of five (5) professional titles per student shall users of the library. In addition to the catalog,
be provided. Recognition should be given to there should also be subordinate files, such as
changes in curricular offerings, and new academic subject authority files, shelflists, serial holdings
programs. Equally, recognition should be given to lists, indexes, and the like, for bibliographic
library contributions to consortial or other resource- control and intellectual access to all library
sharing programs. materials.
5. In addition to the core book collection, a core 3. The library shall provide its own cataloging manual
periodical collection of current and relevant titles of policies and procedures.
(local and foreign) shall also be provided. 4. The library shall have a program for the care
6. The holdings shall also include an extensive and reservation of its own collection. It should
Filipiniana collection to meet the ever increasing have adequate safeguards against damage, loss,
demand of users for this type of materials. A mutilation, and theft, if it is to serve its primary
comprehensive acquisition of current Filipiniana goal of making its collection available to its
titles relevant to the school’s curriculum is users. To reduce loss and damage, the library
strongly recommended. It is recommended that should exercise appropriate control over use and
this Filipiniana collection be separated from borrowing.
the general collection for purposes of identity, 5. The library should have a counter-disaster plan
preservation, and functionality of use. to cover minor and major disasters to include
7. As far as budget permits, the recommended ratio of both damage prevention and damage recovery.
volumes to combined total student population and
teaching faculty should be 10:1. The recommended
annual growth rate of the collection shall be 6. Services
maintained at five percent, and in accordance with
program offerings and enrollment. 5. The services provided by the library shall be clearly
8. Even if the institution meets the above minimum related to the purposes of the institution. Generally,
requirements, it should spend the budget allocated the library should provide a variety of services that
for library materials to further develop and update support and expand the instructional, research and
its resources. extension service capabilities of the institution.
9. Collection currency and vitality should be 6. The library’s services shall be designed to promote
maintained through judicious weeding. A regular and facilitate efficient and effective use of its
deselection program shall be undertaken to keep materials in all formats by all of the library’s
the collection relevant and up-to-date, particularly clientele.
in the fields of science and technology. A three (3) 7. Services offered by the library shall include
to five (5) percent replacement of older materials reference and information services, which are
each year is recommended. available at adequately identified and designated
points during established service hours.
10. Resources may be provided onsite or from remote 8. User instruction shall be provided as specialized
storage locations, on the main campus and/or at and in-depth assistance to all levels of users from
off-campus locations. freshmen to faculty on the use of the library’s
11. The provision of textbooks is not the responsibility resources. The library staff should seek to assist
of the library but a maximum of five (5) copies users in finding needed material and developing
of frequently used titles shall be provided. In the appropriate search strategies through a variety
matter of reserve books, a provision of at least of services, such as course-related or course-
one copy for every twenty-five (25) students is integrated instruction, hands-on active learning,
deemed sufficient. orientations, formal courses, tutorials, pathfinders,
12. The library should have a continuing and effective and web-based instruction.”
program to evaluate its collections, resources, 9. As an academic unit within the institution, the
library should encourage lifelong learning, by
and online databases, both quantitatively and applying new techniques and technologies with
qualitatively. the traditional methods of information retrieval,
evaluation and documentation. Librarians should
5.4 Organization and Care of Materials collaborate frequently with classroom faculty;
1. Collections shall be organized to insure efficient participate in curriculum planning, as well as in
identification and retrieval, and to provide information literacy instruction
maximum intellectual and physical accessibility to
the library and its resources The books shall be 6.10 The library should ensure optimal access to its
catalogued and classified according to an accepted own collections and to needed resources available
standard of bibliographic description, and a system elsewhere by developing, maintaining, and making
of classification, like the Dewey Decimal System available for use access tools such as catalogs,
or that of the Library of Congress. Periodicals shall indexes, and other information resources.
be indexed. 6.11 The rules and regulations for the use of the library
2. The catalog shall be in a format (card or electronic) and its collections should be readily accessible to
that permits concurrent or simultaneous use by users. Terms of loan and access to the library’s
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Staff Box
Ana Maria B. Fresnido
Associate Editors Circulation Managers President : Christopher C. Paras
Christopher C. Paras Sonia M. Gementiza V. President : Roderick B. Ramos
Marita G. Valerio Erlinda B. Gonzalez Secretary : Sonia M. Gementiza
Roderick B. Ramos Treasurer : Aisa M. Dela Torre
Graphic Artist Contributors Auditor Veronica M. Jose
Sammy Bumagat Christine M. Abrigo PRO : Ana Maria B. Fresnido
Christopher C. Paras Directors : Victoria P. Baleva
Roderick B. Ramos Erlinda B. Gonzalez
Vistoria P. Baleva Sr. Ma. Gloria B. Pasamba, SPC
Elvira B. Lapuz